The French and Indian War Key Concept 3.1.I: A,B,C
Key Concept 3.1.I A A) Colonial rivalry intensified between Britain and France in the mid-18th century, as the growing population of the British colonies expanded into the interior of North America, threatening French-Indian trade networks and American Indian autonomy
Key Concept 3.1.I B B) Britain achieved a major expansion of its territorial holdings by defeating the French, but at tremendous expense, setting the stage for imperial efforts to raise revenues and consolidate control over the colonies.
Key Concept 3.1.I C C) After the British victory, imperial officials’ attempts to prevent colonists form moving westward generated colonial opposition, while native groups sought to both continue trading with Europeans and resist the encroachments of colonist on tribal lands.
Key Vocab Word! Autonomy- the right or condition of self government
What’s the Beef? Long standing rivalry with one another in Europe (religious and economic) America was a battleground for resources
Beef (cont.) Also, Native American relations are a factor in the conflict between France and England as Native Americans manipulate alliances between the two Both empires are overlapping each other and Native American lands
Competing European Claims In the middle of the 18th century, France and England had competing claims for land in North America. The French held trapping and trade routes in the Ohio Valley. The English colonies were encroaching on French territory as the population grew. They also competed over trade issues with the Native Americans in the disputed region.
Iroquois Confederacy The Iroquois were in conflict with other Native American groups (Delaware and Shawnee) who were allied with French traders in the Ohio River Valley The Iroquois sought alliance with the British
Fort Duquesne The French built forts from Lake Erie to the Ohio River, including Fort Duquesne in present-day Pittsburgh. British sent troops, led by 22-yr-old George Washington to protect interests of British expansionists Washington fired on French; Iroquois followed up, conflict grew more tense
Albany Congress Britain called for meeting with colonists and Iroquois at Albany in 1754 to prepare a unified front in war against the French Attended by representatives from New England, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and the Iroquois Confederacy
The Albany Congress (1754) Benjamin Franklin created the Albany Plan of Union: “one general government …be formed in America, including all the said colonies.” Initially adopted, but then rejected by colonial assemblies. The colonies were not ready for political union and it is unlikely that the British government would have supported the plan. "Join or Die" (1754) published by Franklin is considered the first political cartoon of the colonies.
Key Players— British and Americans: General Braddock George Washington Tanaghrisson (Iroquois) William Pitt General Wolfe
Great War for Empire First full scale World War in Europe (Seven Years’ War) and in America In America, Washington and the British army begin to win French territories and Indian lands. Quebec, Montreal, St. Lawrence River Caribbean Islands British win Cuba and Philippines from Spanish
Pontiac’s Rebellion Indians alarmed by French defeat Pontiac leads rebellion at Detroit 2000 settlers in Great Lakes and Ohio Valley killed or captured British ultimately recapture territory and quash rebellion, but it is very expensive
Proclamation of 1763 Law granting everything West of the Appalachian Mountains to Indian groups Prohibited (stopped) colonists from moving west Leads to the end of Salutary Neglect
Discussion Questions The French and Indian War delivered the eastern half of North America into British hands. How did that massive territorial acquisition affect ordinary colonists? What impact did it have on Native Americans’ strategies of coexisting with their European neighbors?