How to research options for Ontario – Lunch Session for AP Purple Sheets - survey How to research options for Ontario – - get admission info and AP info (ie. Queen’s Psych, UofT Ch.Eng) How to research options outside of Ontario (other province and USA) ***research online i.e. Dalhousie – 5 gr. 12 courses used ie. Ohio State College: 4 units of English 3 (4) units of math 3 units of natural science with significant lab experience 2 (3) units of social science 2 (3) units of the same foreign language 1 unit of a visual or performing art 1 additional unit of the above courses Students exceeding the minimum curriculum in math, natural sciences, or foreign language will be given additional consideration. High school performance (class rank, GPA) ACT/SAT scores with writing (see more information about test scores below) Accelerated curriculum (Honors, AP, IB) Ability and desire to contribute to a diverse campus community Leadership, co-curricular and work experiences USA Terms: SAT vs. ACT, College vs. University,
Understand difference between U and M (no difference in Ontario) Understand difference between ‘required’ and ‘recommended’ Early Acceptance (gr 11 marks) Understand there are differences between Universities and how they treat AP exams Transfer credit vs. advanced placement Number depends on the University *** has all of this information*** How averages for admission are determined – gr. 11s (only used for conditional early offers) vs. gr. 12 marks (this is what SECURES a final offer) - averages (used for admissions) vs exams (used for advanced placement at University OR transfer credit) Summerschool and nightschool and repeated courses –not AP *** 99.5% of programs do not care how taken (Waterloo – math and engineering; McMaster and Ryerson – post gr. 12 ss) Personal Response forms - commitment to a program such as AP could be beneficial