When God Says, “No” Luke 18:1-8 This parable is used to teach us to be persistent in prayer. But why does that need to be taught? When is persistence in prayer needed? When receiving yes to our requests? Obviously, not. When we are not receiving our requests, do we continue to pray? This story illustrates this principle – she “kept coming” (vs. 3) even though “for a while” (vs. 4) it looked as if her request would be rejected. Have you prayed for a sickness to be removed? A new promotion or new job? If these things were not received, do you continue to pray for other matters? If these things were not received, was your prayer left unanswered? Or was it answered with a “no.” We have almost left the impression that any prayer not given an affirmative answer is a prayer that wasn’t answered. Even bible material on prayer will have lessons on how to handle unanswered prayers! If God said no to your request, doesn’t that qualify as an answer? If I accept that this is indeed an answer, so the prayer isn’t unanswered, how do I accept this negative answer? Some can’t! They stop believing in God or their faith becomes so weak they quit service to Him. Some become so bitter about their “no” answer, they may not quit but it may take years for them to overcome the bitterness. Let us explore how one handles, “When God says, “No.”
You are not the first to be told “no” Matthew 5:10-12
You’re not the first to be told, “No” Moses prayed to enter Promised Land Numbers 20:2-13; Deuteronomy 3:23-29 David prayed for the life of his child 2 Samuel 12:15-23 Habakkuk and Jeremiah prayed for their nation’s deliverance from Babylon Habakkuk 1:12-17; Jeremiah 14:19-22
You’re not the first to be told, “No” Jesus prayed the cup of suffering be removed Mark 14:35-36 Paul prayed to remove his thorn in the flesh 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 Four men prayed for death Moses – Numbers 11:10-15 Job – Job 6:8-9 Jonah – Jonah 4:1-3 Elijah – 1 Kings 19:1-4
When God says no: I must first look at myself Is there anything hindering my prayer? Isaiah 1:15-17; 59:1-2; 1 Peter 3:7; James 1:2-8 Are my motives correct? James 4:3 Does it agree with God’s Will? 1 John 5:14; Prov. 28:9 Is God expecting me to do something? Matthew 7:7-8 “hindering” “to cut into, to impede one's course by cutting off his way; hence, universally, to hinder” Thayer “double-minded” “of two minds, undecided” – “Exegetical Dictionary of the NT Is God expecting me to do something? Asking for forgiveness? Have we repented? Asking for wisdom? Have we sought or listened to godly counsel? Asking for growth? Have we studied and applied? Have we sought company and associations which would promote growth? Asking for relief from anxiety? Have we examined our faith? Anxious about making a living? Have we truly placed our faith in seeking God’s kingdom first?
When God says no: I must remember: It might be “wait” instead of “no” Revelation 6:9-11; Luke 1:6-7 (18, 36), 13 Past prayers which were denied. Job 6:8-9; 42:10-17 Something good may come 2 Corinthians 12:7-10; cf. Galatians 1:14 My will is subject to God’s Will Matthew 26:36-45 Past prayers which were denied Do you remember diligently praying for something in the past but not receiving it? Now you look back and know that not receiving it was a blessing, though at the time you fervently desired it. My will is subject to God’s Will I don’t know what God is trying to accomplish through His providence, I only know my little slice of the pie. What I desire may not be consistent with what God is trying to accomplish.
When God says no: It’s not the “why” but the “who” Our relationship with God is described as a Father/child relationship Romans 1:7; 8:15; Ephesians 5:1 What is the character of our Father? 1 John 4:7, 16; 1 Peter 5:6-7 I must remember His ways are not my ways Isaiah 55:8-9 What is the character of our Father? Do I really believe God loves and cares for me? Does a child believe their parents loves and cares for them when they receive a no to their request? “Why do you hate me?” is the response often. But when that child matures, he understands that denying the request was what was best, it was an act of love. When I ask God to provide a better job, or to receive a promotion and if I fail to receive it, I may be angry at God for not granting my request. But: God may know the negative impact a new job or promotion might have upon me. God may know a new job or promotion may open me up to more temptation.
When God says no: It’s not the “why” but the “who” Therefore, I may never know “why” Job never knew why he suffered Job 38:1-3; 40:1-9; 42:1-6 But I must never lose faith in God Luke 1:6-7, 13; 2 Samuel 12:19-20; Luke 18:8 Job never knew why he suffered but he learned who it was he was questioning and finding fault with and was informed he was reminded how little he truly knew about what God had done and was doing which led him to retract his complaint. But I must never lose faith in God Zacharias and Elizabeth were “advanced in age”, they had stopped praying for a child because now they were past the point of having one so obviously God had denied their prayer. Yet, they did not stop serving Him! Look how they are described in verse 6. If God says no, do I quit believing in Him? Do I stop praying because I didn’t receive what I prayed for? Doesn’t this look like a child who throws a temper tantrum when they don’t get what they want? If I stop praying, stop believing, who is really being hurt by this action? I AM!! If I believe God is loving and that He cares for me I must believe there is a good reason God did not grant my request.
Conclusion I asked God for strength that I might achieve. I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey. I asked for health that I might do greater things. I was given infirmity that I might do better things. I asked for riches that I might be happy. I was given poverty that I might be wise. I asked for power that I might have the praise of men. I was given weakness that I might feel the need of God. I asked for all things that I might enjoy life. I was given life that I might enjoy all things. I got nothing that I asked for, but everything I had hoped for. Unknown Confederate Soldier
When God Says, “No” Luke 18:1-8