Unit 8: The Cold War.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 8: The Cold War

Origins of the Cold War The Cold War lasted from the end of WWII (1945) until the collapse of the Soviet Union (late 1989/early 1990) The United States and the Soviet Union represented different fundamental values. The U.S. represented democracy and a free market system. The Soviet Union was a totalitarian government with a communist economic system.

Communist takeover in China When Mao Zedong and the Communists took over China in 1949, after decades of civil war and Japanese occupation, the country was in terrible shape. Rather than becoming strong allies with the Soviet Union, the countries became rivals for territory and control.

The Truman Doctrine of “containment of communism” was a principle of foreign policy throughout the Cold War. Its goal was to keep communism from spreading and into other countries.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed as a defensive alliance among the United States and western European countries. Soviet Allies in Eastern Europe formed the Warsaw Pact .

National Security Act (1947) The Act created 3 new American organizations geared towards modernizing military capability. 1. Department of Defense (replaces War Department) 2. Creation of the National Security Council (helps coordinate foreign policy) 3. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to employ spies in foreign governments.

The threat of nuclear war was ever present throughout the Cold War America, under President Eisenhower, adopted a policy of “massive retaliation” to deter any nuclear strike by the Soviets.

From Actual War to Cold War http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpYCplyBknI

Classwork Get with a partner and read the primary resource: The Emerging Cold War. Answer the four discussion questions ON YOUR OWN PAPER. 

Do Now: 1. What was the major reason for the Cold War? 2. What was the purpose of the Truman Doctrine? 3. All of the following Presidents were in office during the Cold War EXCEPT: A. Harry Truman B. Dwight D. Eisenhower C. Ronald Reagan D. Franklin Roosevelt

Hot Spots in a Cold War

The Korean War 1950-1953 Goal was containment of communism. After communist North Korea invaded South Korea, American military forces led a counterattack.

Communist Chinese forces came into the war on the side of North Korea and the war eventually ended in a stalemate. The 38th parallel line is the official divider of North and South Korea.

Korean War http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fnnqTAsS48

The Vietnam War 1959-1975 Again, another goal of containment of communism. The communist government of North Vietnam attempted to force a communist government in South Vietnam. The United States help South Vietnam resist.

The Gulf of Tonkin Incident, 1962 The Gulf of Tonkin incident also known as the USS Maddox incident, involved what were originally claimed to be two separate confrontations involving North Vietnam and the United States in the Gulf of Tonkin. This eventually led to the US approval for expansion of the Vietnam War.

The American military buildup in Vietnam began under President John Kennedy. After Kennedy’s assassination in 1963, the buildup was intensified under President Lyndon Johnson.

America became bitterly divided over the issue America became bitterly divided over the issue. While there was support for the American military others opposed the war, especially on college campuses.

Counterculture A new culture expressed by young people in a rebellious style of dress, music, drug use and communal living. Most widely known as “hippies” or “flower Children”…this abruptly ended in the early 70’s.

After Lyndon Johnson declined to seek re-election, President Nixon was elected on a pledge to bring the war to an honorable end. He instituted a policy of “Vietnamization”, withdrawing American troops and replacing them with South Vietnamese forces. Ultimately “Vietnamization” failed.

Gerald Ford assumed the Presidency in August of 1974. President Nixon was forced out of office by the Watergate Scandal. (a break in at the Democrat National Headquarters and Nixon’s party attempted cover-up) Gerald Ford assumed the Presidency in August of 1974. In 1975, North and South Vietnam were merged under communist control. What if Nixon never resigned? http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2016/10/06/counterfactual-files-watergate-what-if-nixon-didnt-resign-timothy-naftali-jql.cnn/video/playlists/the-counterfactual-files/

Unlike veterans of WWII, Vietnam veterans returned to face indifference or outright hostility from society. It was not until several years after that Vietnam veterans were recognized. Nov. 1982

Vietnam Clip Forrest Gump! 

Cuba Cuba was also a site of Cold War confrontation. Fidel Castro led a communist revolution that took over Cuba in the late 1950’s. Many Cubans fled to Florida and later attempted to invade Cuba and overthrow Castro. This “Bay of Pigs” invasion failed.

Eventually, the Soviet leadership removed their missiles. In 1962, the Soviet Union stationed missiles in Cuba, instigating the Cuban Missile Crisis. President Kennedy ordered the Soviets to remove their missiles, and for several days the world was on the brink of nuclear war. Eventually, the Soviet leadership removed their missiles. Nikita Khrushchev John F Kennedy Fidel Castro

Cuban Missile Crisis What if the Cuban Missile Crisis led to war? http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2016/10/06/counterfactual-files-what-if-cuban-missile-crisis-led-to-war-timothy-naftali-jql.cnn/video/playlists/the-counterfactual-files/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkuwS9E-FLo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwWW3sbk4EU

Classwork Create a Three flap foldable detailing the Three Hot Spots in The Cold War Also, Complete the Matching Sheet. Glue to the back of your foldable.

Do Now: 1. What are the three hot spots during the Cold War? 2. How did the Korean and Vietnam war end? Where in the world are they located? 3. Why didn’t Vietnamization work? 4. Put these in order: A. Vietnamization began B. Nixon elected C. South Vietnam fell D. Students protest war

Impact of the Cold War at Home

During this time, American schools regularly held drills to train children what to do in case of a nuclear attack (duck and cover) American citizens were urged by the government to build bomb shelters in their own basements.

Alger Hiss worked for FDR and the state department Alger Hiss worked for FDR and the state department. He was found guilty of perjury and sent to prison. The Rosenberg's had ties to the Manhattan Project spies. They were found guilty of treason and executed. The convictions of Alger Hiss and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for spying for the Soviet Union increased domestic fears of communism.

Senator Joseph McCarthy played on fears of communism by accusing many Americans of being communists. This led to the coining of the term McCarthyism – the making of false accusations based on rumor or guilt by association. This led to the creation of the Un-American activities committee which investigated ANYONE, celebrities included, who were thought to be communist. Noted celebrities: Lucille Ball, Langston Hughes, Dalton Trumbo

The heavy military spending led to a huge military presence in Virginia; especially in Hampton Roads and D.C.

Video: Duck and Cover!

Classwork: Cold War DBQ: Prompt: Discuss how the Cold War affected United States domestic policy and American society.