A Little One Shall Become A Thousand..... ANNOUNCEMENTS Sunday January 29, 2017
Welcome to Social Sunday!!!
Annual Discipleship Information Updates Church Announcement Annual Discipleship Information Updates We ask that All disciples of our church please stop by the registration table after service today to verify your contact information. This will be our last day of updating so please be ready to verify your address, telephone numbers, and email so that we have the most up to date information. Thank you!
WAR ROOM Intercessory Prayer The doors of our church and sanctuary will be open on this Tuesday, January 31, 2017 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. This special invitation is for any and all disciples who may desire to seek God through private prayer and intercession. Though this is not a worship service, our Pastor is asking that whoever is willing may come and pray freely!
Saturday, February 4th at 10am and Praise & Worship Music Ministry The next Praise & Worship Music Ministry rehearsal will be held on: Saturday, February 4th at 10am and Thursday February 16th at 6:30pm. All current and interested new disciples should mark their calendars to attend!
Save the Date Please take note of our upcoming church ministry dates: Power 15 call resumes Monday, February 6th at 7pm. GOPCC United Prayer Call resumes Monday, February 13th at 7pm Thrive Empowerment call resumes Tuesday, February 14th at 7pm.
“Youth Intercessory Prayer Service” Church Fellowship “Youth Intercessory Prayer Service” Judah Generation is invited to attend the Youth Intercessory Prayer Service, hosted by Senior Pastor Pastor Doris Presley, at the Spirit of the Lord FGBC on Saturday, February 11th at 9:30am. Bro. Liron Frieson will be praying! All youth and intercessors are welcome and encouraged to attend. The church is located at 2385 Rhode Island Ave. NE, Washington, D.C. 20018 7
Inclement Weather! For information concerning church and ministry event closings due to inclement weather, you can tune into: FOX 5, WJLA ABC 7, NEWS CHANNEL 8, WJZ 13, ABC 2 or visit us on our Church Website at www.generationofpraise.org
Weekly Announcements Please submit any church ministry related announcements to be considered in the weekly announcements by Tuesday at 3:00 PM to Minister Monique Hagans or Sis. Jamie Adams at: Monique.Hagans@generationofpraise.org Jamie.Adams@generationofpraise.org PASTORAL MINISTRY MEETINGS & REQUESTS Please coordinate all requested meetings with Pastor Frieson through Sis. Detris Dickens at: Detris.Dickens@generationofpraise.org
Connect With Us every 2nd & 4th Wednesday Intercessory Prayer Service – 10:05am Sunday Worship Service – 10:15am Believers Night Bible Study – 7:15pm every 2nd & 4th Wednesday For more information regarding our church, ministry event announcements, and online giving opportunities please log onto: www.GENERATIONOFPRAISE.ORG Tell a friend to connect with us on Facebook and we welcome you to follow us on twitter.
(Deuteronomy 1:6-7 - NKJV) You have dwelt long enough at this mountain. Turn and take your journey…. (Deuteronomy 1:6-7 - NKJV)