AdviceUK/King’s College London Law student placement scheme Chilli Reid, Executive Director, AdviceUK 1
Law Centres Legal Aid Solicitors AdviceUK agencies The free advice world AdviceUK agencies Local Citizens Advice Law Centres Legal Aid Solicitors
Be stronger and more effective Networking and Collaboration The role of AdviceUK Be stronger and more effective Voice and campaigning Networking and Collaboration
Debt Social welfare law Housing Welfare Benefits Immigration Discrimination Immigration Employment Debt Welfare Benefits
Challenging times Cuts in legal aid (LASPO Act 2012) Local authority spending cuts/reduced services Welfare reform Housing Leaving the EU?
Access to justice We promote equal access to justice for members of society who are socially, economically or otherwise disadvantaged. We seek to improve law and practice, the administration of justice, legal advice and advice services.
Host organisations Zacchaeus 2000 Trust (Z2K) Advising Communities Bromley by Bow Centre Community Links Ealing Advice Centre Harrow Law Centre Lambeth Law Centre Mary Ward Legal Centre Nucleus Legal Advice Centre South West London Law Centres Zacchaeus 2000 Trust (Z2K)
Benefits to KCL students Law in practice Insight into community law Opportunity to bring fresh angle/ view Develop personal skills Meet fascinating people Real life experience Personal development Invigorate academic study KCL external partnership development-rep CV and employability, everyone likes pro-bono
Types of work undertaken by students Interviewing clients including triage work Taking on enquiries/ cases Supporting clients in preparing documents and form filling Legal research Assisting with casework including prep of court work and representation
Legal Advice Organisations Kings College London students and Pro bono work Students Legal Advice Organisations Clients King’s College London
King’s College London students and legal advice centres 26 students placed in 2016/17 This is the second year. 30 places available You will be trained and supported A great opportunity
Applications and Timeline Deadline -13 October Shortlisting and matching w/c 16 Oct Orientation/Training-1,2, 3 Nov Placements start- w/c 6 Nov
Key contacts Deborah Acquaah KCL Dickson Poon School of Law Chilli Reid, Executive Director, AdviceUK Beverley Campbell, Consultant