Red Pyramid
Who built the Red Pyramid? When? Pharoah Snefru in 2600 B.C.
What is the height of the Red Pyramid? 241 feet tall
How many burial chambers does the Red Pyramid have? How was it accessed? 1 burial chamber accessed by 2 chambers.
Of the pyramids built by Sneferu, the Red pyramid was which number? 3rd
Great Sphinx
Describe the head and body of a Sphinx Describe the head and body of a Sphinx? The head of a human and the body of a woman.
What is the location of the Great Sphinx What is the location of the Great Sphinx? Giza plateau, bordering the Sahara Desert, on the West of the Nilenear the city of Cario.
Which pharoah was the Great Sphinx built closest to Which pharoah was the Great Sphinx built closest to? Pharoah Khafre which is 300 feet west of it.
Describe the 3 types of Egyptian Sphinx Describe the 3 types of Egyptian Sphinx? Androsphinx- Body: Lion, Head: Man Criosphinx- Body: Lion, Head: Ram Hieracosphinx-Body: Lion, Head: Hawk
The great Sphinx is as tall as what sized building? 6 story building
What is the Great Sphinx carved out of? Limestone
What direction does the Great Sphinx face. Why What direction does the Great Sphinx face? Why? The East because its where the sun rises
For centuries how much of the Sphinx was buried in sand? To the Chin
Describe the length, width, and height of the Great Sphinx Describe the length, width, and height of the Great Sphinx? Length-260 feet Width-20 feet Height-65 feet
How long are the paws? How long and wide is the head? Paws- 50 feet Head- 30 feet long x 14 feet wide
What two things on the face are missing? The nose and beard
Describe two reason why the great sphinx cannot be dated Describe two reason why the great sphinx cannot be dated? It cant be dated by the radio carbon technique, and there aren’t any texts that refer to its existence.
Describe 4 reasons there is so much mystery surrounding the Great Sphinx. It has no nose, it has no beard left, its been buried for centuries and it cannot be dated so they don’t know when the Great Sphinx was made.
By: Timothy Osche