2016 National Orthopaedic Leadership Conference (NOLC) Update AAOS Resident Assembly Executive Committee Contact: residentassembly@aaos.org
Resident Assembly Executive Committee Meeting First in-person meeting for 2016-2017 Executive Committee Objectives: Refined goals for the year and developed plans for implementation Began development of an “Executive Committee Communication Protocol” to improve communication between the committee and resident assembly delegates/members Discussed plans to explore increased medical student involvement in throughout the year, and at the 2017 Annual Meeting
Advocacy Executive Committee members attended symposia on Important Orthopaedic Issues Reviewed current status and upcoming changes to MACRA, MIPS Reviewed concerns in current GME system and proposed solutions Discussed strategies for and obstacles to effective advocacy
Visiting Capitol Hill Joined respective state societies and met with congressional staff to discuss: S. 689/H.R. 921 – Sports Medicine Licensure Clarity Act Provide insurance and liability coverage for physicians crossing state lines to cover their respective athletic teams while on the road S. 2822/H.R. 5001 – Flexibility in HER Reporting Act Switch newly implemented 365 day reporting period for patient information to previous 90 day period, requiring less resources to be diverted away from patient care activities H.R. 2513 – PACE Act Allow development of new as well as further growth of current physician-owned hospitals, which have proven to provide excellent quality at lower costs CCJR Delay implementation of bundled payments in joint care, specifically penalties for those people who do not meet certain requirements
Resident Assembly Representation at the NOLC Provided updates to AAOS leaders on the most recent activities of the Resident Assembly Provided recommendations to AAOS leaders on topics of relevance to orthopaedic surgery residents Gained more knowledge about existing AAOS resources for residents Advocated to AAOS leadership on behalf of residents
Resident Assembly Key Contact Program Developed to pair Resident Assembly members with AAOS leaders We commenced first phase of the Key Contact Program at the NOLC, pairing members of executive committee with members of BOS/BOC We plan to implement Phase II in time for the 2017 Annual Meeting, to include pairing each resident delegate with a mentor/key contact