is one of the hardest adjustments new students make Academic writing is one of the hardest adjustments new students make
personalised all-hours help, online That’s why your students now have YourTutor for personalised all-hours help, online Outside yours and other staff’s consult hours, or when you just can’t personally be on-call to help with an essay draft for every one of your students, every night.
How does YourTutor Writing Feedback work? Step 2: In less than 24 hours, one of the tutors will send the file back with in-line comments and feedback. The student will be notified by email, and will have to log back in to collect their file. Step 1: Students sign in via web page, and upload their draft writing file to YourTutor, nominating the areas they want specific help with.
Grammar, spelling, punctuation Argument clarity How does YourTutor Writing Feedback help? Tutors provide in-line comments, draw attention to problem areas and leave encouraging feedback to help students think about, and improve their work. Tip: Remind all your students to get feedback from YourTutor before submitting their final to you. The work you get will be more thoughtful, as students act on the tutor’s guidance on English, literacy, structure, and response. English Structure, flow Grammar, spelling, punctuation Argument clarity Reports, essays or any written file
Learning support staff, what can you do? Students are busy and distracted! You can consistently remind students that the YourTutor service is free for them, exclusively and unlimited as part of their enrolment. Contact Murray St Leger ( for free staff information, to set up a staff training, for free materials and template email copy, student training videos, and more.
Tip: Copy and paste this text for your next email to students, or to add to the student forum, intranet space, or your out-of-hours email signature “Need English, grammar or writing feedback quickly? Thanks to Ulster University, you get 24/7 help from the ‘YourTutor’ service: Real life experts who will help with your written draft, in less than 24 hours. To upload your file, you need to sign in via the YourTutor link at
Students say…. 7:05pm “Thankyou, I was not sure if I was on the right track. Your comments and in text assistance has been greatly appreciated. I can sleep now!!! Many Thanks” 5:37pm “Thanks so much for the feedback. I can see from the feedback there is plenty of opportunity for improvement and I am glad I have time to work on this. Thanks so much. This feedback will definitely help improve my grade. Enjoy your evening. :)” 4:55pm “Constructive feedback and pointing out positive things makes me feel confident thank you so much” 11:05pm “Informative, respectful and supportive. Exactly what I needed to continuously improve my academic writing, improve my assessment and retain confidence in my abilities. Thank You.” 8:30am “Really good feedback, as always! It is easy to understand what I need to improve, and you are using a language which are easy to understand for me as an international student. Thank you!”
Visit: Questions about how your students connect?