Warm Up What two ways can a committee kill a bill? What is it called when a congressman adds onto a bill something that has nothing to do with the actual bill? What is your bill topic? 4. Opinion: What part of the economy do you think Congress should deal with first? Pigeonhole or majority vote rider
Taxing & Spending Bills Standard 12.4 Learning Goal: I will learn how Congress carries out monetary policy.
I. Ways & Means Committee H of R Starts all revenue measures/tax laws Closed Rule: only members from the committee may make changes to the bill
II. Senate Try to change tax bills from the H of R Finance Committee i. Deals with most tax bills
III. Appropriating Money Approving governmental spending Authorization bill Sets up a federal program specifying amounts of $$$ Appropriations bill Provides money needed to carry out the laws
IV. Appropriations Committee A. In both houses they hear agency & program’s testimonies for the required funds each year
V. Uncontrollable Expenditures Money that has previously been allocated by Congress members Example: ss or previous gov’t contracts