Tryouts Introduction Seminar Daniel Zahn, Education Director
Attorney Become familiar with the material Take your time Don’t be afraid to use the room Be confidant Tryout question Become familiar with your material a. Although this may seem obvious, the better you know your speech, the more comfortable you will be during the actual try out. Practice it beforehand in front of a mirror or in front of friends so when the time comes to give it in front of us, you won’t be nervous or uncomfortable. 2.) Take your time a. Don’t be afraid to take dramatic pauses while talking to drive home the important parts of your speech. Vary your tone and speed (i.e slow down when saying something you want the audience to pay attention to) and convince us that you truly believe in what you’re saying. 3.) Don’t be afraid to make use of the room a. In real court, attorneys often stand behind podiums. However, in mock trial, we are free to move about the room. Therefore, feel free to walk around during different points in your speech. 4.) Be confident! a. As we’ve said several times before, there is no substitute for selfconfidence. Believing in yourself can make all the different in how your speech comes across. And really, at the end of the day, we’re all just a bunch of college students in suits playing fake lawyers and witnesses. No one’s rights are on the line, no one’s mother is about to get thrown in state prison, and no one’s company is being sued. So, relax. There’s no reason to be nervous; you’ve got this.
Witness Be believable Don’t be afraid to get creative Make your character likable Make your character understandable Know the facts Be confidant Be believable a. Making your character believable is crucial to your credibility. A character who’s supposed to be a bellhop is not likely to have a Ph.D in aerospace engineering. That said, avoid frivolous stereotypes, caricatures, and otherwise ridiculous inventions of fact that make it hard to believe that your witness is an actual person. However, that being said.. 2.) Don’t be afraid to get creative a. Part of the reason people hate being summoned to serve on a real jury is because the witnesses are uninteresting. However, here in mock trial, you get creative license to make up details about your character that make him or her more interesting. Maybe your witness has a passion for collecting rocks, drawing, or rescuing stray cats. As we said before, you want to create a compelling character. 3.) Make your character likable a. Your likeability is important. The people judging you in mock trial are people and if they don’t like your character, they are less likely to consider seriously what you have to say. 4.) Make sure we can understand what you’re saying a. Your witness has some pretty important things to say and you want to make sure that the judges are paying attention. Therefore, don’t be afraid to slow down during important parts of your testimony. Make sure you’re clearly articulating your sentences. 5.) Know the facts of your witness a. It may seem like a no brainer, but make sure you know your witness’s facts. The more familiar you are with these, the better and more confident you’ll feel when you’re on the witness stand.
Both Arrive on time Fill out the survey Be confidant Be open to feedback Ask questions