Linking of appraisal of Regional Director/ Executive Officer/ Chapter In-charge with achievement of targets at Regional Office & Chapter Office
At present the appraisal of the employees at Regional Office and Chapter Office is done as given below:
Proposed Modification in the Appraisal system of employees at RO’s/ CO’s The appraisal of the employee at RO/CO will be done in 2 parts The First part of the appraisal will comprise of the existing system of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports. The weightage of this part will be: a) 50% in case of employees of RO’s/CO’s b) 80 % in case of Regional Director 2. The Second part of the appraisal will comprise of the rating against target/ achievement on the important activities of the RO/CO. The weightage of this part will be: b) 20 % in case of Regional Director
Training Programmes (MSOP/PDP/E DP) Proposed grading of the achievement of targets : More than 90% Outstanding More than 65% and less 90% Very Good More than 40% and less 65% Good More than 20% and less 40% Satisfactory Less than 20% Unsatisfactory A sample format for the monitoring of critical target at RO/CO is given below: Name of Employe e & Designati on Name of RO/ Chapter Student Registration Placement/ Registration of Companies/ HR Conclave Training Programmes (MSOP/PDP/E DP) OT classes Balance Sheet / AGM / Consolidation of Accounts/ Targ et Achievem ent
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