Recording with the Sony NSCGC-1 Steps: Plug the camera into electric outlet and mount on a tripod in your classroom. Press the record button … you will have 2 hours of recording time. Upload the video file to Blackboard, along with any documents you presented.
Uploading Videos to Blackboard Log on to Blackboard Go to “Control Panel” Go to “Course Documents” Choose “Add Item” Name your video and attach the video file (please note due to video file sizes being large this process may take up to one hour)
Podcasting Steps … Stand-alone lecture: (1) Record voice into the digital voice recorder (2) Upload the audio file onto Blackboard for student access For distance audio-based class sessions: (1) Connect tele-recorder adaptor into non-digital land-line at one end and to the digital voice recorder at the other end. (2) Obtain a phone conference line ( and circulate to your students in advance of the session (along with PowerPoints or other documents you plan on discussing) (3) At the time of the session call in to the phone conference line and press Record. Your students should also call in. (4) Upload the audio file from the digital voice recorder, onto Blackboard for student access, along with documents or PowerPoint files discussed during the call.