Thank you for Asking A Sunday Service Survey~ The Results and a few Observations Robin Debacker January, 2014 Thank you for Asking
A grassroots survey Q: Who was the survey for? A: Average Unificationists like you and me
THE SURVEY QUESTION Hi ____, Since my husband Jean and I came back to his hometown in Belgium after living in Korea for many years, we’ve been thinking a lot about how to improve the Sunday service. I'm collecting ideas from people in various places/countries. Do you attend a service, and if so, what is the format, and what's the most inspiring part of it for you? Would you like to see any changes or additions? I hope you have time to respond. Thanks in advance for any ideas you send. Robin
What inspires you? & What would you change?
Survey Demographics 930 people received the survey by personal message on FB. 352 (approx. 30%) responded. Responses came from 195 cities ~in 38 states in the US and 32 countries worldwide. Out of 352 respondents, 103 were 2nd gen.
Lack of Attendance =90 Almost 25% DON’T attend Out of 352 respondents: 60 no longer attend a service, 21 rarely attend, 9 left the movement =90 Almost 25% DON’T attend
Some Reasons Given “Too far to travel,” or “I’m too lazy.” “I do my own HDH at home.” “Time conflict with church visitation.” “I do yoga instead.” “It’s not relevant .” “I pulled back since IJN.” “God is everywhere!” “I attend another church that’s more inspiring.” “I prefer not to talk about it.”
Attendance Of those who DO attend, over 70% said they are uninspired and attend out of duty or for social reasons only.
A Few Comments Given “I love the music and cherish the fellowship, but I’m allergic to the sermon.” 1st gen “DP without application is so dry. I tune into Joel Osteen for inspiration.” 1st gen “I attend because I want to help out, not because it’s inspiring, empowering, or educational.” 2nd gen
Two Types of Adjectives describing the atmosphere and congregants: 1) Relaxing and Welcoming “I wouldn’t change a thing!” OR…
2) the opposite… Monotonous, Boring Not energized or uplifting “I attend for the fellowship not for the inspiration.” 1st gen “We need a more interactive congregation~ not just everybody sitting there like sleeping statues.” 1st gen
Getting in touch with the pulse
The Common Threads 1. THE SERMON ~ length and content 2. THE SERVICE ~ goal and format 3. WORSHIP~ music, praise, prayer 4. COMMUNITY ~ testimonies, fellowship, member care, small group, and contribution 5. THE SECOND GEN~ How to inspire them!
Practical rather than theoretical “ I would like to see a sermon with concrete action steps that can be followed.” 2nd gen “What would really motivate me to go to Sunday service would be topics sharing personal experience and practical lessons we can take from others.” 2nd gen
BEST SERMON PRACTICES Short ~ 20-30 minutes Applicable, practical content for daily life Concise and to the point Uplifting and encouraging Personal and honest
Best Practices Leadership training programs -NYC ~ training 2nd gen to MC; -Rev. Thompson in CA~ How to give sermons. -Faith Fusion, NH~ How to take care of guests. -Quality invitation cards (NH)
Shared Leadership “People want to be engaged in civic life. They want their views heard, understood, and considered. They want to know that their involvement will make a difference...” Wisconsin’s Healthy Vision 2020, Collaborative Leadership, by Chrislip & Larson
Fellowship -“People join because of community rather than doctrine.” 2nd gen -“Now is the era we need to know each other well as true brothers and sisters.” 1st gen
“ I feel inspired talking to Aunts and Uncles that I love and respect “ I feel inspired talking to Aunts and Uncles that I love and respect. It’s very important for 2nd gen to connect with 1st gen who aren’t their own parents.” 2nd gen
MEMBER CARE “I have been in this community for more than 2 years and many members have never spoken to me or even know who I am. When I went to the Mormon service people greeted me and asked for my email/phone number. No one in the UC community has ever done that. Even the 2nd gen have their exclusive "clicks.” 2nd gen
“ I don't feel like anyone really cares “ I don't feel like anyone really cares. I know that most people want to, but they’re all out to fulfill God's providence and not remembering the people right in front of them.” 2nd gen “People have to feel loved. They also have to feel that their contribution matters. They have to feel that someone is listening.” 1st gen
Making a Contribution “Contributing something, big or small, is inspiring. That’s what keeps me coming back.” 1st gen “We give a gift bag to the speaker each week to show our gratitude.” 2nd gen
“There wasn't much I liked about Sunday service at all… This inspired me to get involved… I developed a music ministry… That developed into collaboration with the pastor to make the service more embracing and inspiring.” 1st gen
2nd GEN -“I don't see many of the 2nd gen here so I know we need a revolution.” 1st gen -“I’d like to see more 2nd gen at the podium. We have a lot to share, but not many opportunities.” 2nd gen
BEST PRACTICE: Youth Service -One Sunday a month - 2nd gen are responsible for the message, MC, songs, and everything - “Highest attendance and most popular to bring guests to.”
Best Practice – Pair Discussion in L.A., California -“Our pastor has us turn to a neighbor and share what we gained from the sermon. It's amazing how many times someone brings up a fantastic point that I overlooked.” 2nd gen
Discover or try a BEST PRACTICE The Take-Away! Discover or try a BEST PRACTICE Ask Questions Get involved CONTRIBUTE
Pair Discussion 1. What inspires you? 2. What would you change? 3. What do you contribute?
Thank you for responding! To view all survey responses, visit