SLO Design, Build, Review: Using PDE’s Online Tools to Implement the SLO Process SAS Portal:
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Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) “Reviewing” The Student Learning Objective (SLO) Process is comprised of three (3) components: Design, Build, and Review. Student Learning Objectives provide a valid assessment of teacher effectiveness through student performance outcomes based on standards. Welcome to Training Module 3: “Reviewing” Concept Within the Review Module, the trainer will guide participants to implement a multifaceted, three-level review of Student Learning Objectives, including identified performance measures. Key Points for Trainers Explain in macro-terms the “big picture” of how SLOs are but one component of a much larger teacher effectiveness system. As required by Act 82, an Educator Effectiveness Rating Tool must contain measures based on teacher observation and practice and multiple measures of student performance. Student Performance data will include the following: Building Level Data (15%), Teacher Specific Data (15%), and Elective Data (20% for teachers with eligible PVAAS data, 35% for teachers without eligible PVAAS data). This Educator Effectiveness Rating Tool functions as a framework for the evaluation and summative process for classroom teachers. Clarify that the Review Module will guide participants through a three-level quality assurance review of the created Student Learning Objective and the identified Performance Measures. The Review phase helps ensure that the operational and technical expectations of the process are met or exceeded. Ensure participants understand that this phase is the quality assurance component, focusing on issues that range from completing the SLO Process Template correctly to examining the validity evidence of a vendor-made assessment/performance measure. Learning Activity ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Technical Notes “Structure” Concept – “What is this slide telling the audience?” Key Points – “What/Where are the details ‘needed for teaching’?” Learning Activity – “How can the participant’s learning be enhanced?” (This item will not be populated for every slide.) Module 3-SLO Reviewing
Student Learning Objective REVIEW -Quality Assurance- Student Learning Objective Concept As you work through the Review Process, you will need to access the following materials: 1) Handout #4 – Quality Assurance Checklist-SLO (found in SLO/Review/Guides) 2) Handout #5 – SLO Procedural “Cheat Sheet” (found in SLO/Review/Guides) 3) Template #6 – SLO Coherency Rubric (found in SLO/Review/Templates) 4) Performance Measure Rubric for Teachers (found in ALS/Review/Stuff) 5) Refinement Control Checklist (on-demand Performance Measures only, found in SLO/Review/Stuff) Key Points for Trainers Assist the participants in conceptualizing that the SLO Process Template is organized into two major components: SLO Goals and Performance Indicators on page 1 of the template, and Performance Measures and Expectations on page 2. Clarify that the comprehensive evaluation of a new performance measure cannot be fully completed until after the measure is administered and data is collected. The current tools focus on the development and administration of the measures, with additional training being developed for the “post-administration” review. For vendor-made measures, there should be sufficient evidence on the inferences of scores, reliability, etc. that also includes how the performance measure was developed. Stress to participants that the Review process includes a quality assurance check on each Performance Measure selected to ensure that they are aligned with the content standards, free of bias and sensitive content, and developmentally appropriate. Learning Activity 1. Have participants go to to retrieve the five items mentioned above from the SAS Portal /Homeroom learning portal. Also make sure they have the completed SLO Process Template (Template #4) found in SLO/Build/Templates. Module 3-SLO Reviewing
Process Components Designing Goal Statement Standards Selection Blueprints Building SLO Process Template Performance Measures Reviewing Quality Assurance Process Components Concept This slide reviews the parts associated with each phase of the SLO Process. This Module will focus on the Review Phase of the SLOs. Key Points for Trainers It will be important for each educator to have all the completed templates from their work with Module 1: Design and Module 2: Build. That would include the following templates: Template #1: Goal Statement (found in SLO/Design/Templates) Template #2: Targeted Standards (found in SLO/Design/Templates) Template #3: SLO Blueprint (found in SLO/Design/Templates) Template #4: SLO Process Template (found in SLO/Build/Templates) Template #5: Performance Task Framework (found in SLO/Build/Templates) A key point for teachers is that the Review phase is iterative, meaning that quality assurance criteria are designed to inform corrective action rather than simply assign a score. Likewise, the performance measure quality requires at least one full administration to determine basic psychometric characteristics of newly developed assessments. Validity evidence builds upon successful iterations of the assessment “lifecycle.” Learning Activity Module 3-SLO Reviewing
Session Objectives Educator Groups will: Conduct a multi-faceted, three-level quality assurance review of their SLO for: Completeness Comprehensiveness Coherency Note: All performance measures must be evaluated in terms of high quality and rigor. Session Objectives Concept The three-tier quality assurance review process of each SLO includes the following: Completeness Using the “Quality Assurance Checklist” (Handout #4) and the SLO Procedural “Cheat Sheet” (Handout #5), educators will determine the completeness of the SLO Process Template (Template #4). Comprehensiveness Using the Performance Measure Rubric (found in ALS/Review/Stuff) and the SLO Procedural “Cheat Sheet” (Handout #5), educators will evaluate the quality of each teacher-made performance measure. Coherency Using the SLO Coherency Rubric (found in SLO/Review/Templates) and the SLO Procedural “Cheat Sheet” (Handout #5), educators will evaluate the entire SLO Process. Key Points for Trainers Emphasize that all performance measures are evaluated in terms of high quality and rigor. The Performance Measure Rubric for Teachers (found in ALS/Review/Stuff) will guide educators through each phase of the build-out; Design, Build, and Review. Reinforce the 3 C’s concepts (Completeness, Comprehensiveness, Coherency) so the participants understand the reason each aspect (“C”) must be considered before statements regarding “high quality” SLO can be made and supported. Learning Activity 1. Have the participants spend 5-10 minutes reviewing and discussing in their small groups the different tools and how they are used in evaluating an SLO. After this exploration, have the members select a model and “test drive” Handout #4 (Quality Assurance Checklist-SLO). Module 3-SLO Reviewing
Task Structure SLO Review 1. Completeness -SLO Process Template 2. Comprehensiveness -Performance Measures 3. Coherency -Alignment Task Structure Concept The first step in the Review Process is to check for the completeness of the SLO Process Template. This step ensures that the SLO Process Template is complete. While reviewing, any incomplete, incorrect, or missing element will be highlighted and potential corrective actions will be identified. The “Help Desk” (found in SLO/Build/Stuff) provides detailed information on filling in the template. The second step in the Review Process is to check the comprehensiveness of the performance measures selected and/or developed. Educators will be guided through a process to review each aspect of the Performance Measure: Design, Build, Review (checking for quality). The Performance Measure Rubric-Teacher (found in ALS/Review Stuff) and Quality Assurance Screening Tool are helpful. For vendor-made assessments, a more detailed rubric is available. The final step in the Review Process is to check the coherency of the SLO Process. Coherency is about examining the “parts” of a teacher’s SLO and verifying the alignment to the Big Idea. The SLO Coherency Rubric (found in SLO/Review/Templates) focuses on examining how the components fit into a cogent process for applying evidence of student achievement to teacher evaluation. Key Points for Trainers Clarify that when evaluating the entire SLO Process (coherency) educators will be checking to ensure that everything is aligned with the Goal Statement and Targeted Content Standards. Handout #5 SLO Procedural “Cheat Sheet” and the SLO Coherency Rubric will aid educators through the process and identify any issues that will need to be addressed. Emphasis that completing the form correctly is a relatively straight forward task and the evaluation of a performance measure’s technical data is much more complex and time consuming. It (Comprehensiveness) should be viewed as a two stage process for both the SLO and the performance measures within the SLO: before administration and after administration. Learning Activity Module 3-SLO Reviewing
Design Coherency GOAL STATEMENT PERFORMANCE INDICATOR RATING PERFORMANCE INDICATOR PERFORMANCE MEASURE ALL STUDENTS TARGETED STUDENTS Design Coherency Concept This figure is designed to help visualize how the “parts” fit into the “whole.” Key Points for Trainers Explain that this figure is designed to help visualize how the “parts” fit into the “whole.” It is essential for the audience to fully understand how only a coherent SLO approach should be used within the greater Educator Effectiveness System. Goal Statements are the “big idea” upon which the SLO is based. These goals must be based upon Pennsylvania standards and provide a rationale for choosing a particular standard which addresses the important student learning. Performance Indicators are the expected levels of achievement for students in the SLO population. Performance Measures are the various tools/assessments which will be used to measure student achievement toward a specific goal. A quality discussion can emerge from this slide by having the participants identify validity threat associated with student samples, assessment quality, and indicator rigor. It is essential to the “Elective” rating’s validity characteristics that systematic errors are not introduced into the SLO process at either the component level or in how the components are aligned to the SLO Goal Statement. Learning Activity Module 3-SLO Reviewing
Helpful Tools Review Focus Tool Completion of SLO Process Template Handout #4--QA Checklist-SLO Handout #5--SLO Procedural “Cheat Sheet” Comprehensiveness of the Performance Measures Performance Measure Rubric-Teacher Refinement Control Checklist Coherency of SLO Template #6--SLO Coherency Rubric *Note: Additional information regarding assessment quality can be found within the Assessment Literacy Series/Review Helpful Tools Concept As noted previously, many resources are available for educators to use during the Review process. They include the following. Handout #4 – Quality Assurance Checklist-SLO (found in SLO/Review/Guides) Handout #5 – SLO Procedural “Cheat Sheet” (found in SLO/Review/Guides) Template #6 – SLO Coherency Rubric (found in SLO/Review/Templates) Performance Measure Rubric for Teachers (found in ALS/Review/Stuff) Refinement Control Checklist (on-demand Performance Measures only; found in SLO/Review/Stuff) All training documents and materials can be found on the SAS Portal and RIA’s Homeroom learning portal. Go to and you will see a link to RIA’s Homeroom portal as well. Key Points for Trainers Differentiate how tools can assist in the building task: a. Guides have materials such as handouts, rules of thumb, model SLOs, etc. that reinforce content presented in the videos. In this module, models are provided to guide new users in what a completed SLO, including developed and/or selected performance measures. b. Templates are used to complete each phase of the process. The key template is SLO Process Template 10.0 (available as a Word document-Template #4- and as an online tool in SLO/Build/Templates); however, Template #5 is provided (found in SLO/Build/Templates) for performance tasks that may be culminating events over multiple days (e.g., student projects). Other development templates are found within the Assessment Literacy Series/Review. Learning Activity 1. Have participants retrieve and review the Handouts and Templates associated with the Review Process. Module 3-SLO Reviewing
Final Deliverables Refined SLO Process Template with… Rigorous, high-quality performance measures Identified areas needing further improvement (as documented within the SLO rubric) Final Deliverables Upon completion of Step 3: Review; educators will have a completed SLO Process Template that identifies the rigorous, high-quality performance measures as well as any area that was identified through the process needing improvement. Key Points for Trainers Articulate the expected deliverables for teacher-made performance measures: Purpose Statement Targeted Standards Specifications and Blueprints Scoring Keys and Rubrics Operational Forms (tests/tasks) Administrative Guidelines Expected deliverable for vendor-made performance measures: a. This deliverable will depend on the measure adopted by the school and/or district (i.e., Dibels, AIMS Math, etc.); however, the vendor will often have written evidence and data supporting the measurement claims. Educators should simply reference this information, thus demonstrating that the selection of the measure meets the intended need of the educator (i.e., to measure the targeted content standards within the “Big Idea”). Using the Performance Measure Rubric for Teachers (found in ALS/Review/Stuff), the QA Screening Tool (found in ALS/Review/Stuff) and the Quality Assurance Checklist (Handout #10, found in ALS/Review/Guides), participants will be able to identify/document any shortcoming found and determine corrective actions needed. Learning Activity Probe the audience for their understanding of what is meant by a “rigorous performance measure” using the below set of questions: To what degree does the performance measure align with targeted standards? What is the cognitive demand of the tasks/items, both individually and in totality? (Refer to Depth of Knowledge Chart found in ALS/Build/Guides and DoK Chart II found in ALS/Build/Stuff). Is the performance measure’s reading level and vocabulary age and grade appropriate? Are the targeted skills appropriate? Are the items/tasks clear, concise, and understandable? Are the items/tasks free of bias? Are the items/tasks sensitive to different cultures, religions, ethnic and socio-economic groups? Module 3-SLO Reviewing
Generic Review Workflow Packet Inventory Review for Completeness Evaluate SLO Template for Comprehensiveness Evaluate Performance Measure Quality Determine Rating/Score Coherency Identify Corrective Actions Generic Review Workflow Concept This slide provides a general overview of the workflow for the Review Process. “Work flow” within this context means the step-by-step Review process needed to ensure high-quality SLOs have been created. Key Points for Trainers Step 1: Packet Inventory – Checking to make sure that all required documents are included in the packet for review. Template #4 – SLO Process Template (found in SLO/Build/Templates) Template #5 – Performance Task Framework (for each Performance Indicator; found in SLO/Build/Templates) Teacher-developed Performance Measures, specifications/blueprints, scoring sheets, administrative guides Step 2: Review for Completeness – Using the SLO Procedural “Cheat Sheet” (Handout #5; found in SLO/Review/Guides) and the Quality Assurance Checklist-SLO (Handout #4; found in SLO/Review/Guides), participants will: Review each section of the SLO Process Template to make sure it has been completed correctly. Highlight any missing or incomplete elements. Circle any incorrect element and outline the discrepancy. Recommend corrective actions. Step 3: Evaluate SLO Template for Comprehensiveness – Using the Performance Measure Rubric for Teachers (found in ALS/Review/Stuff), participants will evaluate the quality of each teacher-made performance measure. This rubric is comprised of 18 technical aspects of quality assessment organized into three (3) strands; Strand 1: Design, Strand 2: Build, Strand 3: Review. Participants will rate each element and list supporting technical evidence, provide further explanations and details where needed, and make any recommended actions for shortcomings. Strand 1: Design – has five (5) elements Strand 2: Build – has six (6) elements Step 4: Evaluate Performance Measure Quality – Another step in assuring performance measure quality is to use the following: Strand 3: Review – has seven (7) elements QA Screening Tool (found in ALS/Review/Stuff) Part I – Screening i. Ensures that all deliverables are included for the performance measure. Part II – Form/Item Rigor Ensures that the measure is developmentally appropriate. Ensures that items are aligned with targeted content standards. Ensures items have been screened for sensitivity, bias, and fairness. Part III – Quality Administrative guidelines are clear and standardized. Ensures that specifications/blueprints are aligned with operational forms. Accommodation guidelines are provided/referenced. Scoring guidelines are standardized. Scoring rubrics provide detailed scoring information. Quality Assurance Checklist (Handout #10; found in ALS/Review/Guides)) i. Provides a review for specifications and blueprints, scoring key and rubrics, operational forms, and administrative guides to ensure that performance measures meet the criteria for high-quality assessments. Step 5: Determine Rating/Score Coherency – Using the SLO Coherency Rubric (found in SLO/Review/Templates), participants will review the entire SLO Process. This rubric has several technical requirements divided into three (3) Strands: Design, Technical, and Quality. Through this review process, participants will check for alignment among all the elements (goal statement, targeted content standards, performance indicators, performance measures), identify any issues, and make recommendations for corrective actions. Strand 2: Technical – has six (6) elements Strand 3: Quality – has four (4) elements Step 6: Identify Corrective Actions – There are several places where corrective actions can be identified and documented throughout this process. The following documents can be used for this purpose: SLO Coherency Rubric (Template #6) SLO Procedural “Cheat Sheet” (Handout #5) Quality Assurance Checklist-SLO (Handout #4) Performance Measure Rubric for Teachers Quality Assurance Checklist (Handout #10) QA Screening Tool Learning Activity Module 3-SLO Reviewing
Modified (with calibration) Review Workflow Dimension 1 Template for Completeness (Calibrate)(Actual) Dimension 2 Template for Comprehensiveness (Calibrate)(Actual) Dimension 3 Rating/Score Coherency (Calibrate)(Actual) Dimension 4 Performance Measure Quality (Calibrate)(Actual) Modified (with calibration) Review Workflow Concept The Train-the-Trainer approach allows Pennsylvania to “calibrate” additional trainers to ensure consistency throughout the state. It provides an opportunity for district professional development staff, school administrators, and lead teachers to thoroughly understand the SLO Process and ensure that it is being implemented in classrooms across the state with fidelity. Key Points for Trainers Once educators have completed the Review procedure and if they have identified any corrective actions, it is imperative that a process on how and when those identified corrective actions will occur is determined. Dimension 1: Template for Completeness a. Apply a quality assurance checklist to the developed materials to ensure all documents meet the requirements. Dimension 2: Template for Comprehensiveness Take the Performance Measure Rubric for Teachers (found in ALS/Review/Stuff) and evaluate the quality of each teacher-made performance. Reviewing forms involves a content review; a review for bias, sensitivity, fairness, and alignment. Content review: Determine if each item/task clearly aligns to the targeted content standards. Evaluate all items for accuracy. Evaluate if items are age-appropriate. Ensure that each item and answer options are clear and understandable. Item Bias: Bias-free items/tasks provide an equal opportunity for all students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills. Fairness and Sensitivity: Ensure items are sensitive to different cultures, religions, ethnic and socio-economic groups, and disabilities. Ensure there is a balance of gender roles. Ensure that positive language, situations, and images are used for performance measures. Ensure that items avoid text that may elicit strong emotions in specific groups of students and prevent those students from accurately demonstrating their skills and knowledge. Dimension 3: Rating/Score Coherency a. Using the SLO Coherency Rubric, the entire SLO Process is evaluated to determine whether the technical requirements have been met. Dimension 4: Performance Measure Quality a. Applying a quality assurance checklist to the developed performance measures to ensure all documents meet the basic principles of quality assessment. Learning Activity Module 3-SLO Reviewing
Calibration Procedures Purpose: Increase standardization among SLOs while strengthening SLO review teams’ technical skills Step 1. Review calibration packet for a specific dimension using the applicable tool(s) Step 2. Identify missing or incomplete areas and highlight Step 3. Develop recommendations for corrective actions Step 4. Seek clarifications, business rule definitions, procedural guidelines, etc. from facilitators Step 5. Report out; repeat with other dimensions Calibration Procedures Concept The Calibration Procedures increase standardization among SLOs while strengthening SLO review teams’ technical skills. Participants should have the skills and knowledge related to the basic principles of quality assessment practices. Quality Assurance is a critical step in the SLO Process. It is important that procedures are in place to ensure that SLOs and Performance Measures are selected/developed properly. Quality Assurance procedures provide a way for reviewers to do that. Key Points for Trainers 1. Participants will review each packet through four (4) different lenses (dimensions). It is important to identify any missing or incomplete areas and develop recommendations for corrective actions. If needed, seek clarifications from facilitators. Misinterpretations of the SLO criteria or any element throughout the process can lead to unintended consequences (i.e., developmentally inappropriate performance measures being used with students is both unfair to the students and to the teachers who will be using the student outcome data to determine their Elective rating on the Teacher Effectiveness Rating Tool). Learning Activity Module 3-SLO Reviewing
Summary The SLO review phase focuses on: Applying a set of quality assurance criteria to ensure the SLO, along with its applicable performance measures, are complete, comprehensive, and coherent. Identifying areas of improvement in subsequent SLO development. Summary Concept During Module 3 participants reviewed, refined, and corrected the SLOs and the Performance Measures associated with each Performance Indicator. At this point, teachers should have all completed templates that were required throughout the entire SLO Process. Key Points for Trainers This professional development provided participants with a better understanding of several quality assurance practices used in the SLO Process. As noted previously, the SLO process was created to meet the need of Act 82, which requires PA to have an Educator Effectiveness Rating Tool that contains measures based on teacher observation and practice as well as multiple measures of student performance. SLO is the process that develops an Elective Rating through evidence of student achievement. The SLO Process also assists educators in developing/selecting fair, valid, high-quality measures to evaluate student achievement. Learning Activity Module 3-SLO Reviewing
Joining the SLO Professional Learning Community on SAS. Go to the SAS home page( Log in with your user name and password. If you do not have an account with SAS you will have to create one.
Enter your information on the log in page and submit.
Once you have successfully logged in and are at the SAS home page, go to Teacher Tools in the upper right corner.
Click on Teacher Tools, this will provide you with various tools. Locate the button labeled “My Communities.”
This will open your membership to various Professional Learning Communities. If you are not a member of the Student Learning Objectives PLC, type SLO in the search bar.
Once a member of the SLO community you will have access to communication with all other members and a calendar of upcoming events.
(This is located at the bottom of the SLO community page.) Along with posting questions to the entire community you have access to the Digital Repository, in which SLO training materials and supporting documents are located. (This is located at the bottom of the SLO community page.)
PDE POC: Mr. O David Deitz Contact Info PDE POC: Mr. O David Deitz RIA POC: Dr. JP Beaudoin
SAS Institute 12.10.13