Generationally Savvy: Bridging the Generation Gap Maryland State Department of Education College and Career Ready Conference 2015 2 mins As participants enter, give them the Generation Preferences sheet to complete as they wait for the start of the session. Discuss after you review outcomes.
Outcomes To assist participants to understand, support and work with colleagues, parents and students of all generations. To understand the mind-sets of different generations and how each group see the world based on its experience 2 minutes to review
Surgeon General’s Warning If this information is used to pigeonhole people, it becomes a dangerous weapon. When we ask ourselves, “How can I be more effective?” it is a valuable tool. 2 mins.
I grew up with that… Listen or view the items in the “I grew up with that” activity. Identify the items you grew up with by standing up. Be careful to only identify the items you grew up with as a child (under 15-years-old), and not just items you are familiar with from other life experiences. 4 minutes
Generation Sorting Activity Please fill in this slide based on whether you are doing the “Talkin’ about my generation” activity or the matching activity. List the directions for whichever activity you are choosing to do.
Born before 1944 Traditionalists Loyal and hardworking Respect authority Appreciate formality Prefer basic, sober communication Have a great amount of knowledge and experience Used to delaying rewards Offer stability 2-3 mins. A Snap Shot of Four Generations Stress that the dates of each generation may vary according to the researcher. Ask about % of this generation in their workplace with a show of fingers Traditionalists
1945-1960/63 Excel at teamwork Love meetings and collective decision making Invented the 70 hour work week Desire to stand out in the crowd What is crucial with this generation is the start date. Some researcher will start in 1943, 1944 or 1945. The men returning from the end of World War II started the baby boom. Since the war ended in Europe in 1944 the start date follows within a year or two. Talk about this being the huge bulge in the population of the US. This generation has influenced every level of life with their size, spending power, & political power. This generation is now starting to retire and will again change the landscape in the US>
1964-1980/82 Expect a lot, demand a lot Appreciate constructive feedback Work well alone Dislike meetings Want work/life balance, dislike long hours Technologically savvy 4 minutes Again, there is a number of ways to define a generation. If you add 18 years for a generation that is 1982, some say 1980. Ask about the % of this generation in the participants schools. Generation X
1980/82-2000 High/over Achievers Best educated generation Try hard Eager to learn Confident and assertive Able to multi-task Accustomed to praise and structure 4 minutes This generation is also known as the Millennial. They were the first generation to start work during the new millennium. Many of the new teachers are from this generation. They had been computer/technology savvy all of their life. They will be in the vanguard of bring new ways of learning to the classroom Ask for % The next generation is called Nexters/Gen Z and were born after 2000. Millenials
Apply your generational knowledge… In your assigned generational groups, review the scenarios on the handout provided. Consider what you have learned about your generation and write down how you would approach the scenario as a school/district leader. Discuss your generational perspectives on the scenarios as a whole group. Assign your participants to generational groups. You should have 4 total groups. Give them the scenario handout. Give them time to read, discuss, and write their answers on the handout. Discuss the outcome of the scenarios as a whole group.
Now What? What are your personal take-aways and commitments? Table groups brain storm how this information can be used to improve PLCs and Communication. Share out. Summary: With the upcoming demographic shift, the schools/teams/districts trained to bridge the gap between traditionalists/boomers/and Gen X and Gen Y, mindful of their different values, will be able to succeed, attract, retain, and engage the Gen X and Gen Y, this talented generation of teachers and leaders.