The professionalisation of the education workforce Stephen Morales Chief Executive, NASBM
Increased status and profile of the school business leader Pivotal leadership role in the DfE’s financial health and efficiency strategy Continued reference in policy reform documents Call for increased influence and status in the schools’ buying strategy DfE publication Critical to realising education reform ambitions, particularly in light of a diminishing role for local authorities and new emerging collaborative structures
Professionalisation – sequence of 7 steps (Wilensky, 1964) Role is recognised as a full-time occupation Associated training and development pathways Specific programmes of study created Professional groups established locally Professional association established nationally Professional standards established Institute created overseeing standards and ethics (Following a membership resolution and approval from Companies House, NASBM will transition from association to institute status during 2017)
Future – Institute status The journey so far Future – Institute status Responds directly to emerging landscape – taking ownership of our profession 1994 Creation of national organisation dedicated to representing the profession 2008 National Association of School Business Management created to reflect wider remit 2014 National College – devolved SBM competency framework & oversight of standards to sector 1997 National Bursars Association incorporated Early 1990s Local gatherings of pioneer SBMs
The audience for institute status Icons made by from
The audience for institute status Practitioners: traditional SBMs, SBDs, FDs, COOs, CFOs; indeed, anyone responsible for school business operations – providing them with professional status, recognition and validation The sector at large: governing bodies, trustees, directors, leaders of pedagogy, parents, pupils, DfE, the general public – providing them with confidence in our practice
Sector for the sector – taking back control of our profession Peer-led research Special interest groups Advisory board Collaborative research – MMU, OEE, 2020, global issues
What we have learnt from overseas colleagues and systems A trend towards decentralisation Some evolving, some mature systems – lessons from both Tension between autonomy and accountability How some have been successful in breaking through false glass ceilings – aspiration and ambition The relationship across the leadership triangle – pedagogy, business and governance International collaborative research
Emerging structures and leadership convergence White Paper superseded by recent Green Paper – less prescriptive in terms of academisation However, continued encouragement for schools to come together in collaborative structures Inevitability that leadership will see some rationalisation and there will be convergence at an executive level This means new roles, a new focus and a sector with professional development needs – pedagogy leaning into business operations and vice versa
What’s your flavour of leadership? Something for everybody Executive Generalist Specialist
Mature system career pathways School operations & admin Teacher Middle leader Head teacher School business professional Director of education CEO Other professions –legal –finance –business
So what? Understand your place in the current landscape Position yourself through a clear articulation of your portfolio of skills, experience and qualifications Assert yourself as a highly skilled professional Choose your flavour of leadership Engage in meaningful professional development opportunities and seize the moment
Emerging school structures CEO (Senior executive) FD (Executive/ specialist) COO (Executive/ generalist) HR Director MAT executive team Local school level Head of learning Head of learning Head of learning SLT Business support SLT Business support SLT Business support
Developing capacity CEO COO FD (Senior executive) (Executive/ specialist) COO (Executive/ generalist) HR Director MAT executive team Local school level Head of learning Head of learning Head of learning SLT Business support SLT Business support SLT Business support
Professional Standards
Qualifications and training Toolkit training, workshops, seminars and briefings SBM quals – Dip 4, 5 & 6 APEL route to graduate level Funded SBM apprentice route COO/CFO specific qualification Post-graduate programmes Qualifications and training
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