THE FIRST 100 DAYS 4 Pressing Issues 1) Stabilizing Banks - Closed for 4 days (check banks health – 2/3rds good) - Glass/Stegall Banking Act (Establishes FDIC) - Federal Securities Act (Establishes SEC) - Currency was taken off the Gold Standard (decreased value) 2) Provide Relief - Congress established: Fed. Emergency Relief Agency (gave money to relief agencies) Created Jobs - CWA – Civilian Works Agency - CCC – Civilian Conservation Corps
3) Regulating the Economy Establish the National Recovery Administration (NRA) (Transferred more authority to the President – exec. branch) - Set business codes (minimum wage, working conditions, production) Forced higher wages will cause the economy to drop Public Works Administration (most lasting impact) - Grand Coolee Dam - Tri Borough Bridge -Florida Keys Causeway
4) Assisting Home Owners & Farmers - Established: Home Owners Loan Corp. (HOLC) also FHA - Set up Agricultural Adjustment Admin (AAA) subsidized farm products New Deal Derailed: - Fear of too much Federal Control - Supreme Court rules against NRA (National Recovery Admin) Exec. branch too strong - Concern that the govt. wasn’t doing enough to help the homeless and unemployed
What view point (opinion) about the New Deal is presented in this cartoon? Who is removed? Who is left? Who appears to be left out? What is FDR going to have to do in order to keep the New Deal going? #1
Second Hundred Days New and Expanded Agencies (to answer critics of not doing enough) - Jobs for 8 million people (building playgrounds, schools, roads, hospitals) - Farm Security Admin. – loaned out $1 billion to help farmers (replaced the AAA) Rural Electrification (brought electric to 98% of all rural areas) - made loans to electric companies to extend lines - created thousands of more jobs
- Wagner Act – legalized: - Collective bargaining New Labor Legislation - Wagner Act – legalized: - Collective bargaining - Closed Shops (union only) - Established: National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) – settled labor disputes (banned child labor) Social Security - Pensions (retirement) and Survivors Benefits (Retirement at age 65) - Aid for Dependent Children (also the blind/disabled)
Section 2 – The Limitations of the New Deal 2 People Groups Discriminated Against Women - Lower wages paid (even for equal work) - Domestic Service not included in any Federal Guidelines (minimum wage or work week) African Americans - Blacks excluded from certain jobs (professional, dam project) - or - paid lower wages - White-owned businesses hired only whites Lynchings increased (Federal Government did not pass legislation to outlaw in ‘38) - WHY NOT????
#2 What view point (opinion) about FDR is presented in this cartoon? - Who is ascending the steps? - What steps have already taken place? - - Where step was being proposed? - What is the cartoonist’s concern? #2
Opposition to New Deal Demagogues – (people who manipulate others with ½ truths, deception, and scare tactics) - Father Coughlin – government takeover of banks - redistribution of wealth - Huey Long – Redistribution of wealth Court Packing: - Roosevelt was upset with Supreme Court rulings that cut out some govt. agencies and programs. - He proposed adding 6 new justices to the court - These justices would be appointed by him and would most likely favor his programs and agencies
What view point about the Supreme Court is presented in this cartoon? Who is shocked? Who is smiling? What do the puppets represent? What is the concern if this happens? #3
More gov’t. involvement Less gov’t. involvement Opposition to New Deal - It moved the government to the left on the ideological scale How? Liberal Conservative More gov’t. involvement Less gov’t. involvement More gov’t. programs Less gov’t. programs More gov’t. regulation Less gov’t. regulations Gov’t. support of unions - Conservatives (especially the wealthy business owners) and Republicans were concerned about this shift.
Who is trapped? What does he represent? What is trapping him? What view point (opinion) about the New Deal is presented in this cartoon? Who is trapped? What does he represent? What is trapping him? #4
1. Social Security –taken directly from paychecks Section 3 – The Last Days of the New Deal 2 Issues that caused a recession in 1937 1. Social Security –taken directly from paychecks (caused a decrease in consumer spending $) 2. Rising National Debt – FDR didn’t want to deficit spend any more (debt to $43 billion) 2 Unions that formed - (organized labor) 1. AFL (American Federation of Laborers) - Skilled workers 2. CIO (Committee for Industrial Organization) - Unskilled workers Strikes became violent – Fed must intervene (Supreme Court outlawed sit down strikes because they were too effective) ** These two are now Combined as the AFL-CIO **
2 Tangible reminders of Depression Era Programs 1) Public Works Projects – Bridges, Dams, Tunnels 2) Federal Programs – Social Security, Unemployment & various Gov’t. Agencies Federal agencies still present: FDIC SEC FHA TVA (What do these stand for?) FDIC - Federal Depositors Insurance Agency (Protects Savings) SEC - Security & Exchange Commission (Regulates Stocks) FHA - Federal Housing Administration (gov’t. help with housing) TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority (rural electrification)