Intro to Prophetic Ministry 101 Becoming a Reliable Voice That Shakes Heaven and Earth Jamie Rohrbaugh
Welcome to the webinar! Housekeeping: Prayer Expect about 50 minutes of teaching, then 10 minutes of Q&A Resource list
Topics we’ll discuss, part 1: Intro & my background in the prophetic The purpose of New Testament prophetic ministry How the New Testament and Old Testament prophetic ministries are different (and why you won’t get stoned) Two camps of prophetic ministry The importance and power of prophetic protocol Discernment of spirits Elijah versus Jezebel
Topics we’ll discuss, part 2: 7 ways to hear the prophetic word 4 Checks and balances that verify accuracy of the word When God gives you inside information about people and situations—and what to do with it How to discern if you should speak a word or only pray How to give a prophetic word How NOT to give a prophetic word
Introduction Training began in 2001 Rees Howells, Intercessor by Norman Grubb Pastor & spiritual dad Protocol John Paul Jackson, Doug Addison, others Current prophetic ministry
Purpose of NT Prophetic Ministry To edify, encourage, and build up 1 Corinthians 14:1-3 NEVER to correct or rebuke To evangelize 1 Corinthians 14:24 To teach 1 Corinthians 14:31
How NT Prophetic Differs from OT Prophetic, Part 1 Prophets’ job description has always been the same at its core: Hear God and say what He says! 2 Peter 1:19-21 Holy Spirit did not dwell inside people in the OT God did use prophets to rebuke Holy Spirit has since been given to indwell all believers John 16:5-15
How NT Prophetic Differs from OT Prophetic, Part 2 Now: It’s HIS job to do the dirty work! In OT, inaccurate prophets were stoned. Now: 1 Corinthians 14:29-33
Two Camps of People Prophetic Ministry Humble Teachable Value protocol Proven warriors Has roots Correctable Heart of honor Trust God for promotion Value CHARACTER Value acting like Jesus and obeying His Word above all else
Two Camps of People Prophetic Ministry Power-hungry Not teachable Flattery Take advantage of relationships No roots Disdain for protocol Have an agenda Toss out God’s Word if it suits their agenda No honor
Prophetic Protocol Esther and Artaxerses Protocol defends the King Protocol protects you Integrity! Combats pride and arrogance Examples of protocol
Discernment of Spirits God loves the prophetic Warfare always present Elijah vs Jezebel Learn discernment & pray for the gift Psalm 119:66 Ezekiel 44:23 What is the true spirit of prophecy? What is Jezebel?
7 Ways to Hear God’s Prophetic Word Through a trusted prophet Through the written Word of God In prayer Vision Dreams Strange events Bodily sensations Things in the news that have spiritual significance Sitting down to listen May be more!
Checks and Balances ALWAYS test against the Word of God Isaiah 8:20 Test your words and others’ words By their fruit! Matthew 7:15-20 By the fruit of the flesh vs. Spirit Galatians 5:16-25 Wise counsel and mentors
Inside Information from God Isaiah 45:11 Examples of what God will tell you Be trustworthy! Be SAFE!
To Speak or Not To Speak? 99.99% of words are for prayer only Ask yourself: Would speaking be within protocol? Would this word hurt someone? Would this word encourage or build up? The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets!
How to Speak a Word, Part 1: Adhere to protocol Pray for open doors Write your word down Name, date, contact information Speak in humility Speak with love Ask if the word means anything to the hearer
How to Speak a Word, Part 2: NEVER correct NEVER prophesy about: Marriage Babies Major moves Always pray those words.
How NOT to Speak a Word: Out of order No permission or relationship Accusing Correcting Exposing Be the safest, most gentle person around!
Q & A