Learning Performance Achievement Your LPA Journey Begins… Learning Performance Achievement
Rewards Dreams Don’t Work Unless You Do R1 – Good work or effort in class; good homework; for ‘thinking of the other person’; participation in Session 6; participation in an Academy or House Event; supporting a House Charity Event or helping a member of staff or fellow pupil. Pupils will be awarded 1 point. R2 – Very good work or sustained effort; 100% attendance for a term; assisting staff to run an Academy event. Pupils will be awarded 2 points and receive a letter or postcard home. R3 – Consistently high effort or outstanding work; being an excellent role model for other pupils. Pupils will be awarded 3 points and receive a recommendation for ‘Pupil of the Week’. R4 – Exceptional work or progress; an excellent tracking form; an excellent annual report or for being ‘Pupil of the Week’. Pupils will be awarded 4 points and receive a commendation to the Principal. Dreams Don’t Work Unless You Do
Consequences C1 - Verbal warning. Intended to encourage a pupil to work without further disrupting the lesson. C2 - Second warning for poor behaviour or inadequate work. Pupil moved within the classroom. The pupil will receive a negative point and this will be logged on their record. C3 - Persistent disruption after a C2. Timeout called and the pupil may be removed from the lesson. A C3 may also be issued for inadequate work; walking away from a member of staff; being late to the Academy or a lesson without a valid reason; failing to hand in homework on time; using a mobile phone in class without permission; lack of correct equipment without a valid reason; the abuse of the Academy ICT system; poor behaviour on the bus; eating in the corridor; littering or inappropriate corridor behaviour. When a C3 is given the pupil will receive 4 negative points and a one hour detention in session 6 time. This will be doubled if they fail to attend. C4 - Second failure to attend a detention; truancy from lessons; aggressive behaviour; serial disruption of lessons or incorrect uniform without a valid reason. Pupils will be placed in isolation. Making Mistakes Is Part Of Life As Long As We Learn From Them.
Effective Participant Reflective Participant On Your Journey To Success KEY STAGE THREE DIPLOMA Academic Progress Attendance Attitude Literacy & Numeracy Quality of homework Effective Participant (Inside the classroom) Reflective Participant (Acting on feedback)
On Your Journey To Success The Lydiard Park Academy Key Stage Three Diploma has been designed to celebrate your personal achievements. Collect points in eight different areas, with a focus on improving your academic progress. Points will be awarded three times a year from your tracking form and end of year report and you can achieve a Bronze, Silver or Gold award. At the end of each academic year you will receive a certificate and reward points depending on your achievement and progress
How can I achieve a Diploma? Academic Progress – 1 to 5 points If you hit or exceed your target grade you will score points (average grade across subjects). You can score up to 5 points for the progress you are making across your subjects. Points On target = 1 points 0.1 AGAT = 2 points 0.2 AGAT = 3 points 0.3 AGAT = 4 points Over 0.4 AGAT = 5 points. (*AGAT – Average grade above target)
How can I achieve a Diploma? Attendance – 1 – 5 points If your attendance is at 98% or higher, you will score 5 points. The minimum attendance requirement at Lydiard Park Academy is 92%. 92% = 1 point 93% - 95% = 2 points 95.1% - 96% = 3 points 96.1 – 97.9% = 4 points 98% or above = 5 points
How can I achieve a Diploma? Diploma Qualities – up to 5 points per quality For each of the tracking scores, the average scores across subjects for each quality will be added together to give a score out of 20 Attitude Quality of Homestudy Reflective Participant Effective Participant
How can I achieve a Diploma? Literacy and Numeracy awards will be awarded at Bronze, Silver and Gold level. Each level is worth 5 points. The aim for each pupil is to achieve a Bronze in Year 7, a Silver in Year 8 and a Gold by the end of Year 9.
Certificate Award Points You can earn a certificate and reward points each academic year Estimated Points Boundaries, Are You On Track? Bronze – 16/30 points (48 after 3 tracking points) Silver – 21/30 points or above (63 after 3 tracking points) Gold – 25/30 points or above (75 after 3 tracking points) End of Year Bench Marks (Example is including Lit. and/or Num. awards) Bronze – 53/100 points (needs Lit. and/or Num. award) = 50 reward points Silver –66/100 points or above (needs Lit. and/or Num. award) = 100 reward points Gold – 80/100 points or above (with Lit. and Num. award) = 150 reward points If you receive a Gold in each year of KS3, you will receive a Platinum Governors award.
Pre-LPA Journey Tasks Over the summer pupils will be asked to complete 3 tasks and sign up to a serious of pledges. Tasks Read and prepare a review of a new book of your choice (written or technology based) 2. Write a letter to your future self as a 16 year old What are your LPA hopes? What are your LPA fears? What do you want to achieve by the time you leave LPA? What job would you like to do when you have your qualifications? Who is going to help you on your journey to success? 3. Create a ‘Me Capsule’. In this capsule you can include anything that tells your tutor and classmates about you. It can contain anything from photos, to a music concert ticket, to a snake skin Due on the first day back
LPA Pledges & Survey Pledges Throughout the day tomorrow we will be speaking to pupils about creating a set of pledges that are specific to their new year group. Once decided, pupils will be challenged to meet them all in year 7. Survey To help us find out even more about our new intake, pupils will be asked to complete a short 12 question survey. The link will is already embedded on the LPA VLE in the news section. https://kwiksurveys.com/s/JyoOqqlR#/1840342
Learning Potential Achieved Your LPA Journey Ends… Learning Potential Achieved