LO: To understand body image. To understand what affects our body image. Starter: On your post it note answer the following questions: How do you feel about your body? What are the best parts? Which bits would you change?
What is body image? Body image refers to a person's perception of the attractiveness of their own body. St
Copy the body into your books and label with “ideal” features.
Group task: In your tables you have 3 minutes to mind map what you think affects body image.
Why were these people chosen for these advertisements?
This lady is a professional model. What makes her “pretty” This lady is a professional model. What makes her “pretty”. Do you think this photo has been edited?
What is different about this image? Does it shock you?
Video: How does the media affect how we see our bodies? Hyperlink behind video
What have they changed in this image. Why have they done this What have they changed in this image? Why have they done this? What effect does it have?
In your books, write one positive thing about how you look. What things affect your body image? Are you too harsh on yourself? Are you comparing yourself to unrealistic celebrity photos? In your books, write one positive thing about how you look.