France, UK, Ireland Regional Initiative SONI Commercial Manager


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Presentation transcript:

France, UK, Ireland Regional Initiative SONI Commercial Manager Stakeholders Meeting 3rd December 2008 Nick Fullerton SONI Commercial Manager

Areas of presentation:- SONI Interconnector Roles Interconnector Administrator Responsibilities Access to the Moyle Interconnector

SONI Interconnector Roles SONI wear quite a number of ‘hats’ in relation to the Moyle Interconnector:- System Operator & Operational Agent – managing all aspects of the Moyle Interconnector operation including capacity auctioning, scheduling, agreeing the ATC, real-time operation and System Operator Trading Externally Interconnected System Operator (EISO) in the GB BETTA market Interconnector Administrator (IA) and Interconnector Error Administrator (IEA) in the GB BETTA Market IA in the SEM Meter Data Provider (MDP) in SEM

Interconnector Administrator Responsibilities In both SEM & BETTA the IA is responsible for the management of the ‘error account’ (the difference between the total of the calculated interconnector energy and the actual metered) Auctioning capacity on behalf of Moyle Calculation of the ‘Modified Interconnector Unit Nominations’ in SEM. (Taking into account ramping/deadbands etc) Calculating and sending the active capacity holdings to SEM. Submission of the ‘Physical Notifications’ (PNs) in BETTA. Informing the System Operators of the interconnector schedule Sending and agreeing System Operator trade volumes. Settling the finances!

IA RESPONSIBILITIES – Basic data flows Operational Systems Schedule Interconnector (modified) Unit Nominations ATC SO Trades Trading volumes PN’s Schedule MITS (‘Trading’ System) BETTA SEM Nominations ‘P/Q pairs’ Access to up-to-date positions Live notification of ATC changes Nominations to BETTA (may be through another party) GB settlement Interconnector users

Access to the Moyle Interconnector SEM Interconnector Forum Access to the Moyle Interconnector In the GB BETTA Market Interconnector Users must:- Have acceded to the UK Balancing & Settlement Code (BSC) Signed the Connection & Use of System code (CUSC) if required. Registered for interconnector ‘BM Units’ In the SEM Market Interconnector Users must:- Be a Party to the Trading & settlement Code (TSC) and be bound by Agreed Procedure 2 Have Registered an Interconnector Unit

Access to the Moyle Interconnector SEM Interconnector Forum Access to the Moyle Interconnector To have access to the Moyle Interconnector Users must additionally: Have signed a Moyle Interconnector Framework Agreement with Moyle Interconnector Limited Be bound by the Moyle Interconnector Procedures (BETTA side procedures required by the IA) Have signed a Moyle Interconnector Framework Deed with SONI Have completed registration for access to the Moyle Interconnector Trading System (MITS) Have signed a TUoS Agreement if required and have the necessary security requirements in place.

Access to the Moyle Interconnector Operation Agency Agreement Collection Agency Agreement SEM Trading & Settlement Code (TSC) Agreed Procedures BETTA Balancing & Settlement Code (BSC) Connection & Use of System Code (CUSC) Moyle Interconnector Capacity Framework Agreement Moyle Interconnector Framework Deed Moyle Interconnector Procedures Interconnector Users