Electrical & Control
Decay Solenoid Power Supply The DC contactor has been replaced with a semi-conductor switch. The power supply is fully commissioned and the issues with instabilities have been resolved. Power Supply stability (drift) at 870A is better than 100ppm System is less efficient due to the extra 3V dropped across switch.
Decay Solenoid Power Supply Only 4 hours of data taken and a long test is scheduled later this month.
FC – AMI 430 Controller The AMI 430 Controller was unreliable during the commissioning of the Focus Coils. On numerous occasions the ‘magnet Quench’ interlock would be activated and the power supply ramped to zero at maximum di/dt rate (≈45mA/s). However the AMI Controller has proven reliable under stable test conditions. Operating continuously for 750 hours at DL. These false trips are now believed to be due to mains disturbances with R9. Once installed in RR2 they will be supported by the UPS. A mains disruptor has been purchased to test the susceptibility of the controller.
Power Quality MICE Hall Sub 25 Current Transducers Set to trigger at variations of ±5% of nominal voltage (240V). Commissioned in Nov 14 – NO disturbances recorded. (Test prove It is working!!!!) ISIS Power Quality system has recorded 28 mains disturbances in the last year. Resulting in loss of beam 14 times Note that the susceptibility of the MICE equipment is unknown. RR1, TOF, EMR, Tracker, Compressors, magnet PSUs, RF system, etc. are not supported by the UPS. Current Transducers
Rack Room 2 – UPS Inverter and Batteries Same batteries will be used for both UPS. Autonomy approx. 30 mins Inverter 2 UPS for Critical Load Batteries The First UPS was installed and operational in Sept 2014. A second 30kva UPS (inverter) has been purchased to support the SS racks It will be installed during Feb 15.
MICE Hall – Protective / Safety - Earthing All Electrical installation must be certificated to confirm compliance with BS7671. All the MICE main and sub-distribution electrical systems have been tested and certificates issued. All AC feeds are designed to ensure low earth fault loop impedance. Additional earth cables have been installed when required to enhance the existing cable or protective covering. MICE AC Electrical Distribution Drawing Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 Precautions shall be taken, either by earthing or by other suitable means, to prevent danger arising when any conductor (other than a circuit conductor) which may reasonably foreseeably become charged as a result of either the use of a system, or a fault in a system, becomes so charged; and, for the purposes of ensuring compliance with this regulation, a conductor shall be regarded as earthed when it is connected to the general mass of earth by conductors of sufficient strength and current-carrying capability to discharge electrical energy to earth
MICE Hall – Functional Earthing / Grounding 50mm x 6mm Busbar North, South & West walls 25mm x 3mm Busbar NE corner 25mm x 3mm Busbar in main trench Electrical Functional / Safety Earthing has been enhanced in the MICE Hall with the installation of a 50mm x 6mm copper busbar. Additional busbar earthing needs to be added under metal floor to enable improved equipotential bonding. Bonding to support structures, cable management and steel plates has been implemented but needs to be extended. Earth bonding between the MICE Hall and RR2 needs to be enhanced with copper busbar connected between the 2 areas and ensuring cable management is appropriately bonded..
RR2 Layout – rack allocation Auxiliary rack (Tracker & Diffuser) FC & SS Control & Instrumentation racks QD System racks FC & SS Power Supply racks
FC & SS Instrumentation & Control Racks FC Instrumentation rack installed Oct 14. SS Instrumentation rack installed Jan 15. Cooling Channel Controls rack installed Jan 15.
FC & SS Instrumentation & Control Racks Controls cabling needs to be installed from RR2 to magnets - approx. 40 multicore cables including connectors. It is planned to install these cables during March 2015. Rack inter-connecting controls cables are currently being installed and terminated. All racks have been fully electrically tested at DL. AC supplies have been installed. All rack equipment for Step IV has been delivered and is available for installation. A full commissioning schedule is being written to ensure system acceptance and sign-off. Racks installed in RR2
FC & SS Power Converter Racks FC Power Supply rack installed Oct 14. SS Power Supply racks be installed Jan 15. All racks have been fully electrically tested at DL. This includes thermal loading of all systems and cooling modifications. Xantrex PSUs to be changed to Lambda PSUs
FC & SS Power Converter Racks All AC supplies installed and terminated. All DC magnet cables installed and terminated in racks / DC link boxes. Rack inter-connecting controls cables are currently being installed and terminated. Water cooling pipes have been installed for absorbers (Final connections still required). Racks installed in RR2
Cable management for DC cables and link boxes for SS & FC DC Link Boxes Drawing indicates the position of the DC link Boxes and DC cable management.
DC magnet and Control Cables for SS & FC 5 DC link boxes have been installed in MICE Hall. 16 x 240mm2 and 8 x 70mm2 cables have been installed from RR2 to link boxes. Termination of cables into DC link boxes complete. Termination of cables in RR2 racks progressing. Final dressing of cable and cable management installation will take approx. 3 weeks after South PRY installed. SS – DC link box Installed DC Link Box - Design
DC Link Boxes & Magnet Cables for SS SS Magnet termination block SS – DC link box DC magnet cables and Cable management for FC & SS
Auxiliary (Diffuser and Tracker) Control Rack The Tracker control rack has been installed in RR2 to allow ease of access and short link to the main control rack. (Canbus) 2 Control crates have been manufactured for housing in RR2 rack and containing the Canbus modules. 1 is finished, tested and in position in RR2. The other needs a small Modification. For Nov Tests Tracker 1 - temporary control rack was extended to cover Cryostat 2. Tracker 2 rack was also installed in the Mice Hall to cover Cryostat 3 & 4. Control cables were temporarily installed under the raised floor and will require final cable management and re-wiring to RRM2. All drawings are complete and ready for final installation. Earthing / grounding issues will be addressed.
Compressor and Vacuum Rack Vacuum / compressor rack will be installed in March 2015. Rack is fully assembled and electrically checked. Vacuum equipment has been delivered to DL for system commissioning. Cables from rack to equipment will be re-used in MICE Hall. Vacuum Pumps Vacuum Rack Vacuum Equipment
Quench Detection System Racks 2 QD systems installed in rack for FC 1 & 2 Spare rack – used to house earth/ground fault protection and 230/110V transformer 2 QD systems installed in rack for SS up & down stream A 19 inch rack has been assembled and shipped to US for populating with SS equipment
Quench Detection System Racks FC QD System Basic rack details known for FC but assembly not started. The QD system and Data logger are assembled and tested. Minor modification required to converter these systems into operational unit. Units need to be integrated into control system and synchronise with SS data logger. Rack and equipment will be installed in March 2015. SS QD System The spare rack has now been allocated for ground fault protection and a 230V/110V transformer. A rack housing AC distribution, roof fan and runners has been delivered to FermiLab FermiLab to supply earth leakage / ground fault protection for FC & SS. SS QD system rack delivered from FermiLab in April 2015 and will include voltage tap multi-core cable and connectors.
Oxygen Depletion System Additional O2 sensors will be installed at agreed locations. A second controller will be installed to interface with additional sensors. All equipment has been purchased and delivered. System upgrade planned for March 2015. Electrical drawings need to be finalised during Feb 2015. Position of new and existing O2 sensors
RF Systems (1) RF System in Plant Room 1 TH116 Amplifier installed in MICE Hall at RAL 20 kV Power Supply & Aux. Rack Progress on the RF system has been delayed due to Step IV priority Resources will be made available after April 2015. Current priority is to complete second TH116 Amplifier assembly and achieve 2MW. The current system is manually operated and a control system needs to be designed and implemented.
RF Systems (2) The Th116 Thyratron Crowbar was the main cause of system failures and prolonged commissioning. The Crowbars for both the TH116 and 4616 Amplifiers are to be replaced. 2 Thyristor stacks have been delivered and tested at DL for the TH116. 2 Thyristor stack has been delivered for the 4616. Modifications are required to the existing TH116 & 4616 power supply racks to allow integration. Old Crowbar Switch (Thyratron) New Crowbar Switch (Thyristor stack) Testing new crowbar Switch