Winnebago County Teen Safety Team
History Child Death Review Team Results Parents Are the Key-Evidence Based Program Partnerships - Party at the Pac - DMV - Motor Vehicle Safety Coordinator-Deena Liska. (childrens Hospital of Wisconsin Community Health. Cross Roads Teen Driving
Criteria to become a team Sheriff/Health Dept initiated Easy Met with Deena Simple checklist provided Needs assessment using local data Funding provided Identified members and set up first meeting Nov 2014.
Membership Winnebago County Sheriff Dept.-lead agency Winnebago County Health Dept Wisconsin State Patrol Trauma Center at Theda Care Menasha Police Dept. Gold Cross Ambulance Service Oshkosh Fire Dept. Neenah High School Oshkosh North High School Proactive Driving School
Mission Initially Winnebago County Teen Driving Coalition with focus on Motor Vehicle Safety Evolved Winnebago County Teen Safety Team Note it is a team as teens didn’t really know what coalition meant.
MISSION The Winnebago County Teen Safety Team is dedicated to preventing injuries and deaths to area teens through education, teen-empowerment, and community awareness of challenges facing young people today.
Vision/Goals To develop student-led Safety Teams in each high school dedicated to safety challenges as determined by the students. Provide support to sustain these teams Promote community awareness of teen safety challenges to promote community participation.
Pilot Program
Introduction of Winnebago Co Teen Driving Coalition to NHS
Poster Contest
Spring Event Planning Student led to make it relevant (Decca Club identified as leaders) Survey to determine top 5 issues for teen driving as students see it Week before Prom
Rockets Against Distracted Driving
Awareness Event Targeted Law Enforcement Positive Reinforcement
Texting Distance
Event Posters
Event Partners
Diversity Fair Simulator Simulator
Diversity Fair Distraction Dial Teen Safety Table
Diversity Fair
Future Meeting with Oshkosh North High School Neenah High to establish own Safety Team Continue to move on to other high schools