This lesson is a capstone to the Internet unit This lesson is a capstone to the Internet unit. you will research and prepare a flash talk about an issue facing society: either Net Neutrality or Internet Censorship.
Developing an informed opinion about these issues hinges on an understanding of how the Internet functions as a system.
you will prepare and deliver a flash talk that should combine forming an opinion about the issue and an exhibition of your knowledge of the internet.
This is part of your test for unit 1, chapters 1 and 2.
This is good practice for certain elements of the AP Explore Performance Task.
The primary things practiced here are: doing a bit of research about impacts of computing (though here it’s specifically about the Internet), explaining some technical details related to ideas in computer science, and connecting these ideas to global and social impacts.
you will practice synthesizing information, and presenting your learning in a flash talk.
Note: This is NOT the official AP® Performance Task that will be submitted as part of the Advanced Placement exam; it is a practice activity intended to prepare you for some portions of your individual performance at a later time.
The act of doing "rapid research" is one that will come up over and over again in this course.
you want to build your confidence and skills in researching topics using a variety of sources.
In the case of this lesson we want you to read articles on the issues but scan for the terms and vocabulary you know like: IP, DNS, HTTP, routing, packets, scaling, redundancy, reliability.
you want to be able to explain with some level of technical proficiency how these things work as well as the potential beneficial and harmful effects.
Net Neutrality and Internet Censorship are related issues having to do with organizations attempting to control internet traffic for a variety of reasons.
There are lots of issues, but these two issues are the focus of this pt
At the beginning of this unit we looked at Vint Cerf’s RFC entitled “The Internet is for Everyone” in which he laid out some challenges to the prospect that the Internet would be a large scale, open resource for everyone.
However, on the scale of human history, the Internet is still relatively new and the Internet has introduced some new and potentially difficult issues for people and society that have never existed before.
We are still grappling with these issues and they often present moral and ethical dilemmas about what’s best to do.
a large number of people do not understand as much about the Internet and how it works as you do.
You have now learned quite a bit about how the Internet works as a large scale system, that involves layers of abstraction, protocols and algorithms.
You have learned about some of the most fundamental protocols and structures that contribute to the functioning of the Internet.
Several major issues facing society today require a knowledge of the Internet and how it works in order to have a well-informed opinion about what’s best or the right thing to do.
Over the next two days you will research one of these issues and prepare a (very) short presentation about it - a Flash Talk
Look at the handout: Flash Talk: The Internet and Society - Practice PT
This Practice PT has 3 main components to it: 1 This Practice PT has 3 main components to it: 1. Pick an issue and research it. 2. Prepare (write) a Flash Talk 3. turn in your paper and research.
choose a topic: - Net Neutrality - Internet Censorship start your research
You will need to continue your research at home You will need to continue your research at home. This flash talk will be due on Thursday, September 28 (exam day) remember: it’s a paper – 300 words
Here’s what I am looking for: describe is the relationship and connection between a societal issue, like Net Neutrality, with aspects of the technical underpinnings that gave rise to the issue in the first place.
Check your paper with the rubric Check your paper with the rubric. Turn in the paper with your rubric on top, and I will use it to check your paper.
Homework: research and reading Homework: research and reading. The readings may help you with your research!