2017 INW Coaches Meeting Agenda


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Presentation transcript:

2017 INW Coaches Meeting Agenda Welcome and Introductions Schedule Practice Fields Make ups and reporting scores Team Binders/Coach Packets Codes of Conduct Bambino Buddy Ball BR Sportsmanship Award Rules Matrix Misc. Information – Dana Coach and Player Development Rockwood Health Systems 2/15/14 1 1

Schedule Schedule will be published by April 3rd. 10U Minors – Mon, Wed or Fri 12U Majors – Tue, Thurs or Sat Games start at 6:00 or 6:30 (if playing at field with lights in April) Double Header Weekend City Championships – June 9-14 Games start Friday June 9th Single elimination Two game guarantee – consolation game for teams that lose their first game. 2/15/14 2 2

Practice Fields Practice fields will be assigned the week before the season starts. For now 12U teams can use Clark Park A and B. In the valley field 3 at East Valley (4-plex) is also available. For 10U, Mountainside Middle school A and B are available, Chief Garry A,B,C are available as is East Valley #2 (4-plex). All are available on a first come basis. (Fields are not available until April 1st at the earliest. Please do not go on fields until then). Practice Fields –One field assigned for the season – 2 hour block Practice field may be cancelled if the field is needed for a game Email practicefields@siyb.Org with your top two days and area of town you would like to practice Practice Fields must be requested by March 30th. Once fields are assigned you can request more time/additional fields if available. Please review the rules for your practice location. Please take the time to clean up the dugout and seating area after each practice and game 2/15/14 3 3

Make up game how to and reporting game scores Make up game – any game that is unable to be started or completed It will be the responsibility of the coaches to agree to a makeup date and time. Then notify your commissioner who will work to find a field, schedule the field prep and schedule an umpire or umpires. Make sure you include the other coach on your e-mail and make it clear what team you are with and what game you’re attempting to reschedule. Friday and the weekend are the best dates for makeup games because of field availability. Reporting game scores: Home team to report scores within 24 hours. If the home team doesn’t post after 24 hours the visiting team can post. 1) Go to the SIYB website. Spokaneindiansyouthbaseball.org or siyb.org 2) Submit games scores is under the coaches tab. 3) Enter your email address. If you are having trouble logging in it is usually because you are not using the same email address that you used to register as a coach. Enter the Password (310751) 1) You will see your team name listed and all of your games. Click the team link and enter the score and check the box that the game has been completed. If you don't click the box it won't show up.  Please be sure to enter the correct score in the boxes - it will automatically update the standings. Please update timely so we can avoid emails from parents and coaches. 2/15/14 4 4

Coaches Binder/Packet Codes of Conduct Line Up Cards Laminated Rule Matrix Parent and Coaches Code of Conduct forms Pouch with Bob Robertson Sportsmanship Pins 2 dozen baseballs Sponsor offers Parent Code of Conduct Signed by every parent Coaches Code of Conduct Signed by every coach 2/15/14 5 5

Codes of Conduct – Parents Spokane Indians Youth Baseball has implemented a Parent Code of Conduct to send an important message about the proper role of parents in supporting their child in sports. Parents are required to read, understand, and sign this form and give it to their coach prior to the season starting. Coaches will need to carry the signed documents with them to every game (along with each player’s birth certificate) in a binder provided by Spokane Indians Youth Baseball. The SIYB Board will handle random spot checks throughout the 2014 season. 1. Parents shall control emotions while emphasizing ideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct and fair play. 2. Courtesy is to be shown to opponents, fans and umpires. No criticisms, direct abuse, yelling from the sidelines, profane language/gestures. Spectators should refrain from using any type of artificial noise makers as such items are considered disruptive and unsportsmanlike toward opponents and umpires. 3. We will not question an umpire’s call. Coaches are the only ones who can address this. 4. Parents will remain off the field and out of the dugouts unless invited by the coach. 5. Parents will help emphasize team spirit, unity effort and success. 6. Concerns, questions or ideas from any and all spectators to coaches should be handled away from the field. 7. Please assist the league’s reputation by leaving each dugout, ballpark, tournament site in better shape than when you arrived. Our organization’s goal is to ensure that our players, coaches, teams and parents have the best baseball experience possible. We believe that adherence to the above rules should ensure this goal. There may be times that disciplinary action will need to be taken: Any Spokane Indians Youth Baseball Board member, Commissioner or on-duty Umpire can remove a parent/attendee that acts in an inappropriate manner from the ballpark/facility. They will also be suspended from the following game. Repeat violations may lead to a more severe suspension. 2/15/14 6 6

Bambino Buddy Ball For players age 5-20 that have mental or physical challenges. Usually 80-100 players 6 players on a team. Opening day on Saturday May 13th Six week season runs from May 13th to June 18th After Opening day most games on Sunday from 1-5 at Shadle Buddy system – Buddies help players swing a bat, round the bases and catch the ball Players get a full major league uniform Games are usually 3 innings minimum with a maximum time limit of 1 hour. We are requesting all 11 and 12U teams to participate. Need 4 teams each week. Sign your team up tonight. All participating teams will be eligible to win a $100 pizza party. Before the Bambino Buddy-Ball Division, our special needs kids were often unable to enjoy the game of baseball. Now, through the assistance of a special buddy, they are able to enjoy the same thrills of batting, hitting and throwing just like the other kids. The Bambino Buddy-Ball Division opens up a whole new world to our challenged kids – not only do they experience the thrill of participating, they also get to experience team play and camaraderie. 2/15/14 7 7

Bob Robertson Sportsmanship Award To be awarded by the opposing team to the player that most exemplifies the following characteristics: Abides by the rules of the game Plays fair and hard Follows the directions of the coach Shows respect for the other team and their effort Offers encouragement to teammates and is a leader Shows respect for the umpires judgment calls Ends the game smoothly – shows class in victory and defeat 2/15/14 8 8

Bob Robertson Sportsmanship Award This award will be given out at home plate at the end of every game. The goal is to end every game in a positive fashion and to give a player an opportunity to be recognized for outstanding behavior. We recommend that your team appoint 1-2 parents to look for the 7 sportsmanship qualities above. At the end of the season ONE (coach will need to decide in the case of a tie) player from each team that receives the most pins will be invited to a special Pony Sportsmanship Recognition Night at a Spokane Indians game on TBD. Player will receive two tickets to the game, sportsmanship shirt, $10 in Indians bucks and be entered to win prizes! All players will be recognized on the field before the game and one player will throw out the first pitch. THIS IS NOT A PLAYER OF THE GAME or MVP AWARD. 2/15/14 9 9

2017 Rules Matrix 2/15/14 Inland Northwest (INW) 10 10 Division League Playing Rules GAME LENGTH 6 Innings 7 Innings GAME TIME No New After 2 Hrs PLAYERS ENTRANCE Top of 4th Top of 4th or 5th Defensive Innings Required n/a 3 Consecutive If Batting Entire Lineup 3-Free Def Substation INNINGS REQUIRED 3 - Field 10 Run Rule No Yes Yes after 4 1/2 or 5 5 RUN LIMIT per Inning Yes (Except 6th) PITCHING PITCHING DIST 46 50 60'6 Breaking Ball Not Encouraged BALKS Yes (All Season) yes WALKS / STRIKEOUTS Intentional Walks (no Pitches) Innings Pitched (Game/Week) 3/8 4/10 7/10 Hrs Rest from Game Start 40 Fake to Third BATTING / RUNNING BATTING ORDER Consecutive 9 or 10 or Entire BAT MAX DIAMETER 2 5/8 METAL CLEATS STEALING LEAD OFF BASE LENGTH 60 70 90' STEAL HOME ON PASSED BALL Dropped 3rd Strike Automatic Out MISC Catchers Head Gear One Piece Base Coach Must Wear Helmet No (Local Rule) Jewelry No Provision Chanting w/ Pitcher on Mound 2017 Rules Matrix 2/15/14 10 10

Misc Information IEBUA Assignor Watch your email and website regarding uniform and packet pickup (Most likely April 4th) Equipment includes – catcher's gear, five helmets (no bats) Two dozen game balls provided. Please return unused uniforms to the SIYB office. Leo's Photography is our photo partner, this is our largest fundraiser. Please encourage your parents and team to support Leo's on photo day. Volunteers needed – we need to continue to build our volunteer committee with parents and coaches with younger players in the league. To get involved please email info@siyb.org. IEBUA Assignor Bob Francis – 230-5045 or bfrancis@savravb.org 2/15/14

SIYB Partners with American Legion SIYB and Spokane American Legion have partnered up. Baseball for 4-19 year olds under one roof. SIYB the administrative arm to Spokane ALB 2/15/14

Misc Information SIYB Operating Structure: Board of Trustees – 7 person board (2 SYSA, 2 Spokane Indians, 2 former Pony, 1 at-large) Baseball Operating Committee Traditional Board Positions Volunteers needed for the BOC Five person rules committee – Five Members of the BOC - more nimble decision making. Group will review all appeals and vote on issues that arise during season. Head and Assistant coaches must register online Register in Bonzi – e-mail to admin@siyb.org or drop off your Photo ID. Background checks performed on every coach and volunteer 2/15/14 13 13

4th Annual INW Player Clinic Hosted by the Shadle Park Baseball Team and Coaching Staff. When: Saturday, April 15th from 11:00-12:30 Where: Al K. Jackson Baseball Field (Corner of Belt and Longfellow) Who: Shadle Park players and coaching staff What: 6 stations teaching basic fundamentals Extra: Free Hot Dog and Water for all players and coaches Team with the most players present win a $100 gift card to be used for a team party Players should wear their uniforms Coach drawing for a $50 gift card for those who attend the clinic and participate with their team. Head and assistant coaches welcome. 2/15/14 14 14