Reference: R.F. Keeling, et al., Atmospheric CO2 Values (ppmv) Derived from in Situ Air Samples Collected at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, USA (La Jolla, California: Carbon Dioxide Research Group, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, February 2009) accessed on June 10, 20 13,
Lesson 2: Additional Resources Video Global Warming: It’s All About Carbon. Climate Connections, a partnership between National Public Radio (NPR) and National Geographic, features Robert Krulwich’s 5-part cartoon series, Global Warming: It’s All About Carbon. These 5 short films explain in simple yet humorous ways the role of carbon in climate change. Website Understanding Climate Change: A Primer, is an online publication by the Woods Hole Research Center that explains the greenhouse effect, scientific evidence, causes, and potential outcomes.