Session I: Global core lists and survey forms 3rd Regional Coordinating Agencies meeting October 28-30, 2015 Washington, DC
Outline 1. Updated Household Consumption Global Core List 2. Special Survey Forms Housing (volume and rental) Private Education Government Compensation Machinery and Equipment Construction and Civil Engineering 3. Way forward
1. Updated Household Consumption Global Core List
HHC GCL update: Recap (1) “New“ reference PPP BHs 1105131 Repair of furniture, furnishings and floor coverings 1105331 Repair of household appliances 1109211 Major durables for outdoor and indoor recreation 1112621 Other financial services n.e.c. 1112711 Other services n.e.c. BHs which regional feedback was especially requested Updated items in BHs 1103111 Clothing materials, other articles of clothing and clothing accessories 1103211 Shoes and other footwear 1108311 Telephone and telefax services 1107111 Motor cars 1107121 Motor cycles 1107131 Bicycles 1111211 Accommodation services
HHC GCL update: Provided Materials TWO versions of the updated GCL BH by BH list with ICP 2011 SPDs, updated SPDs, comments and notes “Clean” GCL with only the updated SPDs Added a list of all SPDs and items in one sheet:
HHC GCL update: Summary Statistics Number of products on GCL Heading 2011 GCL 2015 GCL Food and non-alcoholic beverages 189 185 Alcohol beverages, tobacco and narcotics 16 15 Clothing and footwear 53 54 Housing, water, electricity, gas, and other fuels 19 18 Furnishing, household equipment and routine maintenance of the house* 75 66 Health 64 79 Transport 65 59 Communication 13 17 Recreation and culture 69 Education* - Restaurants and hotels 28 22 Miscellaneous goods and services 30 31 HOUSEHOLD CONSUMPTION TOTAL* 621 605 *Excluding special survey items
HHC GCL updates (1) Quantities and Units: Added clarification What quantities and units to PRICE Which quantities and units to NORMALIZE In order to avoid confusion and errors in reporting Note: Some reference quantities and units are different from ICP 2011
HHC GCL updates (2) Fast Evolving Technology Items: Pending to be finalized 1108211 Telephone and telefax equipment 1109111 Audio-visual, photographic and information processing equipment Regional input required BHs with updated items: 1104411 Water supply 1104531 Other fuels 1103121 Garments 1103211 Shoes and other footwear 1106131 Therapeutical appliances and equipment 1108311 Telephone and telefax services
2. Special Survey Forms
Special Survey Forms: Update Key Concepts in Survey Form Update Retaining the methodology and basics from the 2011 forms Harmonizing functionalities and design for easier usage Simplifying the tasks and reporting to reduce the burden
Special Survey Forms: General (1) All forms have the same basic structure Entries allowed only to “data entry cells” Printable
Special Survey Forms: General (2)
Special Survey Forms: General (3)
Special Survey Forms: General (4) DATA ENTRY
Special Survey Forms: General (5) SPD DATA ENTRY
Special Survey Forms: General (6) All items listed Linked to country data Linked to SPD form
Housing Volume: Recap Simplified questionnaire based on the 2nd RCA discussions Volume data asked by type and location All data requested in units, not in 000s or percentages
Housing Rentals: Recap Reduced number of items 4 single family house items 3 attached/row house items 2 studio apartment items 2 one bedroom apartment items 2 two bedroom apartment items In total 13 global rental items (reduced from 64 in ICP 2011) All dwellings to be priced should include Electricity line; inside water (cold and hot); private toilet with water; private kitchen All reported rents should exclude Furniture; materials and services for maintenance; energy supply (such as water, electricity, gas and other fuels); subsidies from government or employers
Housing Rentals (2) For all items data to be reported: Annual rent Dwelling size in m2 Annual rent per m2
Private Education: Recap Finalization of Item List 7 items (No change from 2011) Tertiary Education: Specified as Economics Degree Primary to Upper Secondary: Level of education defined with ISCED level (and have ranges for entrance age to allow different schooling systems)
Private Education (2) Simplification of requirements “General Education Indicators” (Number of schools and students) are not requirement. The form can be provided separately if any regions want to use it for validation purposes
Government Compensation: Recap Finalization of Item List 33 occupations (4 occupations removed) Occupation name for “Secretary” items were refined to avoid confusion: Office administrative assistant (not medical) Medical office administrative assistant No experience level
Government Compensation (2) Simplification of Requirements “Aggregate indicators” (Pay & Employment Structure) and “Computed indicators” are not requirement (the form can be provided separately if any regions want to use it for validation purposes) Number of hours/days/weeks worked were taken out All the fields to be out? If not, which fields should be kept? Work hours/days/weeks Example Number of regular (official) work hours per week 36 hours Number of actual hours worked per week 24 hours Number of days of annual leave per year 5 days Number of work-days per week 20 days / year Number of public holidays per year 100 days / year
Machinery and Equipment: Recap Current list consist of 150 Machinery and Equipment items “Deleted items” are removed “Proposed to be deleted” items kept for the time being Item sheets highlighted in orange Each item presented in separate sheets
Machinery and Equipment (1) Observed brand and model Observed technical details Observed price and other details (note: no calculation of total unit price) Comments and date
Construction and Civil Engineering: Recap In principal no changes to the ICP 2011 data requirements 33 + 5 material items (purely material + equipment inputs) 5 + 5 equipment hire items (with and without operator) 7 labor items “Relevance” information Resource mixes, contractors’ mark-ups and profession fees However, no information required for construction projects Units and quantities All prices to be reported for the requested quantities and units (not for alternative units)
Construction and Civil Engineering (1) SPDs and data entry for material items is divided into 6 sheets (“equipment type” material items have individual sheets) Brand and model information requested
Construction and Civil Engineering (2) Indicative (“example”) details provided for equipment hire items All items exclude operating fuel Brand and model information requested
Construction and Civil Engineering (3) ISCO code, name, and definitions added for labor items Price/rate for one hour
3. Way Forward
Household Consumption Global Core List Providing inputs on FETPs Finalization of GCL list Reporting regional inclusion of GCL items Timing of actual surveys
Special Survey Forms Providing inputs on gross fixed capital formation Finalization of Special Survey Forms Timing of actual surveys
Comments or Questions?