Tell students in the lesson before that headphones will be required. Cold War ITC lesson LO: To understand how and why tensions increased in the Cold War. To evaluate how propaganda and leadership in this period increased the tension. Outcome: Students complete independent research to produce a top secret dossier (word on google docs – they need to email this to themselves and print off by the next lesson) on their given aspect. Lesson 2: Stickers to show which side they are on. Americans all meet up and USSR to share their findings (flags on the desk). They are then split up and asked to form new groups where each side is represented – seated facing each other. On a ppt have issues for discussion – 1. “We are right to be concerned because you are building technology intent to destroy us.” 2. “Spies are everywhere.” 3. “Media proves the danger you pose to us.” They share their knowledge. Then go back and either discuss and answer the questions below in their books or set questions for hw. Plenary – feedback. USA on USSR military strength, leadership, technology. USSR on USA. USSR spies in US – USA and McCarthyism - Look at victims and injustice. Understanding of US citizen’s perspective from media and propaganda – how to spot a communist Anti soviet propaganda Understanding of USSR citizen’s perspective from media and propaganda – what is the message of this cartoon? Anti American propaganda NEED SUBTITLES Questions What did each side fear about the other? How did each side use propaganda to further their fear? How important do you think the leaders were in creating a negative impression of the other side? Having listened to both sides, what have you learnt about the Cold War?
Cold War Propaganda SPIES Tension
How did the leaders and propaganda affect the Cold war? How and why did Cold war tension increase? Propaganda SPIES How did the leaders and propaganda affect the Cold war? Tension
Lesson 1- Task 1. Amidst the tensions and fears of the early cold war years you have been assigned the very important and trusted job of creating a dossier for your government You are responsible for one area of concern and will need to carefully research and be ready to represent your country at the upcoming summit meeting
Use the links to read and produce a one page dossier on the concerns and fears of your country. You should focus on the aspect or subtopic you have been given on your slide. You may include images.
USA on USSR military strength, leadership, technology.
USSR on USA. military strength, leadership, technology
USSR spies in US – an American view
USA and McCarthyism - A Russian view Look at victims and injustice.
Understanding of US citizen’s perspective from media and propaganda – how to spot a communist Anti soviet propaganda
Understanding of USSR citizen’s perspective from media and propaganda – Anti American propaganda - what is the message of this cartoon? NEED SUBTITLES(how to get subtitles onto the anti-American Polish clip for the Cold War lesson, you just need to click on ‘cc’. This is on the right of the screen,)
Lesson 2- the Summit meeting! LO: To understand different perspectives and to make a conclusion on the key issues of the Cold War
Issue to be discussed number 1 “We are right to be concerned because you are building technology intent to destroy us.”
Issue to be discussed number 2 “Spies are everywhere.”
Issue to be discussed number 3 “Media proves the danger you pose to us.”
Reflection What are your conclusions: What did each side fear about the other? How did each side use propaganda to further their fear? How important do you think the leaders were in creating a negative impression of the other side? Having listened to both sides, what have you learnt about the Cold War?