Stewardship Lesson October 29, 2017 Jay Wolf & Kenny Hoomes
Stewardship Lesson: Living LOVE by GIVING
Stewardship Lesson: Living LOVE by Giving I. Our Problem Matthew 6:19-24
Stewardship Lesson: Living LOVE by Giving “Then the Lord said to [Moses], ‘What is that in your hand?’” – Exodus 4:2
Stewardship Lesson: Living LOVE by Giving I. Our Problem Matthew 6:19-24 II. God’s Perspective Matthew 6:25-32
Stewardship Lesson: Living LOVE by Giving “Everything that comes to my hand, I’ll lose. Everything I place in God’s hand I’ll have forever. So don’t measure your life by its duration but by your donation.” – Corrie ten Boom
Stewardship Lesson: Living LOVE by Giving I. Our Problem Matthew 6:19-24 II. God’s Perspective Matthew 6:25-32 III. Our Priority Matthew 6:33
Stewardship Lesson: Living LOVE by Giving I. Our Problem Matthew 6:19-24 II. God’s Perspective Matthew 6:25-32 III. Our Priority Matthew 6:33 IV. God’s Provision John 3:16
Stewardship Lesson: Living LOVE by Giving Loving = Giving Giving = Stewardship Stewardship = Discipleship
Stewardship Lesson: Living LOVE by Giving “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish by have eternal life.” – John 3:16
Stewardship Lesson October 29, 2017 Jay Wolf & Kenny Hoomes