Library of Congress Update to the Authority Control Interest Group 2017 ALA Annual Conference Janis L. Young Policy and Standards Division Library of Congress
BIBFRAME Pilot Resumed in June 2017 Input of bibliographic data BIBFRAME 2.0 vocabulary Non-Latin description in native scripts Completion of name authority work RDA and MODS vocabulary BIBFRAME Pilot
BIBFRAME Pilot Available on GitHub BIBFRAME 2.0 All LC-developed BIBFRAME tools BIBFRAME Pilot
LC PCC/PSs RDA Toolkit releases February 2017 April 2017 30 revised statements April 2017 68 new, revised, or deleted statements LC PCC/PSs
Summaries of each release are available at http://www. loc Summaries of each release are available at /lcps_access.html LC PCC/PSs
Bulgarian Jurisdictions 1946-1987 Bulgaria was arranged into 28 okrugs 1987 Okrugs were reorganized into 9 large oblasts 1999 Large oblasts were split into 28 smaller oblasts Complicating factor Some oblasts have had linear name changes Bulgarian Jurisdictions
Bulgarian Jurisdictions Name authorities have been corrected Earlier/later relationships Subject usage information All names may be used as descriptive access points Bulgarian Jurisdictions
Subject Headings for Atlases Former policy Atlases Assigned to world atlases only Atlases, [nationality] Assigned to world atlases published in the country indicated in the heading Subject Headings for Atlases
Subject Headings for Atlases Policy as of May 2017 Atlases Assigned to all atlases regardless of geographic coverage Subdivided geographically to bring out country of publication Atlases, [nationality] Cancelled in favor of headings in the form Atlases—[place] Subject Headings for Atlases
Subject Headings for Atlases Geographic or topical coverage of atlases Assigned headings of the type [place]—Maps and [topic]—[place]—Maps Example: A road atlas of Germany, published in Austria Roads—Germany—Maps. Atlases—Austria. Subject Headings for Atlases
LC Subject Heading Illegal aliens FY 2017 Omnibus Bill: “… the Library of Congress is directed to make publicly available its process for changing or adding subject headings. It is expected that [the process be] clearly defined, transparent, and allows input from stakeholders including those in the congressional community …” LC Subject Heading Illegal aliens
LC Subject Heading Illegal aliens LC envisions a webpage Will describe Procedures for preparing and submitting a proposal The review process The methods by which decisions are published Will link to relevant sections of the SHM and to other LC webpages Available later this summer LC Subject Heading Illegal aliens
LC Subject Heading Illegal aliens LC is still conferring with interested parties on the disposition of the subject heading The decision will be announced through the normal process LC Subject Heading Illegal aliens
New SHM Instruction Sheet H 204, Evaluating Subject Proposals Describes PSD’s subject proposal workflow Outlines the issues that policy specialists consider as they review proposals Available at cations/FreeSHM/H0204.pdf New SHM Instruction Sheet
LCSH Online Training Available on the Cataloger’s Learning Workshop Instructors Janis L. Young, senior cataloging policy specialist, PSD Daniel N. Joudrey, associate professor, Simmons SLIS LCSH Online Training
LCSH Online Training Currently available To come Unit 1. Foundations (5 modules) Unit 2. Structure of LCSH (8 modules) Unit 3. Subject Headings Manual (3 modules) Unit 4. Main headings: the details (12 modules) Unit 5. Assigning simple headings to resources (4 modules) Unit 6. Subdivisions (18 modules) To come Unit 7. MARC format Unit 8. Putting it all together LCSH Online Training
Art Genre/Form Project Undertaken in cooperation with the ARLIS/NA Cataloging Advisory Committee Collaborating on the final list of terms that will be formally proposed for inclusion in LCGFT Art Genre/Form Project
Medium of Performance Thesaurus Manual Initial draft instruction sheets were published in June 2017 Rules and guidelines for format of headings, references, and scope notes Technical details on making proposals Additional draft instruction sheets will be published as they are completed /FreeLCMPT/freelcmpt.html Medium of Performance Thesaurus Manual
Now accepting proposals for new and revised medium of performance terms Follow the guidelines in the draft Manual Use the normal SACO workflow SACO members are encouraged to submit proposals through the SACO Music Funnel LCMPT Proposals
LCDGT Pilot Phase 3 Extended through December 2017 Proposals that are needed for new cataloging only are being accepted by PSD Draft Demographic Group Terms Manual: /FreeLCDGT/freelcdgt.html LCDGT Pilot Phase 3