Classroom Rules and Student Responsibilities 2017-18 Ms. Pusateri English 10 Keystone English AP Literature
New Grading Scale 93 to 100 A 90 to 92 A- 87 to 89 B+ 83 to 86 B 77 to 79 C+ 73 to 76 C 70 to 72 C- 67 to 69 D+ 63 to 66 D 60 to 62 D- <60 F
Grading Method Grades in this class are weighted as follows: Summative = 55% of final grade Unit Exams and Quizzes Formal Writing assignments Large Projects Formative = 25% of final grade Do Nows, Tickets Out, KWLs, etc. Daily Grade = 15% of final grade Participation/Preparedness Homework = 15% of final grade
Daily Grade How it works: You start each day with 2 points, 1 for participation and 1 for preparedness They are yours to lose Tracked in the “Daily Grade Log” Grade is posted weekly Most weeks, it will be worth 10 points Weighted at 15% of your final grade
Daily Grade (cont.) Participation: 1 point deduction All students are expected to contribute to the classroom conversation What should I do if I’m absent? Simply complete any class work you missed while you out (homework, notes, tests, etc.) within the allotted amount of days (1 day out = 1 day to make up work) If you are unsure of what assignment is due or how to do it or when it’s due, you must see me
Daily Grade (cont.) Preparedness: 1 point deduction; All are strictly enforced: Pencil/Pen Textbook/s 3-Ring binder, including any handouts Completed homework Late Gum (none) Cell phone (none, unless I direct you to have them out) Place in your assigned pocket Repeated violations = discipline Consequence
Homework Do your homework!!! It is critical to your overall success. ALL homework is to be completed by the due date ALL parts of the assignment must be completed. ***There. Will. Be. NO. Partial. Credit. Awarded.*** Amount of HW will increase as the Year Progresses Weighted at 15% of your final grade What to do if I’m absent? If you were here when the assignment was made, it is due immediately upon your return If you were absent when the assignment was made, see me to set up a due date
Absences The agenda is posted on my website every day It is easily accessible on your phone It is YOUR responsibility to check the slide to make sure you are aware of the day’s activities, homework assignments, due dates, etc. Do NOT ask me what you missed once class starts See me during HR (or any other time I’m available during the day) to arrange time to make up any assignments or to hand in any assignments that were due while you were out
Absences (cont.) If you know you’re going to be absent ahead of time (doctor appointments, driving tests, etc.), it is in your best interest to let me know so that you can get the work and be ready when you return Field trips, sporting events, vacations, etc. are school sanctioned. If you are going to participate, then you must get your work ahead of time; it is part of the “deal” of having the privilege of taking part in these great opportunities
Extra Credit Take advantage of it! It may be the difference between the grade you want and the grade you don’t want Will be assigned to the ENTIRE class at random times. It will NOT be assigned to an INDIVIDUAL student who wants or needs it
Disclaimer There are always times when any rule must be flexible to accommodate extenuating circumstances Remember, though, to discuss these circumstances with me privately and respectfully. This PowerPoint is posted on my website. If you or your parents/guardians are unsure of anything in this PowerPoint, feel free to see me in person, call me at (724) 947-8100 ext. 128, or email me at I am looking forward to a successful and rewarding school year with you!!