Role Of Panchakarma In Pakshaghata By: Deepika Sangeeta Neha BAMS HAMC& Hospital Batch 2010 Under the valuable guidence of : Dr.KARTIKEY M.D. Asst. Professor PG Dept Of PANCHAKARMA
General Introduction Clipped winged bird cannot fly freely as per its wish. In the same way the person who is afflicted with pakshaghata exhibits either loss or retarded movements –may be gross or fine. Out of 80 Vata vyadhis Pakshaghata is one among them. Paksha : Here, the word “paksha” stands for : 1)Flank or side or half of anything 2)One side of body 3)Shareerardham Aghata: Considering the word “Aghata” The Ghata depicts different meanings, they are 1)Vadha 2)Hanana
In Modern Terms HEMIPLEGIA: Word hemiplegia can be segregated into and “Hemi” means ‘Half’ in Greek where as “Plegia” means “Stroke” in Greek. Hence, word meaning after aggregation appears as, loss of strength or voluntary on either side of body. Synonyms” – Paralysis - Stroke - Cerebro vascular accident. Hence, considering the Etymology of word Pakshaghata and Hemiplegia, it shows that both are having same meaning.
Different Terms Used In Same Context Hemiplegia Paraplegia Monoplegia Quadriplegia
According To Acharya Charaka According to Charaka Chikitsa 28 chapter the prakupit vayu will take place in half part of the body and by vishoshana of Shira & Snayu present there it will produce Sankocha and Toda in one Hand and Leg. If the same symptoms are limited in one part only then called Ekanga Roga & if whole body is affected is called Sarvanga Roga.
According To Acharya Shushruta According to Acharya Shushruta when prakupita vayu will reach to Urdhvagami, Adhogami, Adhogami and Tiryaggami Dhamani then this prakupit vayu will destroy any one half of the body and the sandhibandhana alsowill be affected.
According to Acharya Vagbhatta According to Astang Hrudaya Nidan Sthana due to its nidana the prakupita Vayu will take place in half part of the body and will do Shithilan of Sandhi Bandhana and Vishoshana of Shira & Snayu of that part. By this in half part of the body the Kriya and Chetana will be affected. May be of two types 1)Sarvanga or 2)Ekanga.
Nidana Same nidana of Vata Vyadhi are mentioned as Nidana for Pakshaghata like: Ruksha Sheeta Alpa Ahara, Ati Vyavay, Ratri Jagrana, Ati Langhana, Plavana, Adhva, Vyayama, Diwa Swapna, Krodha, Chinta, Shoka Vega Sandharana, Abhighata, Marmaghata, Ushtra Ashwa Gaja Shighra Yana Etc.
Poorvarupa Purvarupa of Pakshaghata are not described in any Ayurvedic text. But purvarupa represents the initial stage of manifestation of disease;as it is one among the vata-vyadhis so we can take purvarupa of vata vyadhis i.e. “Avyakta lakshanas” as purvarupa of pakshaghata.
Rupa RUPA C.S S.S A.S A.H Chestanivruthi Dakshina/ Vama paksha + Vakstambha - Ruja Achetana/Vichetana Sandhi bandha vimoksha Hasta pada-sanckocha
Samprapti According to acharya Vagbhatta: nidana sevana Vata Prakopa Sthana Sanshraya in Shira & Snayu Shoshana of Shira & Snayu Half part of the body will not be able to work properly.
According to Acharya Shushruta: Prakupita Vayu Sthansanshraya in Urdhva, Ado, Tiryaga gami Dhamani Vimoksha of sandhi bandhana of any one half of the body and will be functional loss of half part of body.
Samprapti Ghataka Dosha- Vata Pradhana Tridosha Dushya- Rasa, Rakta, Mansa, Meda Adhisthana- Shariardha Bhaga Srotas- Rasavah, Raktavaha, Mansavaha, Pranvaha Srotodushti Prakara- Sang Agni- Vishmagni Vyadhi Swabhava- Chirkari, Ashukari Sadhy/Asadhyata- Krucchasadhya, Asadhya
Chikitsa Sutra Line of treatment for vata vyadhi: when only vata is aggrivated without any avarana first treat the patient by Sneha like ghruta, taila, vasa & majja. After this snehana Swedana should be administered in the form of Nadi, Prastara and sankara Sweda. After Snehan and Swedana according to requirement one can administer Mrudu Virechana, Basti, Anulomana, Nasya, Dhumapana, Parisheka, Abhyanga, Avgaha and Upnaha.
Different Treatment Modalities Of Pakshaghata THERAPY C.S S.S Snehana - + Swedana Virechana Vamana Anuvasana Asthapana Mastishkya Shirobasti Abhyanga Upnaha Yatha-Dosha Samsarga chikitsa Rasayana
Role Of Virechana Acharya charak has mentioned Swedana and Snigdha virechan as first line of treatment for pakshaghata in chikitsa sthana 28th chapter. Acharya Shushruta and Vagbhatta also considered Virechana as treatment modality for vata vyadhi.
Role of Basti Niruha Bast Anuvasana Basti
Role of Nasya Karma
Role of Abhyanga
Role Of Parisheka
Role of avgah
Role Of Alepa
Role of Taladharana
Role Of Shirobasti
SADHYA-ASADHYATA Acharya Sushruta and Vagbhata have considered vatavyadhis under mahagada or maharoga, and it has been also quoted that all the maharogas are dushchikitsya by nature. According to Acharya Charaka, Pakshaghata has been classified as Kasta Sadhya or Asadhya
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