RESULTS INTRODUCTION MATERIALS AND METHODS Flow diagram of FDP Reference: CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF LOCAL AND COMMERCIAL QUINOA (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) SEEDS, FLOURS AND THEIR UTILIZATION IN A FERMENTED MILK PRODUCT Title: Authors: Adriana Noemí Ramón1, Carolina Antonela Curti2, Noelia Fernanda Paz2 Paula Micaela Vidal3, Enzo Goncalvez de Oliveira2, Fernando Josue Villalva2, Ramiro Néstor Curti4. Workcenter: 1Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Consejo de Investigación. Universidad Nacional de Salta. 2INIQUI, CONICET 3Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Nacional de Salta.4LABIBO, CONICET. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Argentina. INTRODUCTION Nowadays, there is a renewed interest in quinoa because of the ethical and cultural appreciation of this ancient crop and considerations associated with its nutritional quality. Aim: To evaluate the chemical composition of local (Argentinian variety) and commercial quinoa seeds, flours and their utilization in a fermented dairy product (FDP). MATERIALS AND METHODS Local quinoa seeds (LQS) from Abralaite of Colanzulí, Department of Iruya, Province of Salta, Argentina, commercial quinoa seeds (CQS) and flour (CQF) were used. Fermented dairy products (FDP) were produced with milk, Lactobacillus delbrueckii susp. Bulgaricus and Streptococcus salivarius susp termophilus (Cr. Hansen), sugar, vanilla and three concentrations of LQF (1, 3 and 5g%) to select preferred. Local quinoa seeds without saponins Saponins removal from quinoa seeds: wash in cool water and dry in oven at 105°C for 5 hours. Grind and sieve into 60 mesh to obtain flour (LQF). LQS, CQS and flours were assessed according to A.O.A.C methods and for: Carbohydrates (Fehling-Causse Bonnans), Proteins (Kjeldahl), Fats (Soxhlet), Moisture Ashes Flow diagram of FDP Ultrapasteurized milk Sugar and LQF addition Thermal treatment under stirring (44°C) Inculation with lactic-culture 0,02% Pack in sterile plastic cups Incubation at 43-45°C until pH 4.5 Cooling (ice bath) and storage (5°C) Mix 2 min Vainilla Addition (0,2 ml%) FDP with quinoa flour Rank test with 100 consumers. Newell MacFarlane tables. Statistical analysis ANOVA and Duncan test (p<0,05). RESULTS CONCLUSIONS, DISCUSSION AND PRACTICAL APPLICATION Moisture and carbohydrates were higher in CQS and CQF (13.6, 10.05 and 60.66, 60.72 g%). LQS and LQF fat content were 6.03 and 5.60 g% still lower than commercial. A higher protein value was determined in LQS (16.41 g%). Ash content ranged from 0.95 g% (CQS) to 2.26g% (LQF). No significant differences in preference (P > 0,05%) between FDP at 1 and 3% (rank sums 175 and 198, respectively) were found but among these and FDP at 5% (253). Data shows differences in chemical composition from local and commercial grains, probably due to seed variety, crop conditions and grinding method used. LQF can be used in the formulation of fermented milks at 1%. The utilization of LQS and flour in added-value products provides an opportunity for innovation and food diversification.