Welcome to Third Grade Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think. ~Albert Einstein
This is my 25th year teaching. I have only taught at Apex Elementary. Introductions Did you know? This is my 25th year teaching. I have only taught at Apex Elementary. This is my first year ever that I do not have a team partner. Don’t panic, I am a quick study!
The curriculum may also be found via links on classroom websites. The third grade common core curriculum is available through our school website: http://www.wcpss.net/apexes Academics and Programs>Curriculum Resources>third grade The curriculum may also be found via links on classroom websites.
Science –units of study Forces and Motion Matter Earth in the Universe Human Body Systems Plants and Soil
Social Studies Four major units of study Civics and Governance Geography and Environmental Literacy History and Culture Economics
Math Multiplication and Division Fractions Area and Perimeter Geometry Four Critical Areas Multiplication and Division Fractions Area and Perimeter Geometry
MATH JOURNALS Students will track their grades by standard.
All Wake County students will participate in a new ELA curriculum called EL Education. Third grade students are the first to roll out this new program. The program incorporates the writing and reading standards.
EL Curriculum Structure Two hours of content-based literacy instruction per day. One hour of module lessons. One hour of Additional Language and Literacy (ALL Block). El is focused on equity for all children.
Reading- Four categories of learning Language Arts Reading- Four categories of learning Key Ideas and Details- Understanding Text Craft and Structure – Determining the Meaning of Words and Phrases Integration of Knowledge and Ideas – Explaining Text Phonics and Fluency
Writing Production and Distribution of Writing—editing and publishing Text Types and Purposes –the craft of writing Opinion Pieces Informative/Explanatory Texts Narratives real or imagined Research to Build and Present Knowledge
Testing: BOG – state required – Beginning of Grade reading only- baseline COGAT – Step One - Administered by teachers to help identify Academically Gifted students for fourth grade. ITBS - Step Two - Administered by teachers to those that qualified from the COGAT to help identify AG students for fourth grade. MClass – State required – 3x a year End-of-Grade Test -Administered by teachers to help determine grade advancement Information regarding EOG testing will be given to parents as it becomes available In addition, there will be quarterly formative assessments to help guide and differentiate instruction.
Read to Achieve The goal of the Read to Achieve program is to ensure that every student reads at grade level by the end of 3rd grade. Cougar Time 9:25 - 9:55 All students will be immersed in reading either in small group or independent work.
Field Trips/ On Campus Activities More information later
Birthday Treats Students may bring in treats just for their homeroom and give them out during lunch or parents can bring them in at lunch, simple is better (ie- Hershey’s “hugs” for the class, mini- cupcakes, a small cookie) Must be store bought. You may also want to consider donating, in your child’s name, a book to the classroom library or a ball/chalk/jump rope for recess, in lieu of food.
Friday Folder Conferences I look forward to meeting with you during the first quarter to discuss your child’s progress. Friday Folder Parents and students should go over contents together and return folder on Monday. We do not require a log.
I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework. ~Lily Tomlin as "Edith Ann"
Homework Reading is a nightly requirement as follows: First Quarter- at least 20 mins Second quarter- at least 25 mins Rest of year—at least 30 minutes. Math Practicing math facts for fluency is a nightly requirement. The length of time is based on your child’s mathematical needs. On occasion there will be also be homework projects, aligning with current curriculum, for homework. Please remember that these projects are your child’s and not yours. The students need to put forth independent effort (with guidance, if necessary).
Communication Absences – You may send us emails about absences in place of a note. Notes are due within three days or the absence is counted as unexcused. This a county policy. Communication The best communication is through email. However, if you send an email after 8:30 am I may not see it until after school hours.
Early Check Outs Please send a note telling us what time you will check out your child. Please remember that our math block is from 2:30 - 3:35 and early checkouts will mean missed instruction. Lunch Please make sure your child has either lunch money or a packed lunch. If they do not, then the cafeteria provides them with fruit and vegetables only.
Important Tidbits Please send a healthy snack each day. Due to our specials being on a rotating basis you may want to consider having your child wear tennis shoes daily. This is not a school rule just a suggestion. A reminder that students cannot have any medications, prescriptions or over the counter in their possession at school, this includes cough drops. Chapstick is allowed. All medications must be left in the office. Exceptions to this are diabetic students or students with inhalers.
Third Grade Daily Schedule 8:50- 9:15 - Arrival 9:15-9:25 - Morning Announcements 9:25-9:55 - COUGAR TIME (ELA) 9:55-10:25 Science/Social Studies 10:25-11:25 ELA-- part 1, whole group 11:30-12:10 Rotations 12:36 - 12:50 lunch 1:00-1:30 recess (playground/ball field) 1:35-2:35 ELA part 2, rotation block 2:35-3:35 Math 3:35-3:45 Flex Time/Wrap Up 3:45 Dismissal
Rotation/Specials Schedule Music Art Media Tech
A teacher's purpose is not to create students in his own image, but to develop students who can create their own image. ~Author Unknown
We thank you for taking the time out of your evening to come and get to know us and a bit about your child’s third grade year. It’s going to be a great one!