REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL LAB ~ APPALACHIA The Effects of Kentucky Virtual High School’s Hybrid Course in Algebra I on Teaching Practices, Classroom Quality, and Adolescent Learning ACT 8: RADICALS On-Line Professional Development JULY 22, 2009 ACT 7 Wednesday July 25, 2007
AGENDA Welcome and Introductions Equipment check-in & updates Continuation of KYVS ALG I: 10.2, 20.1 &.2, 22.3 discussions Sharing of Lesson Tracking Tools & posting on the wiki Discussion of ACT 8 & connections to KYVS ALG I Lesson Planning Linking to KET EncycloMedia Assignment for ACT 9 Discussion: Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Investigate Lessons & Tracking Tools Within the Breakout Room: Assignments: 10.2 (Solutions to an Equation; 10.3 (Intercepts of Lines); 20.1 & 20.2 (Exponents); 22.3 ( Multiplying Polynomials) Investigate the Lesson; Use the Tracking Tool developed for that Lesson and make suggestions for edits; Report back whole group.
Sharing of Tracking Tools NAME LESSON (NUMBER & TITLE) Erlene Cyrus Michelle Gibson Laci Ingles 3.1 Additive Inverses Robin Ervine Tracy McCown John Perkins 1.1 Real Numbers Angela Lytle Terra Caudill Robin McDonald Lisa Redmiles 1.3 Number Operation Megan Hearn
Go to HYBRIDALGEBRA WIKI POSTING OF NOTE-TAKING DEVICES and/or OTHER INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES Go to Login using your username and password created previously Click on the link to the Lesson Plans page Click on the edit this page button
Editing the Page The editing toolbar will appear at the top of the page Find the “Insert Images and Files” button
Inserting an Image or File Click on Insert Image and File button Choose to browse for the file to be uploaded Select the file Click Upload Choose Links to the file
Inserting File into the Page Place cursor in the page, where you want to insert the new file (other wise it will insert the file at the top of the page). Double click on the file you want to insert, close ‘Images & Files’ Click ‘Save’ on the editing toolbar DONE!
Discussion of ACT 8: RADICALS Highlights regarding content, instructional strategies, and/or reflections from ACT 8
ACT 8: SCENE 1- 3 How Do I Teach This? Modeling ( Graphs, Pictures, Arcs..) Manipulatives (Base Ten Tiles, Geoboard) Looking for Patterns Mnemonics – Memory Devices – FOIL Problem Solving – Real World Using a Formula
VOCABULARY for RADICALS Quotient Property of Square Roots Right Triangle Radicand Rational Number Hypotenuse Perfect Square Pythagorean Theorem Leg Square Root Conjugate nth Roots Radical Expression Irrational Number Product Property of Square Roots Hypotenuse Radical
Connections: KYVS Algebra to SpotLight on Algebra SPOTLIGHT ON ALGEBRA: ACT 8, Radicals KYVS ALGEBRA I COURSE: Unit 7, Rational & Radical Expressions, and Equations Lesson 34: Radical Expressions Lesson 35: Finding Square Roots Lesson 36: Radical Equations Each lesson is assigned – investigate; go to wiki, find the TT fro you lesson, edit, discuss its use.
KET- EncycloMedia Algebra Support for: Providing an authentic purpose Connecting to the world Engaging students to learn the concept Visualizing Promoting student thinking/discussion/accessing prior knowledge eLearning Ky; see menu to the left; KET EncycloMedia; access through or Access……
√ How will you bundle your Units for ’09-’10? Planning Lessons Using KYVS Algebra I & Skill Set From Spotlight On Algebra √ How will you bundle your Units for ’09-’10? √ What are the structures you will put in place to support instructional strategies that motivate students to engage in learning Alg I? [Refer to Strategies listed behind TAB 14] √ For each structure, plan what formal feedback you will provide to move students into their ’zone of promixal development.’ [See “Linking Formative Assessment to Scaffolding,” pp 1]
Planning Instruction Using KYVS Alg I (cont.) What do you want the students to know and be able to do? How will you know that they know and can do? Formative Summative How will you use KYVS ALG I – what lesson and in what context? Will Spotlight on Algebra help? How? How will you access prior knowledge? What is the new learning? How will students keep track and/or organize this learning? What form of student/teacher reflection will you use? [See Research Standards behind TAB 2]
Expectations for Next Steps Work through all of ACT 9 for Wednesday, July 29, 2009. Continue with investigating KET Encyclomedia for segments that provide an access point for critical ALG I concepts. Organize information in your research binder. Dates to Remember: On-Line PD Make-up is Tuesday, August 4, 2009. Extension of Bb training is Thursday, August 13 in Louisville, JCTC.
Collegial Support Postings & Materials on Spotlight on Algebra, resources through the Blended/Hybrid Learning Community or On-line discussions with colleagues Postings, Materials, Discussions
Thanks for sharing your thinking – you will make a difference with your students! The Hybrid Algebra I Study captures the art & science of instructional best practices. Continue to plan for blended instruction & see you Wednesday, July 29, 2009!