The Story of God Numbers
At the beginning of the book of Numbers God had created mankind to multiply and rule the earth under His dominion. They rebelled God has promised to restore the blessing lost in Eden. This will involve judgment of both the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman. Genesis 3.15 This promise was transmitted to Noah. 9.1; 7 It was passed on to Abraham, in an expanded form. Genesis 12; 15; 17.2
Moses became the representative of the multiplication of people, as the mediator of the Old Covenant In Exodus, the people have been delivered from Egypt, but are not yet prepared to enter the Promised Land. They must learn about God’s holiness and how it relates to them This is taught in Leviticus, which begins and ends with the people at Mount Sinai
Numbers Begins with a census of the generation that came out of Egypt, who are encamped at Sinai. Numbers 1-10 Explains their disobedience and disbelief. Numbers 11-25 Ends with a census of those who survived the wilderness wanderings. 26 Explains that the duties of this generation are the same as that of the “failed” generation. 27-36
Continues the emphasis that God desires to dwell among His people. The word “Tabernacle” is used over 100 times in Numbers It is in Numbers that we see the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night, that signaled the presence of God among His people
The failure of the first generation becomes emblematic of the entire body of Old Covenant people
Like Eve, they believed that God was withholding good from them Like Eve, they believed that God was withholding good from them. Numbers 11.1-6 Theirs was a failure of faith—failing to obey God on the basis of what they could see. Numbers 13 God once again threatened to eradicate them and start over. And once again, Moses intervened. Numbers 14.10-35 Like Adam, they rejected the Lordship of God. Numbers 16.1-13
The years of wilderness wandering are characterized by sin, death, and suffering. Numbers 20 records the death of Miriam and Aaron The years of wilderness wandering prove to be lacking in transforming ability—the people’s faith has not increased, nor their obedience become more heartfelt
The years of wandering have not altered God’s position one whit The people must still be holy, or suffer the consequence Yet He is still committed to them in faithfulness-see the story of Balaam. A people living in the desert, under periodic judgments, sometimes without food or water, are still people who enjoy the covenant blessing of God.