Examination Technique Hitler’s Germany History iGCSE Examination Technique Paper 1 Cold War
Assessment Overview Knowledge and skills Paper 1 50% of total iGCSE marks 90 minutes Depth Studies Paper Option 5: Hitler’s Germany Option 8: The Cold War Knowledge and skills Type of question Marks available Recommended timings a) Chronological Sequencing 3 3 minutes b) Description of consequence 4 7 minutes c) Explanation of causation 8 10 minutes d) Using the source and own knowledge to give an explanation. 10 20 minutes
Paper 1: Development of Dictatorship in Germany Specification
Key words The Treaty of Versailles Diktat Weimar Constitution Paper 1: Development of Dictatorship in Germany Key words The Treaty of Versailles Diktat Weimar Constitution Spartacist and Kapp unrisings Ruhr and Hyperinflation Stresemann Dawes and Young Plans League of Nations, Locarno Treaty and the Kellogg- Briand pack German Worker’s Party Munich Putsch, 1923 Wall Street Crash Goebbels and Propaganda SA, SS and the Gestapo Von Papen, Von Schleicher and Von Hindenburg Reichstag Fire Enabling Act Night of the Long Knives Indoctrination Holocaust Final Solution Total War Edelweiss Pirates, White Rose Group Stauffenburg Plot Hitler
Past Paper Questions (Sample Material) Paper 1: Development of Dictatorship in Germany Past Paper Questions (Sample Material)
Paper 1: Development of Dictatorship in Germany Past Paper Questions 2011
Paper 1: Development of Dictatorship in Germany Past Paper Questions 2012
Paper 1: Development of Dictatorship in Germany Past Paper Questions 2014
With revision, create a timeline of the key events in Germany 1918-45. Paper 1: Development of Dictatorship in Germany and the Cold War Question Technique Part (a), 3 marks This question requires you to place a series of events in the correct chorological order. With revision, create a timeline of the key events in Germany 1918-45. The key to this question is consecutive sequence (i.e. the events are in the right order next to each other). Leave an event out if you are unsure about its place in the sequence.
Mark Scheme Part (a), 3 marks Paper 1: Development of Dictatorship in Germany and the Cold War Mark Scheme Part (a), 3 marks
Dawes Plan, Young Plan, Nuremberg Laws, Kristallnacht Paper 1: Development of Dictatorship in Germany and the Cold War Example Answers Part (a), 3 marks Candidate A Dawes Plan, Nuremburg Laws, Ghettos, Kristallnacht, Young Plan. Candidate B Ghettos, Nuremburg Laws, Dawes Plan, Young Plan, Kristallnacht Candidate C Ghettos, Dawes Plan, Young Plan, Nuremburg Laws, Kristallnacht Candidate A – 0 marks, B – 1 mark C – 3 marks, D – 3 marks (leave an event out if you are unsure about its place in the sequence. Candidate D Dawes Plan, Young Plan, Nuremberg Laws, Kristallnacht
Choose one of the events and stick with your choice. Paper 1: Development of Dictatorship in Germany and the Cold War Question Technique Part (b), 4 marks Choose one of the events and stick with your choice. Focus on the question. ‘Effect’ means the results or the consequences of an event (i.e. what the event led to). Give the effect and explain it. Use the word ‘because’ to help you give a developed explanation. One short paragraph is enough!
One of the effects of the……… was that it enabled…………. Paper 1: Development of Dictatorship in Germany and the Cold War Writing Frame and Mark Scheme Part (c), 4 marks One of the effects of the……… was that it enabled…………. This is because…………..
Example Answers Part (b), 4 marks Candidate A Paper 1: Development of Dictatorship in Germany and the Cold War Example Answers Part (b), 4 marks Candidate A The Dawes Plan gave loans to Germany. It helped Germany with reparation payments. Candidate B One of the effects of the Dawes Plan was that it enabled Germany to make her Reparation payments. This was because the Plan based the payments on Germany’s capacity to pay, and gradually increased them as her economy recovered. Candidate A – A statement, 2 marks. Candidate B – 4 marks.
Question Technique Part (c), 8 marks Paper 1: Development of Dictatorship in Germany and the Cold War Question Technique Part (c), 8 marks The focus is on a developed explanation of causation. Two paragraphs. Use the wording of the question to keep a tight focus throughout the answer. Begin each paragraph with the reason followed by a developed explanation. Make links between reasons. Use words and phrases such as moreover, however, this led to, this meant that. Write a conclusion confirming the link between the two reasons.
*The first reason that ……….. was the ……… *This was because…… Paper 1: Development of Dictatorship in Germany and the Cold War Writing frame. Part (c), 8 marks *The first reason that ……….. was the ……… *This was because…… *In addition to this, the second reason that ….. Was the….. This was because…. In conclusion,
Mark Scheme Part (c), 8 marks Paper 1: Development of Dictatorship in Germany and the Cold War Mark Scheme Part (c), 8 marks
Example Answers Part (c), 8 marks Candidate A Paper 1: Development of Dictatorship in Germany Example Answers Part (c), 8 marks Candidate A The first reason that Hitler was able to establish a dictatorship in the years 1933-34 was the Reichstag Fire of February 1933. This was because the fire enabled Hitler to remove possible his greatest rivals, the Communist Party. The arrest of van der Lubbe, a Communist, near the fire, gave the Nazis the excuse to blame the Communists and suggest that they were planning a takeover. Hitler persuaded Hindenburg to sign the ‘Decree for the Protection of People and State which suspended civil rights and allowed the Nazis to imprison large number of political opponents, especially communists. Communist news papers were also banned. A second reason that Hitler was able to establish a dictatorship was the Enabling Act. This was passed in March 1933 and gave Hitler and his government the power for the next four years to pass any laws without the Reichstag – in other words the powers of a dictator. He was able to use these powers to introduce, in July 1933, the Law against the Formation of Parties, which made the Nazi Party the sole political party in Germany. All other parties were banned. Candidate A – L3 7 marks (links required). Conclusion would enhance the links between factors.
Question Technique Part (d), 10 marks Paper 1: Development of Dictatorship in Germany and the Cold War Question Technique Part (d), 10 marks The source will always be from a textbook. Read the source and underline any words, phrases, events, dates of people that you can expand on. This will ensure that you use your own knowledge in the answer. You need to directly refer to the source in your answer. 3 paragraphs needed (one factor per paragraph). You must make links between factors, ‘this led to’, ‘as a result’, ‘this meant that’, ‘as a consequence’. Conclude needed.
Paper 1: Development of Dictatorship in Germany and the Cold War Writing frame. Part (d), 10 marks *The first factor……….. as mentioned in the Source was the…….. This is because…….. This is linked to another factor mentioned in the source………. This is an issue (link to the question), because…..
Mark Scheme Part (d), 10 marks Paper 1: Development of Dictatorship in Germany and the Cold War Mark Scheme Part (d), 10 marks
Example answer Part (d), 10 marks Paper 1: Development of Dictatorship in Germany and the Cold War Example answer Part (d), 10 marks Candidate A – L1, 2 marks. Candidate B – Lacking focus and developed knowledge.
Example answer Part (d), 10 marks Candidate C Paper 1: Development of Dictatorship in Germany and the Cold War Example answer Part (d), 10 marks Candidate C Candidate C – Using the source and the words of the question adds focus. Linking evident in the conclusion – could develop links throughout the answer.
Paper 1: A world divided: Superpower relations Specification
Key words Capitalism Communism Yalta and Potsdam conferences Paper 1: A world divided: Superpower relations Key words Capitalism Communism Yalta and Potsdam conferences Soviet Union Iron Curtain Churchill, Stalin, Truman Berlin Blockade and airlift NATO Warsaw Pact Korean War Khrushchev and peaceful co-existence Hungarian revolution De-Stalinisation U2 Crisis Paris Peace Conference Berlin Wall Castro Kennedy Bag of Pigs Weapons of Mass Destruction
Past Paper Questions (Sample Material) Paper 1: The Cold War Past Paper Questions (Sample Material)
Paper 1: The Cold War Past Paper Questions 2011
Paper 1: The Cold War Past Paper Questions 2012
Paper 1: The Cold War Past Paper Questions 2014