Handout7 http://ect.ac.ae/elearn The Writing Process: Stage Three Writing/Revising/Editing This handout covers CLOs5&6 5.Applyediting skills for written work. 6.Compose a well-organized paragraph. http://ect.ac.ae/elearn
Apply writing/Revising &editing skills. Objectives Upon successful completion of this chapter the learner should be able to: Apply writing/Revising &editing skills. Compose a well organized paragraph.
Stage One: Stage Two: Stage Three : The Writing Process: Stage Three Exploring / Experimenting/ Gathering Information To Stage One: Writing the controlling idea/ Organizing and developing Support To Stage Two: Writing / Revising/ Proofreading Stage Three :
The Writing Process: Stage Three In stage three of the writing process ,you go through the following processes: Writing: Write your first draft. Do not concern yourself with perfect spelling, grammar, or punctuation. 2. Revising : We usually revise for the following: Coherence: Are the ideas related, each one to the others and to the central idea? Language: here you revise the general style of your language, the tone and the word choice. Unity: Are the topic sentences well stated? Support: is there adequate support-such as examples, explanations reasons. 3. Editing: Are all problems of capitalization, punctuation , grammar and spelling corrected.
The Writing Process: Stage Three-Practice Revise the following student first draft then check for editing problems like capitalization, spelling, punctuation and grammar. 1- In school, I didn't always feeling accepted by my classmates because I was deef. when I was in first grade, for example, Timothy Julius, the boy who sat next to me, used to stick his fingers in his ears whenever he talks to me. The teacher spoke with him about it several times, but he would still teese me whenever the teacher wasn't looking. When Timothy was a sophomore in high school, he was arrests for breaking into a warehouse. Now he is studying to be a minister In addition, other kids in class would stare in my hearing aids. Worst of all, some of them would talk to me in simple words as if I were stupid
The Writing Process: Stage Three-Practice 2- last week I see an accident that shows me how importent it is to wear a helmet when riding a bike I had just walk out of the cleaners when a young man without a helmet passed in front of the store in his mountain bike I always have my dry cleaning done at this shop. It has the best prices, and a kid I went to grammar school with works there. The bicyclist looked back over his shoulder and didn't noticed that the car in front of him had stoped. It was a Saturn, My favorite kind of car. he slammed into the back of the car, flipped across the trunk, and landed on his back in the middle of the street. when I reached him, he was unconscious and bleading heavily from a gash on the back of his head. He was still unconscious when the ambulance finally arrived ten minutes later.
Writing the paragraph Use A paragraph is defined as a group of sentences each with The function of supporting the a controlling idea called the topic sentence. The support can take several forms.it can: Explain by giving examples.(explanatory) Compare and contrast. Show causes.(cause and effect writing) Tell a story.(narrative writing) Describe people things ,or events. (Descriptive writing) Main idea:------------- Support1:---------------------- Support2:--------------------- Support3:---------------------- Conclusion:--------------
Writing the paragraph- Practice Topic sentences and supporting details –practice . Read the following paragraph. Underline and label the topic sentence with “TS,” and underline the major details ,then underline the conclusion and finally draw a circle around transitional words. Being a food service manager is a job with many responsibilities. One of the responsibilities is to hire and train good employees. Food service managers must also schedule these employees for various shifts. In addition, they must make sure that groceries are ordered for the kitchen and the quality of the food is good. Food service managers supervise the employees to make sure the restaurant is kept clean and that guests are not kept waiting too long. Finally, food service managers must deal with a lot of paperwork to pay employees, bills, and taxes, and to keep track of expenses.to sum up, being a food service manager is not an easy job since there are lots of duties they have to perform at the same time.
Writing the paragraph- Practice Write a paragraph based on the following topic sentence: College education is important for several reasons. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
References Paragraphs and Essays with integrated Readings By Lee Brandon &Kelly Brandon Boston,USA