Understanding Your Child’s IEP PTI & Answers4families Webinar Informational Sessions from the convenience of your Office or Home – 12:30pm or 8:30pm Understanding Your Child’s IEP Presented by PTI Nebraska Guest Speaker – Jenn Miller
Parent Training and Information Nebraska PTI Nebraska is a statewide resource for families of children with disabilities and special health care needs. PTI Nebraska's staff are parent/professionals PTI Nebraska conducts relevant workshops across the state. PTI Nebraska has printed and electronic resources available at no cost. PTI Nebraska encourages and supports parents in leadership roles locally and statewide.
Parent Training and Information Nebraska You are encouraged to contact us or visit the office if: You would like information about your child's disability You have a question about your child's special education program You would like to schedule a workshop in your community You would like to talk to another parent www.pti-nebraska.org
Family to Family Health Information Center PTI Nebraska is the home of Nebraska’s Family to Family Health Information Center “This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number and title for grant amount (H84MC08009, Family Professional Partnership CYSHCN, total $95,700, no other additional funds provided). This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.”
Thank you to Our Partner Special thanks to Answers4families in providing the website connection allowing PTI Nebraska to share information with families and professionals free of cost.
For more information about: Check out answers4families.org For more information about: children with special healthcare needs and/or disabilities Discussion groups to make connections with families all over the state Register to Answers4families for access to Ask an Expert and Ask Rx Nebraska Resource & Referral System (NRRS) A state wide system to locate services in your area by State, county, city or zip code.
Webinar Information Please ask questions to guide your learning. Type in the question box on the right Documents are available Click in the box on the lower right side of the presentation to download to your computer or Request to be sent by email Certificate of Attendance is available Indicate on the evaluation and it will be sent by US mail
Jenn Miller Training and Information Specialist Understanding Your Child’s IEP Jenn Miller Training and Information Specialist
Individualized Education Program - IEP “A written statement for a child with a verified disability that is developed, reviewed and revised in a meeting in accordance with Section 007 which specifies the special education and related service necessary to assure the child a free appropriate public education.”
The IEP includes: A statement of the child’s present levels of academic achievement and functional performance – how your child is currently doing in school A statement of measurable annual goals and objectives-if applicable Info about alternate assessment
The IEP includes: Descriptions of: Progress toward the goal Periodic reports Statement of Special education services Related services Including transportation Supplementary aids and services Nursing Services with the IHP*
The IEP includes: LRE – Least Restrictive Environment Appropriate Accommodations Academic achievement Functional performance Projected Dates Beginning Services Frequency Location Duration
The IEP includes: Transition Services for students 16 or older Younger if deemed necessary by team Education, employment, independent living skills Extended School Year Services (ESYS) Determined by IEP team Regression, recoupment, breakthrough/emerging skill
The “Shall Considers” Strengths of the child – Concerns of the parents Recent evaluation results Academic and functional needs Behavior interventions and supports Child’s communication and language needs Braille instruction (if vision impaired) Assistive Technology Supplementary aids and supports Physical education services Routine check of hearing aids These are things that have to be considered and looked at.
Documentation – Write it down! The need for related services must be documented ALL decisions about the supports, accommodations, and modifications that are going to be provided to your child needs to be written down and documented in the IEP
Individual Healthcare Plan & the IEP Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP) For students who need skilled medical care at school Written by an RN with family and school administration Needed for medical safety of the students who needs care IHP is named and referenced in the IEP IHP can assist to resolve issues with the IEP if medical care is needed Talk with the school nurse & school administration about how the IHP PTI has an IHP booklet – call and ask for it.
Three Important ?’s What interventions/strategies are we currently doing? How effective are they? What does the data/documentation say? What other interventions/strategies can we implement?
Evidence-Based Practices IDEA requires that schools use programs, curriculum, and practices based on “scientifically-based research” “to the extent practicable.” This means that whenever possible, the educational interventions being used must be strongly supported by evidence from well-conducted research studies.
Don’t Forget That… The IEP is to be accessible to all your child’s teachers Each professional needs to be informed of responsibilities You can request an IEP meeting AT ANY TIME!!
Documents provided by email or Download from the Webinar QUESTIONS?? Documents provided by email or Download from the Webinar
Thank You to Jenn Miller Thank you for attending this webinar on IEPs. I really appreciate your time! If you have any additional questions, please contact me at PTI-Nebraska. My direct line at our office in Omaha is 402-403-3913 800-284-8520
Jenn Miller jmiller@pti-nebraska.org 402-346-0525 800-284-8520 THANK YOU Jenn Miller jmiller@pti-nebraska.org 402-346-0525 800-284-8520
For More Information Contact: Nina Baker PTI Nebraska 402-346- 9233 800-284-8520 nbaker@pti-nebraska.org
Evaluation Please complete the evaluation. It will appear on your computer at the close of the webinar. Future funding and support of PTI Nebraska programs benefit from your honest evaluations Changes to programs come through comments on evaluations http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/PTIwebinar