Substation Reliability Substation Maintenance 2015 Electric T&D Benchmarking Substation Reliability Substation Maintenance August 22-25, 2016 Park City, UT
A Process Model for Managing the T&D Business Indicates separate D, S, T components Add New Customers Respond to Emergencies Expand System Operate System Sustain System Project/Portfolio Management Develop and Approve Asset Plans Develop System Strategy 2
Substation Reliability 2015 Electric T&D Benchmarking Substation Reliability August 22-25, 2016 Park City, UT
Results Overview Distribution substation contribution to SAIDI and SAIFI decreased this year over last. Transmission substation SAIDI and SAIFI top performers continue to perform well. Transmission substations are only significant for a few Trends are mostly positive in terms of substation contribution to transmission outages About 12% of sustained transmission outages (>200kV) are from substation related causes
T&D Substation Reliability Profile Customer reliability significantly improved Most transmission circuit performance little changed from 2014 2015YE 2014YE Mean Q1 Q2 Q3 Bars Contribution to Customer Reliability Substation Contribution to SAIFI - T&D 0.06 0.01 0.04 0.09 17 0.07 0.05 14 Substation Contribution to SAIDI - T&D 2.82 0.53 2.60 3.96 3.88 2.06 3.12 3.83 15 Substation Availability Transformer failures per 1000 Transformers - Trans Subs 7.07 0.00 5.51 13.26 17.75 11 Transformer failures per 1000 Transformers - Dist Subs 4.05 2.36 5.96 11.04 1.62 3.13 9.22 13 SOF from Failed AC Sub Eq, plus Failed Prot Sys Eq <200kV 0.056 0.013 0.035 0.104 16 0.024 0.009 0.021 MOF from Failed AC Sub Eq, plus Failed Prot Sys Eq <200kV 0.022 0.006 0.017 0.037 10 0.020 0.005 0.010 0.018 TOF from Failed AC Sub Eq, plus Failed Prot Sys Eq <200kV 0.070 0.016 0.066 0.118 0.040 0.015 0.025 0.055 SOF from Failed AC Sub Eq, plus Failed Prot Sys Eq >200kV 0.053 0.000 0.051 0.084 0.054 0.023 0.078 MOF from Failed AC Sub Eq, plus Failed Prot Sys Eq >200kV 0.014 0.008 0.031 9 TOF from Failed AC Sub Eq, plus Failed Prot Sys Eq >200kV 0.067 0.059 0.107 0.004 0.102
Total Substation Contribution to SAIDI, SAIFI Both SAIDI and SAIFI are worse at mean, median, 3rd quartile, but better at 1st quartile. SAIDI SAIFI 2016 2015 Mean 6.79 3.88 Quartile 1 0.60 2.06 Quartile 2: 3.96 3.12 Quartile 3: 9.00 3.83 2016 2015 Mean 0.091 0.068 Quartile 1 0.020 0.050 Quartile 2: 0.080 0.060 Quartile 3: 0.150 Substation Reliability Page 6 Source: DR30 Substation Reliability Page 2 Source: DR40
DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATION O&M EXPENSE PER ASSETS Service restoration cost is 10% of all spending and an average 0.31% per asset. Mean 0.31 % Quartile 1: 0.10 % Quartile 2: 0.29 % Quartile 3: 0.46 % Distribution Financials Question DF65, DF70 7
TRANSMISSION SUBSTATION O&M EXPENSE PER ASSETS Service restoration cost is 7% of all spending and an average 0.12% per asset. Mean 0.12 % Quartile 1: 0.01 % Quartile 2: 0.04 % Quartile 3: 0.25 % Transmission Financials Question TF60, TF65 8
Allocation of Substation Contribution to SAIDI Failed Equipment is the predominant cause for most utilities and contributes an average of 4 minutes (3.6% of total) to SAIDI. Mean 4.20 Quartile 1 0.32 Quartile 2: 2.73 Quartile 3: 6.53 Substation Reliability Pg 14 Question SR20 Substation Reliability Pg 16 Question SR20, DR30
Allocation of Substation Contribution to SAIFI Failed Equipment is the predominant cause for most and contributes 6 (5.7% of total) outages per 100 customers. Mean 0.06 Quartile 1 0.01 Quartile 2: 0.05 Quartile 3: 0.09 Substation Reliability Pg 15 Question SR25 Substation Reliability Pg 17 Question SR25, DR400
Transformer Failure Rate per 1,000 Transformers Both Transmission and Distribution Failure Rates are considerably better than last year Transmission Distribution 2016 2015 Mean 7.07 14.32 Quartile 1 0.00 Quartile 2 4.23 Quartile 3 5.51 17.75 2016 2015 Mean 4.05 11.04 Quartile 1 0.00 1.62 Quartile 2 2.36 3.13 Quartile 3 5.96 9.22 Substation Reliability Pg 10, 11 Questions SR10, ST85, ST90
Substation transformer Failures Trend Trending down since 2012 Mean and 3rd quartile variable, 1st and 2nd quartile fairly flat …
Substation Contribution to Transmission Outages <200kV Trends are slightly positive (better) for SOF, mixed for MOF and TOF Substation Reliability Pages 18, 20, 22 Questions TR35, ST120
Substation Contribution to Transmission Outages >200kV All trends show improvement Substation Reliability Pages 18, 20, 22 Questions TR35, ST120
Total reported sustained outage events from all respondents About 12% of sustained outages are due to substation causes. Total Events = 381
Substation Maintenance 2016 Transmission & Distribution Benchmarking Community Insights Conference Substation Maintenance August 22-25, 2016 Park City, UT
Substation Maintenance – Scope of 2016 Survey This session covers highlights from the Substation Practices section of (SP) statistical report, as well as some spending and staffing data Substation Maintenance Maintenance Spending Maintenance Staffing Primary focus of programs Maintenance approach Metrics used Mobile stations and spares Initiatives Scheduling and tools used Inspection types and approaches used: RCM, CBM, Time or Combination SF6 breaker leak rate monitoring
Total Substation O&M Expense T&D Substation O&M Expense Per Asset [Activity-Based- By Activity Cost per Asset Mean of 1.24% , with several companies incurring significantly above that range Many companies categorized spending in the “Other” category Mean 1.24 % Quartile 1 0.83 % Quartile 2: 1.01 % Quartile 3: 1.20 % TD Substation Financial- TD Panel, page 20
T&D Substation Staffing- All Substation FTEs for these metrics range significantly Substation FTEs Per $100M Substation Assets Substation FTEs Per Substation Mean 23.35 Quartile 1 16.48 Quartile 2: 20.60 Quartile 3: 28.47 Mean 0.73 Quartile 1 0.21 Quartile 2: 0.36 Quartile 3: 1.12 Staffing, T&D Staffing, page 13, SO20 Page 14 of the T&D Staffing section
Staffing, T&D Staffing, page 27, SO20 T&D Substation Staffing- Field Construction and Maintenance Substation Field C&M FTEs make-up the largest portion Many are not able to breakout C and M staffing for benchmarking purposes Substation Field C&M FTEs Per $100M Substation Assets Substation Field C&M FTEs Per Substation Mean 19.53 Quartile 1 8.21 Quartile 2: 12.15 Quartile 3: 26.04 Mean 0.47 Quartile 1 0.20 Quartile 2: 0.34 Quartile 3: 0.53 Staffing, T&D Staffing, page 27, SO20
Substation Maintenance Outsourcing Very little outsourcing of Substation Maintenance occurs Legends 21 23 27 30 31 38 40 41 43 47 Field Construction (Dist Subs) Total 96 % 0 % 31 % 22 % 50 % 80 % Civil Construction (Dist Subs) 100 % 30 % Electrical Construction (Dist Subs) 90 % 10 % 25 % Field Maintenance (Dist Subs) Total 3 % 5 % Transformer Maintenance (Dist Subs) Breaker maintenance (Dist Subs) 2 % Staffing (SO), page 66. SO120 21
Substation labor utilization Quartile ranges vary by about 10% in utilization from Q1 to Q3; how many are estimates versus actual? Labor Utilization Rate(%) - Substation Electrician Labor Utilization Rate (%) Substation Meter/Relay / Comms Mean 78 % Quartile 1 84 % Quartile 2: 82 % Quartile 3: 75 % Mean 77 % Quartile 1 85 % Quartile 2: 83 % Quartile 3: 75 % Staffing (SO), pages 44-45. SO90 22
maintenance planning and execution for substations primary plans Are set up to focus on A majority of companies target specific equipment to maintain across the system. Some companies are minimizing outages by maintaining specific equipment but also maintaining other equipment while the substation is out of service. FOCUS OF PRIMARY PLANS FOR MAINTENANCE PLANNING / EXECUTION FOR SUBSTATIONS Legends Total 16 17 18 21 23 25 27 28 30 31 38 40 41 43 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Equipment components across the entire system ♦ All equipment at a specific substation Bundled approach 7 Other 2 Sub Practices, page 32. SP80
how has the maintenance focus Changed in the past few years? Several companies report moving to a more bundled approach to substation maintenance. Some management maintenance to match resource availability. Generally, there was not a lot of change in maintenance planning focus over the past few years. Change In Core Maintenance Approach ID Response Bundled approach 28 Early on, the focus was on worst equipment performance to avoid frequent outages. As these were dealt with, it allowed a wider perspective. 41 We try to replace as much equipment as possible during outages in order to be more efficient and take less outages. 47 Our focus has been to minimize the number of times an element is taken out of service in a calendar year hence a strategic more bundled approach is preferred. 16 Depending on the equipment PM such as building ventilation it will be full substation, other PMs such as transformers and high voltage breaker inspections the PM will be equipment component focus. Work management 18 We changed our core maintenance approach 3-5 years ago in order to 'levelize' our workload by substation and voltage class, to be more efficient in our work. The planning end takes more time each year as we levelize the stations, but it will prove to work the effort as our crews are more productive in the field. 21 e track proactive work percentage and schedule compliance per region. Planned work percentage is also tracked. No change 51 no changes in past few years 40 N/A 38 Na Sub Practices, page 34, SP85
What wrench-time metrics are used to estimate maintenance costs or schedule work? Most companies report using either historical costs or man-hour estimates to schedule maintenance work. Company 28 Company 47, 40 Company 38 Companies 25, 31, 30, 16, 52, 51, 27, 18 Companies 21 and 43 Companies 55, 49, 54, 56, 53, 48, 17, 50, 57, 46, 41 Sub Practices, page 35. SP90
Mobile Stations Used On average 24 spares per 1000 subs… all but 4 companies store them centrally; Several companies report more than double that amount available for use at a given time (normalized per 1000 subs); Only a few have most of their mobiles in-service Mobile Stations Utilized By Company Per 1000 Substations - Available For Use (Not In Service) Mobile Stations Utilized By Company Per 1000 Substations - Currently In Service Mean 24 Quartile 1 9 Quartile 2: 22 Quartile 3: 34 Sub Practices, page 37 and 38, SP95.1 and 95.2; Sub Practices, page 41, SP105 Strategically placed mobiles
Transmission-Level Transformers Maintained as spares Total Number Of Transmission-level Transformers Maintained As Spares Per 1000 Transformers Companies reported having a wide range of spare transmission-level transformers Most companies also construct their substations to accommodate either or both a mobile or spare transformer. However, only 1/3 of companies have substation design standards in place to support the construction. Mean 15 Quartile 1 3 Quartile 2: 9 Quartile 3: 18 Sub Practices, page 39,SP100 Sub Practices, pages 45 and 46, SP115 and 120 Design Standards For New Substations Accommodate Placement Of Spares… Legends Total 16 17 21 23 25 27 28 30 31 38 40 41 43 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Yes 8 ♦ No
Most important initiative undertaken to improve Substation maintenance practices Companies have mostly implemented new technology (primarily Automated Condition Monitoring) or have made overall improvements to their Asset Management Programs including Centralizing Program Planning and Scheduling. ID Response Technology applications 41 We are utilizing online monitoring to save O&M costs. 55 (Also companies 49, 54, 56, 53, 48, 17, 50, 57, 46) Technology - On line diagnostic testing, monitoring and failure tracking 22 Automated condition based maintenance, CHR (criticality health risk) Standardization 25 Our review and standardization of maintenance templates defining maintenance requirements. 31 NERC Compliance tracking reports Centralized planning and scheduling 38 Substation Maintenance Scheduler, remove burden from foreman and implement better tracking processes 43 We formed a centralized maintenance planning and scheduling/asset management team to better manage our maintenance program. 28 Centralization of maintenance planning via IMAX 52 Bundling the work as much as possible to lessen the number of repetitive outages request for the same equipment. Asset Management 40 Asset Mang. 16 iPad monthly substation inspections and corrective maintenance requests from those inspections 51 iPad monthly substation inspections and corrective maintenance requests from those inspections which will evolve to other inspections/maintenance activities being performed via iPad with real time information 27 Included main breaker and LTC maintenance with our doble test cycle. 47 Improved breaker maintenance program Other 23 Review of all Work Orders and processes within our Transmission Operation & Maintenance, and Relay Performance Working Groups. 21 Training and development of new substation apprentices, relay apprentices, and mechanical test technicians. 30 Funding Sub Practices, page 49, SP150
Planned Substation Maintenance Activities Where is your company on this spectrum? What approach are you taking? Is there a correlation with maintenance-related issues Activity Cycle (range) Most Common Most Frequent Approach Transformers 2 to 96 months 12 months Time and Combination Switchgear 2 to 120 months 2-4 months Time and Condition-based Circuit Breaker Combination Relays 36-96 months 48 months Time-based Instrument Transformers +60 months, limited data Secondary/ Communications 1-84 months 12-48, limited data Structural Components 1-6 months 1-2 months Grounds and Fencing 1-6 months, some outliers Overall Substation 1 month Infrared 1-12 Time-based, RCM = reliability centered maintenance; CBM = Condition-based maintenance; Combination Sub Practices, page 63-73, SP185
planned maintenance activities Scope (cycle) and approach Transformer Switchgear Circuit Breaker Relays Instrument Transformer Secondary Comms Structural Components Grounds & Fencing Whole Subst. Infrared 16 12-72, Time 4-96, time 48-96,Time Do not track 12-48,Time 2-3,Time 2-3, Time 1, Time 12, Time 17 12-48, Combo Oper. CBM 24-60, Combo 60-120, Time 60, Time 18 12,Combo 72-12yr, Time -, Comb 21 3-72, PM 22 5 wks-12yr, Combo 5wks-72, Combo 5 wk-24yrs., Combo 48-72, Time 5wks-96, Time 5wks, Combo 5wks, 5 wks, Time 5 wks, Time 3-12, Combo 23 Monthly, Visual 1,Visual 1 , Visual 1, Visual 6, - 25 96, Time 72, Time - , Time 2-4,Time 12,Time 27 12-36, CBM 12, CBM 12-36,CBM 48-60, CBM None, CBM 4, CBM 1-3,CBM 12- CBM 28 96, Combo 36-72, Combo 120, Time 120,Combo 6, Time 30 -, CBM - .CMB - , Combo -, Time -, Combo -, Combo 31 24, Time 12, Combo 36-60,Time 48, Time -,Time CBM 38 120,TBM 60, TBM/CMB 12,CBM 6, CBM 6-, CBM 40 2, - 2, 41 12, RCM/Time - , RCM/Time 24,RCM/Time 60, RCM/Time - , CBM -,CBM 43 2, CBM 2, Combo 2, Time 2,Time 47 -, Time & CBM -, Time&CBM 51 72, Combo 72,Time 48-96, Time 31017, Time 1-6, Time 1-6,Time 1-12, Combo 52 1-72, Combo 6-72,Time 1-72,Combo 1-6, Combo 1-84, Combo 63 Oper., CBM Sub Practices, page 63-73, SP185
USE OF CONCEPTS EMBODIED IN RELIABILITY CENTERED MAINTENANCE Substation maintenance is the key area within T&D where RCM concepts are in use. Most companies have established uniform programs across the enterprise, but few have widespread implementation. Uses Named Companies Establish uniform program across enterprise 55, 49, 54, 56, 53,48, 17, 50, 57, 46, 28, 31 Failure mode analysis 16, 51, 47, 30 Do not use 27 Other responses 40, 52, 43 Sub Practices, page 97, SP195
what % of the work is driven by each of the following maintenance planning approaches? 5 companies are doing at least half of their substation maintenance using condition-based planning approaches. The remainder use predominantly time-based methods RCM is used by a number of companies, but at most a 25% rate Sub Practices, page 96, SP205
In support of your condition-based maintenance work, What PERCENT OF INSPECTION INFORMATION is GATHERED MANUALLY VS. ELECTRONICALLY? Condition Based Maintenance Programs - Percent Of Inspection Information Gathered Manually Vs. Electronically All companies gather most inspection data via manual inspection techniques. Many companies also report employing automated monitoring technologies to collect a smaller percentage of data. Companies 38, 27 and 30 are also those doing more condition-based maintenance planning (prior chart) Sub Practices, page 98, SP210
SF6 breaker leak rate monitoring
Use of sf6 GAS leak rate trending SF6 breakers are more prevalent on the higher voltages (35kV and above). In total, 76% of responding companies monitor SF6 gas leak rates to determine the need for breaker inspection and repairs. Total Respondents 17 None 24% MV 1kV to 35kV: 47% HV 35kV to 230kV 76% EHV above 230kV 71% Co. ID: 16 18 21 22 23 27 30 38 40 41 43 46 47 50 51 52 57 None ♦ MV 1kV to 35kV: HV 35kV to 230kV EHV above 230kV SP Page 99 – SP215
Use of sf6 GAS leak rate trending 81% of responding companies use SF6 gas leak rate data as part of their breaker replacement planning Total Respondents 21 Yes 81% No 19% Co. ID: 16 17 18 22 25 27 28 30 38 40 41 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 54 56 57 Yes ♦ No SP Page 103 – SP235
Leaks typically occur at all voltage levels SF6 LEAK VOLUMES Leaks typically occur at all voltage levels Overall leak rates vary widely Percent of Leaks By Voltage Level Overall Leak Rate %* - Past 12 Months Mean 4 % Quartile 1: 1 % Quartile 2: 2 % Quartile 3: 6 % SP page 100 – SP220 SP page 103 -- SP230 * Leak Rate= ((Total SF6 Gas added/Total Nameplate Capacity))*100)
Leak rate that triggers BREAKER inspection & repair Trigger Percent “Trigger” leak rates most commonly range from 5% to 10% Company 18 triggers I&M if any level of leak is detected more than once per year Company 38 has different triggers for the different voltage levels (MV =20%, HV = 10%, EHV = 5%) SP Page 101 – SP225
Thank you for your Input and Participation! Your Presenters Ken Buckstaff 310-922-0783 Debi Cook 760-272-7277 Gene Dimitrov 301-535-0590 Rob Earle 315-944-7610 Dave Canon Dave Carter Dave Weiler 817-980-7909 414-881-8641 607-761-6778 About 1QC First Quartile Consulting is a utility-focused consultancy providing a full range of consulting services including continuous process improvement, change management, benchmarking and more. You can count on a proven process that assesses and optimizes your resources, processes, leadership management and technology to align your business needs with your customer’s needs. Visit us at