Yamaha YDP162 & Kawai CL36 Digital Pianos Audience: Musicians Greeting: Good Morning, my name is Jennifer! Hook: Are you a composer or do you like to record the piano arrangements you play? What: Today I am going to compare two digital pianos: the Yamaha YDP162 and the Kawai Cl36. By Jennifer McGhee
Which is best for you? Why: By the end of this speech you will be able to choose which piano is the best for you!
Overview 1. Design 2. Sound 3. Usability (Please follow the format below exactly) Overview: I’m going to talk about 3 things. First, design. Second, usability, and third, price. T: Now lets get started.
1. Design Yamaha Kawai (use Page 55 to help you with your Introduce (I) Explaing (E) Emphasize (E) and Page 77 to help you with your Transitions (T) I: First, let’s talk about Design. Here we can see the two pianos. E:On the left is the Yamaha, and on the right is the Kawai. The Kawai has empty space below the keyboard, but the Yamaha uses that space for its speakers. The music stand on the Kawai is much bigger than the one on the Yamaha, but the Yamaha is a little taller. Both designs have a the full 88-key keyboard and all 3 pedals. E: What I want you to remember is that even though Yamaha is a little bigger, it uses the space for its speakers, which give it a better sound. T: I have told you about design. Next, what about usability?
2. Usability: Sounds & Quality (USE p. 55 and 77 to make IEE &T for each slide) I: E: T:
2. Usability: Recording Function Examples (USE p. 55 and 77 to make IEE &T for each slide)
3. Price (USE p. 55 and 77 to make IEE &T for each slide)
Conclusion 1. Design 2. Usability 3. Price Yamaha = bigger, better sound 2. Usability Sounds = Yamaha 10 . Quality = Yamaha More Realistic 3. Price Yamaha = mid-range price (Use P. 88 to help you write your conclusion) Conclusion: I talked about 3 things. First, I told you about design. Please remember that even though Yamaha is a little bigger, it uses the space for its speakers, which give it a better sound. Second, I told you about usability. Don’t forget that Yamaha has an easier recording function and even though it only has 10 voices, the actual sounds are higher quality than the Kawai’s. Lastly, I told you about price. I hope you remember that…….(etc)
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/10/13/article-1220203-06C162E1000005DC-557_468x343.jpg (Finally, state your choice product clearly – use a photograph that shows your choice product being used successfully!) After looking at these 3 areas and comparing both the Kawai and the Yamaha, I think you’ll understand why I believe the Yamaha is the best choice for you! Yamaha