NFPA Technology Roadmap Reliability Working Group Conference Call Thu, May 18, 2017 - 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM CDT Dial: +1 (571) 317-3112 Access Code: 743-188-525 1
Working Group Participants ACCEPTED Brian Rhode Afton Chemical Matt Loeffler FORCE America/Valve Division Karen Mackey Main Manufacturing Products Bob Mosey Moseys Production Machinists Michael Crosby Parker Hannifin John Tysver Woodward HRT TENTATIVE Mike Freisleben CNH Larry Wesley Muncie Power Products POSSIBLE Mike Gust CCEFP Terry Christopher Donaldson Company QingHui Yuan Eaton Rick Hill Gates Corporation Ryo Yamada Idemitsu Kosan Tom Vander Muelen Kawasaki Good Times Foundation DECLINED Charbel Nasr Famic Technologies 2
NFPA Anti-Trust Guidelines Because of federal anti-trust laws, certain topics are not proper subjects for discussion at any NFPA function. In many cases, our members are competitors and any action or agreement which may eliminate, restrict or govern competition among members or their colleagues could be a violation of anti-trust laws. Those violating the anti-trust laws are subject to severe criminal and civil penalties. This means that we must not discuss any items falling within the realm of competitive practices, such as current or future prices, terms of service, discounts, production or productivity rates, allocation of markets, profit levels, credit terms, or refusal to deal with a particular supplier or customer. Please adhere strictly to these guidelines during all NFPA functions to protect yourself, your company and the NFPA from liability.
Agenda 0:05 Welcome, call to order Roll call Anti-trust guidelines Agenda review 0:10 Review Roadmap Elements 0:20 Review and discuss Research Challenge definition and connection to Customer Drivers 0:35 Discuss Research Challenge advances in the last two years 0:50 Review, discuss, revise and prioritize Research Targets and Objectives 1:20 Next steps 1:30 Adjourn 4
Roadmap Elements Customer Drivers Research Challenges The NFPA Technology Roadmap has three primary elements, each connected to the next in a chain. Customer Drivers Research Challenges Targets & Objectives Customer drivers are the business or technology objectives of fluid power customers. They help them serve the needs of their own customers, and are not necessarily connected to their use of fluid power. Research challenges are the broad areas of attention that must be addressed if fluid power is to meet or better meet the customer needs described by the drivers. Research targets and objectives quantify or describe successful strategies for pursuing the research challenges. As pre-competitive challenges, it is often difficult to be precise, but our targets and outcomes should provide direction for viable research projects. Increase energy efficiency Targets & Objectives? Increased productivity and performance Improve reliability Targets & Objectives? Increased availability/up-time Reduce size Targets & Objectives? Lower total and life cycle costs Build “smart” components and systems Targets & Objectives? Reduce environmental impact Targets & Objectives? Increased ease/predictability of maintenance Improve energy storage capabilities Targets & Objectives? Quieter machines Fast and accurate control Targets & Objectives? Machines that are compliant with safety regulations New materials Targets & Objectives? 5
Research Challenge Research Challenges are the broad areas of attention that must be addressed if fluid power is to meet or better meet the customer needs described by the Customer Drivers. This Working Group will focus on the second Research Challenge. Increasing the energy efficiency of fluid power components and systems Improving the reliability of fluid power components and systems (e.g., increasing up-time, reducing maintenance requirements, making fluid power safe and easy to use) Reducing the size of fluid power components and systems while maintaining or increasing their power output Building “smart” fluid power components and systems (i.e., ones that perform self-diagnostics and troubleshooting and that integrate easily with “plug and play” functionality) Reducing the environmental impact of fluid power components and systems (e.g., lowering noise, eliminating leaks) Improving and applying the energy storage capabilities of fluid power components and systems Fast and accurate control New materials Questions for Discussion Is the definition of this Research Challenge clear and distinct from the other seven? If not, what changes would we recommend to the wording of the Research Challenge? 6
Connection to Customer Drivers Would improvements in this area of research challenge increase fluid power’s ability to meet the customer drivers? 1 = YES; 2 = MAYBE; 3 = NO CUSTOMER DRIVERS Improve Reliability Increased productivity and performance 1.000 Increased availability/up-time Lower total and life cycle costs Increased ease/predictability of maintenance Quieter machines 3.000 Machines that are compliant with safety regulations 1.250 These weighted averages reflect the relative fluid power product sales volumes in each market segment (50% mobile hydraulics, 25% industrial hydraulics, and 25% pneumatics). Increased productivity and performance Improve reliability Increased availability/up-time Lower total and life cycle costs Increased ease/predictability of maintenance Quieter machines Connections shown represent weighted averages < 2.000 Machines that are compliant with safety regulations Questions for Discussion Have we correctly identified the strongest connections between improvements in the areas of research challenge and fluid power’s ability to meet the needs represented by the customer drivers? If not, what changes would we recommend? 7
Research Challenge Advances Improving the reliability of fluid power components and systems (e.g., increasing up-time, reducing maintenance requirements, making fluid power safe and easy to use) Research Targets and Objectives Advances Since the Last Roadmap Update Increase up-time Nano-texturing for friction reduction of hoses and bearing surfaces studied. Piston bore shaping (tapering, barreling, etc.) studied at Purdue to improve both efficiency and startup capability. Tribologist at Zhejiang University in China is studying the life improvement potential of additively manufactured surfaces from a friction and wear standpoint. Reduce maintenance requirements Several OEM commercial solutions (remote monitoring, asset tracking, performance & productivity optimization, etc.) beginning to emerge on the marketplace. Prof Vacca research involving truck-mounted cranes at Purdue is leveraging embedded sensors to address many of these reliability issues. Make safer and easier to use Numerous HMI research studies of an excavator simulator undertaken at Georgia Tech. Intelligent systems that leverage the use of embedded sensors are common place within the CCEFP academic community, including co-bots at Vanderbilt and UMN, passive control at UMN and powertrain optimization controls without operator involvement at Purdue and UMN. Increase the intermittent to rated duty cycle ratio Improved material properties research and coating research needs identified in the recently released Manufacturing Roadmap would help this ratio. Identify mean-time-before-failure MTBF studies for aerospace and military fluid power systems has been commonplace for many decades. It would be beneficial to study how this know-how could be transferred over to other markets such as off-highway vehicles. 8
Research Targets and Objectives Research targets and objectives quantify or describe successful strategies for pursuing the research challenges. As pre-competitive challenges, it is often difficult to be precise, but our targets and outcomes should provide direction for viable research projects. Improving the reliability of fluid power components and systems (e.g., increasing up-time, reducing maintenance requirements, making fluid power safe and easy to use) Increase up-time Reduce maintenance requirements Make safer and easier to use Increase the intermittent to rated duty cycle ratio Identify mean-time-before-failure Questions for Discussion Do the targets and objectives all represent fruitful areas of research investigation for this area? If not, what changes would we recommend? Are the targets and objectives stated as specifically as possible, while still maintaining a focus on pre-competitive inquiry? If not, what changes would we recommend? Are the targets and objectives listed in a priority order that reflects their likelihood of success? If not, what changes would we recommend? 9
Next Steps Working Group conference calls are being held throughout May and June 2017. At their conclusion, a draft of the full Roadmap document will be produced and circulated for additional feedback. A final draft will be presented at the August 2017 NFPA Industry and Economic Outlook Conference. 10