Distance between Ogre town and Riga: by motorway 37 km, by railway 35,7 km
Ogre town and 9 rural areas - Krape, Ķeipene, Laubere, Madliena, Mazozoli, Meņģele, Ogresgals, Suntaži and Taurupe
Area 993,4 km2, including Ogre town – 13,58 km2
Inhabitants Number of inhabitants – 38 107 (biggest municipality of such type in Latvia): 26 180 of them in Ogre town (10th biggest town in Latvia) Breakdown by age: 0-6 years – 6%, 7-18 years – 13%, of working age – 62%, over working age – 19%
Breakdown by gender: 54% women, 46% men National composition: Latvians 74% (other nationalities – Russians, Byelorussians, Ukrainians, Poles) Unemployment rate – 5.1% Many inhabitants are studying or working in Riga
Structure of municipality 9 administrations in parishes 3 Committee Council 26 commissions Vice chairmen Chairman Vice chairmen Executive director Administration 4 agencies 21 institutions 9 administrations in parishes
2012th budget (revenue) – 38 673 590 EUR
Taxes revenue
Historical development first signs of inhabitation – first millennium B.C., 1861: opening of the railway line Riga-Daugavpils Ogre development in a resort 1928: its recognition as a town (number of inhabitants – 1100)
since 1948: administrative centre of Ogre District 1965: start of works for building the Textile factory (one of the biggest textile factories in Europe) rapid increase of population and changes in national composition forced process of Ogre transformation into an industrially developed town with standard-type multi-apartment houses
December 2002: amalgamation of two municipalities – Ogre Town and Ogresgals Civil Parish, thus creating a new municipality – Ogre County/Ogre Municipality July 2009: joining of 8 other rural areas to Ogre Municipality – Krape, Ķeipene, Laubere, Madliena, Mazozoli, Meņģele, Ogresgals, Suntaži and Taurupe
Nature situated in the middle part of Latvia, on the banks of two big rivers – Daugava and Ogre basically – flat or waving area, supplemented by hilly relief and several higher ranges of hills several lakes (Lobes, Pečoru, Plaužu u.c.) since long Ogre and its surroundings have been famous for dry, aromatic and healthy air of pine forests as well as for picturesque landscapes
also nowadays Ogre is one of the greenest towns in Latvia – nearly half of its territory is covered by forests, woods and parks
Thank you for your attention! Contact information of Ogre Municipality Brivibas iela 33, Ogre, Ogres novads, LV-5001 Phone: +371 650 71160 Fax: +371 650 71161 E-mail: ogredome@ogresnovads.lv Thank you for your attention!