General Meeting 2/18/2015
Officer’s Report New Design Team OrgSync to be used more heavily in preparation for next year Crowdsourced Funding Project Surplus -> cash Attendance counts now Travel arrangements for Aero SAE being made
Aero SAE Reveal Tentatively scheduled for Friday, March 6th in the afternoon in Toomey Want to bring in beer and food to attract alumni, staff, and students Will have presentation and display Thoughts or ideas?
Member Affiliation Get me your membership number, shirt size, emergency contact info. ASAP. Or I’m gonna come after you like this lion.
Test Flight Tentative plan is still Feb 28th. Cuba airport. Noon.
Stuff that’s happening Prop’s upgrading engine equipment. Design due in a three weeks. Drop code/flying Bertha. Defer to Will Aero: Performance, stability and control, control surfaces part of the report done??
Construction Still waiting on shipments/waterjet Wheels, engine mounts, wing connection payload rails.
SpaceX Solid works will get done this weekend Look at purchasing parts next week Also working on figuring out stability in rocksim
News New form of funding to come!!! Rocket Launch in Elsberry Its on the dl Rocket Launch in Elsberry St. Louis Rocketry club Feb 28th I may be attending for fun
IREC New rules on the finding of rockets Going to change electronics maybe Has to do with radio trackers
Electronics Spoke with Pfeiffer vacuum and made the final design for the pressure vessel. Receiving quote from them sometime this week, will discuss with Dr Whitefield.
Electronics Meet with testing and integration? More fritzing! Arduino coding tutorials in fritzing.
Documentation/PR Meeting Saturday, 11AM. Will discuss Fundraising updates Edit Reports (make final drafts) Possibly finish HPER team webpage
OURE Hybrid Motor Research Those who were interested in developing a hybrid motor for competition next year, tonight we will be… Meeting in the SDELC to write the proposal for Dr. Riggins and OURE office I can give rides to 7(comfortably)~8(less comfortably)~10(really uncomfortably) to SDELC Assigning project roles and making GANT chart Deciding how to handle the money given to us by the OURE office Eating chocolate (I will provide) If you cannot attend, see me ASAP after the meeting to let me know you are interested in participating.
Aerodynamics and Propulsion
Last Week Spoon Me Presented research Possible OURE group Plan for the future
Weights are in! Update RockSim Finalize Parachutes Materials for Parachutes CFD (Possible) Work on Hybrid motor research
Manufacturing and Design Last Week: Fin Slots mostly cut Centering Rings all cut, fit nicely! Tubes ready to go This Week! Meet with Brandon’s group, figure out bulkhead layouts Bevel fins Put centering rings on Motor Mount Tubes Bulkhead for nosecone
Testing and Rocket Systems Last Week: Finally had a meeting! Discussed plans for this semester This Week: Met with electronics today Meeting Friday?