The Royal Docks Community School Student Bulletin Monday 12th June 2017 (Week B) Assembly theme:- Achieve More – Team Work Andy Ross “Teamwork simply stated, it is less me and more we” - R.Ingolsoll.
Message from the Head Teacher Thank you to Daisy and Elena in Year 7 for making me a delicious dessert – I thoroughly enjoyed it. Well done Naisha, Saifa and Faija in Year 7 and for receiving a Head Teacher’s Certificate and badge for excellent achievement and Armani in Year 7 for excellence.
Message from the Head Teacher Year 11 will have a leaving assembly on Wednesday 14th They will then be able to say your goodbyes, sign shirts and books in the school grounds . Those of you still to sit further exams should continue to revise.
Message from the Head Teacher Due to a technical issue at Terence McMillan Stadium, the Sports Day scheduled for 20th June has had to be cancelled.
Ramadan Fasting in Ramadan is one of the pillars of Islam and is amongst the most important acts of worship. Many young Muslims will be fasting during their exams. Although the month can be very intense it’s important that students are wise about how they conduct themselves. Fasting is an obligation which Musims adhere to but there are elements of the month that are not as essential. So students who are taking exams should think about making sure that they are well hydrated and eat well in the morning. They should continue with their preparation for exams and avoid doing anything strenuous while they are fasting. They should make sure that they sleep well even if it means missing some of the non-obligatory prayers done during the night. It is advisable to take a short afternoon nap which helps break up the fasting day and replenish your energy. However prolonged hours of deep sleep will be counter- productive and may make a person lethargic and lazy.
Ramadan For staff they should make sure that there is good air circulation in their rooms and could provide a quiet place for students to rest and revise for lunch and break. Students are advised to avoid big family gatherings during their exam time. Fasting does add an extra challenge for those doing exams. Therefore it’s important that you are smart with your time and avoid cramming last minute revision. Stick to the timetable you have set yourself. When you are tired spend that time working on practicing the skills and application needed for the exam. Avoid staying up all night revising could do more harm than good. Make sure you are not working in complete isolation and you have a supportive team around you consisting of friends who also want to work hard.
Mock General Election Thank you to all pupils who voted this week. An extra thank you to 9A1 (Miss Tinsley) and 9A2 (Mr McGoldrick) who counted the votes and verified the result. Special thanks to Josh Vanderpool, Amal Ayinde, Martynas Verygas who were the auditors and Abdul Jamal who was a very helpful gatekeeper.
STUDENT PORTAL The Student Portal includes: Careers and Aspirations (yrs. 10/11). Pay special attention to the document that reads Please click here to find out about colleges in and out of Newham… (It contains a list of colleges in and out of Newham, their websites and phone numbers). Homework Documents: Departments can send me documents to upload for pupilsto complete homework/classwork/coursework etc. Heads of Year Head Boy/Girl and Prefects School Calendar Exam Dates School Day (lesson times) Student Bulletin Google Classroom link The portal is located at the very bottom of the school website page.
Assemblies Week B Week A Tuesday Year 11 Thursday Year 7 Friday Year 9
Choir Choir Practice Choir takes place every Tuesday at 1:10pm in the music studio. Anyone can join, even if they can just hold a tune! The more the merrier. get an early lunch pass from Ms Wilcox in S10 at the start of lunch!
Career Lunches in the Library Security Industry December 8, 2016 Hospitality and Events February 2, 2017 Media and Fashion February 9, 2017 Journalism March 2, 2017 Hair and Beauty March 16, 2017 Finance and Software Development March 23, 2017 Music and Drama April 20, 2017 Stockbroking April 27, 2017 Aviation May 4, 2017 Personal Finance May 25, 2017 Automobile Industry June 29, 2017 Sales and Retail July 6, 2017
DEBATEMATE IS BACK! If you are interested in improving how you argue, improving your English speaking skills, improving your structured writing skills, or being a general all round legend then come to DEBATE MATE - Tuesday 3:30 – 4:30 - Room E13
For more information, speak to Ms Clarke. Wednesday Lunch Time For more information, speak to Ms Clarke.
Equipment for Sale Basic school equipment will now be sold in school. This includes pens, pencils, rulers, rubbers and sharpeners and can be purchased as individual items or in mini sets. Each item is priced at 10p. Set prices are: pen/pencil/ruler - 25p. Pen/pencil/ruler/rubber/sharpener – 40p. The items can be purchased from breakfast club from 7.30am to 8.20am daily or Internal Exclusion room at break time, lunchtime or after school. If staff or pupilswould like other basic equipment to be sold in school, please let Mrs Haylett, the School Business Manager know. 16G USBs will be on sale in the Library at a price of £3.00.
Messages from the Library The library is open Monday to Thursday from 8am to 4.30pm. Friday it is open from 8am to 3pm. The library is there for you to use. There are 13,000 non-fiction books in the library that will have the answers to your homework. Every subject you study has books in the library you can use to improve. In the library you can: Read Use the non-fiction books for your school work Read daily newspapers and quality magazines Use the computers for your school work Do your homework
Message from Student Support Office Pupils are not allowed in the main office at any time unless supervised by a member of staff. On Friday afternoons lost property will be by the student entrance as you leave so you can search for any items that may belong to you. Any lost PE kit will be given to the PE department so please check with your PE teacher if you have lost anything. You can still check for lost property daily, at break times, lunch times and afterschool, this is kept in the medical room. Smaller items such as purses, keys, phones please check with the main office. Please be aware that every half term the remaining lost property will be given to charity, so please check for your items as soon as possible. If you cannot gain access to the Lower North wing please report to the student window. pupilsto check for lost PE kit in the PE office. If you need to check at any other time then you must be accompanied by a teacher.
Message from Ms Bradshaw-Shallow – Student Welfare Any student having to take medication must have had it handed to medical with a note from their parent/carer at the beginning of the day. Any student given medication to medical will have a note to say they have to take it at a certain time. No student should be carrying medication around with them.