Science 9 Decay Problems #3 56 point total Each answer 1 pt. each except for symbols which are 3 pt. each.
1. What is the mass number of Astatine-218?
2. What is the atomic number of Astatine-218? 85
3. What is the correct symbol for Astatine-218? 85
Astatine-218 undergoes alpha decay.
4. What is the mass number of the new isotope? 214
5. What is the atomic number of the new isotope? 83
6. What is the correct symbol for the new isotope? Bi 214 83
7. What is the name of the new isotope? Bismuth-214
8. What is the mass number of Lead-210?
9. What is the atomic number of Lead-210? 82
10. What is the correct symbol for Lead-210? Pb 210 82
Lead-210 undergoes beta decay.
11. What is the mass number of the new isotope? 210
12. What is the atomic number of the new isotope? 83
13. What is the correct symbol for the new isotope? Bi 210 83
14. What is the name of the new isotope? Bismuth-210
15. What is the mass number of Seaborgium-263?
16. What is the atomic number of Seaborgium-263? 106
17. What is the correct symbol for Seaborgium-263? Sg 263 106
Seaborgium-263 undergoes alpha decay.
18. What is the mass number of the new isotope? 259
19. What is the atomic number of the new isotope? 104
20. What is the correct symbol for the new isotope? Rf 259 104
21. What is the name of the new isotope? Rutherfordium-259
22. What is the mass number of Bismuth-210?
23. What is the atomic number of Bismuth-210? 83
24. What is the correct symbol for Bismuth-210? 83
Bismuth-210 undergoes beta decay.
25. What is the mass number of the new isotope? 210
26. What is the atomic number of the new isotope? 84
27. What is the correct symbol for the new isotope? Po 210 84
28. What is the name of the new isotope? Polonium-210
29. What is the mass number of Protactinium-231?
30. What is the atomic number of Protactinium-231? 91
31. What is the correct symbol for Protactinium-231? Pa 231 91
Protactinium-231 undergoes alpha decay.
32. What is the mass number of the new isotope? 227
33. What is the atomic number of the new isotope? 89
34. What is the correct symbol for the new isotope? Ac 227 89
35. What is the name of the new isotope? Actinium-227
36. What is the mass number of Actinium-227?
37. What is the atomic number of Actinium-227? 89
38. What is the correct symbol for Actinium-227? 89
Actinium-227 undergoes beta decay.
39. What is the mass number of the new isotope? 227
40. What is the atomic number of the new isotope? 90
41. What is the correct symbol for the new isotope? 227 90
42. What is the name of the new isotope? Thorium-227
43. What is the mass number of Samarium-149?
44. What is the atomic number of Samarium-149? 62
45. What is the correct symbol for Samarium-149? Sm 149 62
Samarium-149 undergoes alpha decay.
46. What is the mass number of the new isotope? 145
47. What is the atomic number of the new isotope? 60
48. What is the correct symbol for the new isotope? Nd 145 60
49. What is the name of the new isotope? Neodymium-145
50. What is the mass number of Polonium-210?
51. What is the atomic number of Polonium-210? 84
52. What is the correct symbol for Polonium-210? 84
Polonium-210 undergoes beta decay.
53. What is the mass number of the new isotope? 210
54. What is the atomic number of the new isotope? 85
55. What is the correct symbol for the new isotope? 210 85
56. What is the name of the new isotope? Astatine-210