Year 7 Information Evening The Future of Key Stage 4
Current provision at Carr Hill KS3 (Years 7-9) Hours over 2 weeks English 8 Maths Science 6 History 3 Geography RS 2 MFL 4 Performing Arts Technology Art PSHE PE Computing KS4 (Years 10-11) Hours over 2 weeks English Language & Literature GCSE 8 Maths GCSE Science GCSE 12 (triple)/10 (double) RS GCSE 3 PE 2 Computing ECDL Option 1 (must be one of History, Geography, Computing or MFL) 5 Option 2 (any choice) Option 3 (any choice)
The educational world at GCSE is changing massively Schools are now judged on Progress 8 – the progress students make in 8 subjects (English, Maths, Science (2), a Humanity or MFL and 3 others which must be Government approved qualifications. This is inevitably restricting the curriculum but we need to ensure our students are competing with the rest of the country and in 2015 made humanity or MFL compulsory to avoid the situation we faced in 2016. The official Progress 8 figure is -0.56 which the Government would class as well below average. Attainment 8 (the actual points score ) was 4.7. However, only 75% of students had the right combination of 8 subjects (and this will be true again in 2017). If we look only at these students then. Average points score in the 8 subjects was 5.39 for these 151 students Progress 8 would be -0.2 Low ability +0.33 Middle ability -0.31 High ability -0.15
The educational world at GCSE is changing massively We have done a review of our Science provision and do not believe that Science has enough time to prepare for the GCSE in current model – it has less than English or Maths and more to get though as some students will be doing 3 Science GCSEs. The ECDL Computer course we believe important but is no longer recognised in Government league tables for 2018. From 2017 the grading system is changing to reflect the new more challenging exams and this is the fundamental reason for wanting to move to 3 years for GCSE courses – have a look at the following statistics:
For a typical student Subject 2016 exams 2018 exams onwards English language 2hrs 15 mins of exam + 40% coursework 3 hrs and 30 mins of exam. No coursework Maths 2 x 1 hr 45 mins of exam 3 x 1 hour and 30 mins of exam Double Science 3x 1 hr exams + 25% coursework 6 x 1 hour and 15 min exams History 1x 2hr exam, 1 90 min exam + 25% coursework 2 x I hour and 45 min exams. No coursework Drama 100% practical with written elements 1 x 90 minute exam plus 60% practical Total exams 13 22 Total length of exams 19 hours 33 hours Value of exams About 50% of total assessment About 85% of total assessment
‘The purpose of the curriculum is to build the architecture of long term memory’ Dylan Wiliam
Proposal After a lot of thought and consideration we want to move to a three year key stage 4 from September 2018 which would therefore be current Year 7 ‘a rapidly increasing number of schools are already effectively reducing KS3 to 2 years’ (NC Review Expert Committee 2011). Legally we have to follow the National Curriculum but there are no restrictions on how that is done – ‘for schools to judge the Curriculum’ (DfE). Key issue – what is best for our students in a very competitive GCSE world? We already effectively start Maths, English and Science GCSEs in Year 9. Flight paths from Year 7 are based on GCSE grades and assessment uses GCSE grades.
The Proposed curriculum Subject Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 English 8 Maths Science 6 12 PE 4 2 RS 3 5 MFL Technology Geography History Performing Arts Art PSHE Computing Ebacc Option (Humanity/MFL/Computer Science) Option 2 Option 3
Advantages: It will allow us to teach greater depth over a longer period of time and so better prepare students for their GCSEs. Experience elsewhere suggests students will be more motivated having made choices. It allows time for the development of specific skills at the beginning of GCSE courses. It increases the provision of Science in Year 9. It increases the possibility of students doing a second language over 3 years. It creates time for the more enjoyable activities connected with the courses. Eg. trips, discussion, debate, field studies. More opportunities for breadth as well as depth. It would make KS3 more focussed, faster paced and more challenging for students.
Concerns: Worry about narrowing the curriculum too early; students will only have compulsory Humanities, Technology, Performing Arts, Art and MFL for 2 years. Students being mature enough to make choices. Students making the wrong choice. Little time being spent with some subjects before choices are made. Is the exam regime driving the curriculum? Will students remember what they did in Year 9? What about PSHE?
Student voice – random selection of 20 Year 7 and 8 No one thought the proposal was a bad idea. ‘I think it is a good idea, because you have longer to revise for your subjects instead of cramming everything in’ ‘I think this is a good idea because it gives us more time to study the options we choose but it doesn’t give us a lot of time to choose’ ‘I do think this is a good idea because people know what they want to do’ ‘Yes it would you more time to study your chosen subjects’ ‘It’s good because we can have more time to prepare. The first year could be looking at it and the rest studying. But its not fair on the Year 8s because they get less time to study’ ‘It’s a good idea because my Mum will kill me if I don’t get good grades and having another year of study would be great’
Student voice – random selection of 20 Year 9 & 10 No one thought the proposal was a bad idea. ‘It’s a good idea so the teachers don’t have to rush through the lesson trying to get things done’ ‘I think that the extra year of studying is a good thing as it allows for topics to be looked at in greater detail and there will be a correlation between the amount of time studying and the grades of a student’ ‘I think it would be good to spend 3 years to prepare for your exams because it gives you more time to experience what they are going to be like – the only problem is that year 8s might still be a bit immature’ ‘Some might get bored of the GCSE option so this allows them to change before it is too late’ ‘I think this is a very good idea. I would have preferred to do this as it gives more time to cover specifications with less pressure. I think as long as the Year 8s have all the assemblies to help them choose it will be ok. I think we rush courses sometimes so this will help.’
Student voice – random selection of Year 12 None of the students objected to the idea. Current year 12s actually chose their options in Year 8 under a system of early entry and said they had no issue with making choices at that age.
So what would happen? Governors make a decision in light of the consultation in July. If it is agreed then: Staff start preparing for the new 3 year KS4 and 2 Year KS2 over 2017-18. Students in Year 8 will have assemblies and PSHE lessons informing them about courses and careers guidance throughout the autumn term. Options Event on 1st February 2018.. Year 8 Parents Evening 8th February 2018.. Start GCSE courses in September 2018 for exams in 2021.
Thoughts and discussion