Our oceans are full of beautiful creatures like Cuvier`s beaked whale!
This is Krill. It’s a small kind of shrimp and it`s eaten by many predators. Little plastics affect them more than others, because of their tiny body size.
Also very popular for predators is the jellyfish, but many fish mix it`s appearance up with plastic bags.
These are Bisphenol A pellets (BPA) These are Bisphenol A pellets (BPA). Here lies the real danger of plastic, BPA is poisoning organisms by blocking enyzmes receptors and miscommunicating signals to the brain. In some cases, e.g. fish were undergoing sex changes because their body produced the wrong stimulating hormones
This is Charles Moore. He discovered the Garbage Patch in the North Pacific Gyre and is a key figure in spreading awareness for the current situation of plastics in our oceans.
The North Pacific Gyre is a current weak zone in the Pacific. Due to weak winds being the main force in the gyre, the waste groups up in the center and moves very slowly in a circle.
Frequently, some parts of this big pile of waste are washed ashore on near coasts like Hawaii.
But the Garbage Patch is not this huge stock piled island of waste, that many people make it out to be. It`s just spread across this gigantic area.
But just because the danger isn`t visible doesn`t mean it isn`t there But just because the danger isn`t visible doesn`t mean it isn`t there. The plastic melts down into it`s little components like the BPA pellets, and pollutes at a almost invisible size our oceans.
Often, the usage of plastics is unnecessary Often, the usage of plastics is unnecessary. For example, if you buy a sandwich it`ll be wrapped in a plastic bag, which you`ll throw away after approximately 5 minutes. This is one of the reasons why there`s so much plastic waste.