Practical Pharmacology Lab.6 3rd-year class Practical Pharmacology 2010-2011
effect of Atropine on man
Procedure:- 1.Student are divided into 4 groups. 2.One student of each group acts as a volunteer. 3.The following observations are recorded 5 minutes interval prior to injection of Atropine. a. Subjective symptoms. b. Salivation. c. Pulse rate. d. Size of pupil. e. Reaction to light. f. Accommodation
N.B:- to calculate the volume of saliva, we collect saliva for 3 minutes after sucking a drop of ascorbic acid(vitamin c). 4. Injection of Atropine solution 1ml(0.6 mg) is given subcutaneously to each volunteer. 5. The same observations are made after injection, at 10 minutes interval for 40 minutes.
6. Make a table for the obtained data as follows:- Before injection after injection
Parameter Subjective Salivation Pulse rate Size of pupil 40 min 30 min 20 min 10 min 5 min Parameter Subjective Salivation Pulse rate Size of pupil Reaction to light Accommodation